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arrow right Are You a Sales Professional?

Many sellers like to describe themselves as professionals, but what is it that makes a seller a professional?Professional sellers conduct themselves in such a way that buyers respect and trust them. Professional sellers work with buyers, they don't sell to them.Many surveys  and studies have been conducted asking buyers what traits they value most in sellers. This information is invaluable for those who truly want to be toward the top of the sales profession.The list below shows the traits buyers say they want to see in sellers. For some sellers, these come very naturally, while for others perhaps it's a constant struggle to exhibit these traits.Nearly all the traits can be summed up in one word - professional.Are you a professional?Traits Buyers LikeHonest. Buyers want sellers to be honest with them. Give your prospects credit for being intelligent people who know that no product or service is without faults. Be forthcoming with those faults and at all other times. More often than not, buyers will find out the truth - if they already haven't figured it out.Knowledgeable. Make it a goal to know your products and services - and how they address customer needs - far better than your potential buyers. You should know the industry which you serve better than any of your competitors. Most companies do not train their salespeople enough to meet these objectives, so you must constantly take the initiative to learn these things on your own.Organized. For meetings with buyers, make sure you have a valid business reason and are properly prepared. Whenever possible, provide a proposed agenda in writing to your buying counterparts. Do it several days before the meeting to allow them time for input/feedback.Punctual. Buyers expect sellers to be on time, even if they - the buyers - are not. "My last appointment ran long" or "traffic was really bad" may be valid excuses on occasion, but there is no excuse for not letting the buyer know if you'll be more than a few minutes late. Solution-oriented. "Think outside the box," may be an overused phrase, but buyers want sellers who can provide creative ways to solve their problems. Talk to your current customers to identify creative solutions they used in conjunction with your products or services that you can share with prospects.Prompt. Return calls and emails the same day whenever possible and always within 24 hours. According to one expert, the current expected response time to an email is now four hours. Follow-through. Strive to always meet or exceed timeframes in which you've promised to provide information or other items to buyers. Exceed their expectations by providing the information more quickly than the promised timeframe. If you will not be able to meet the promised timeframe, let your buyers know as soon as possible. Don't make the mistake of thinking buyers will forget about your promises - they won't.Empathetic. Buyers want salespeople who genuinely care about their personal and professional needs and goals. The ability to identify buyers' personal wins is just as important, if not more important, than identifying business wins.Traits Buyers Don't LikeWhile it is critical to understand what traits buyers want to see in sellers, it is just as important to know what traits they don't enjoy. The list below shows what organizational buyers don't want sellers to be:One word describes most of these traits - unprofessional.Are you viewed as unprofessional by your buyers? In most situations, they surely won't tell you. What they will tell you is that your price was higher, the other company was a better "fit," or the other guys had a better solution.Are those your problems, or are you unprofessional?Unprepared. While you may like to think your buyers' worlds revolve around decisions involving your products and services, most times they do not. Unless they are in purchasing, buyers are paid to perform a specific task or function, not to meet with sales representatives. Always prepare for your meeting. This includes the appropriate research, written agenda (when feasible), written questions, and goals and objectives for the meeting. In the first few minutes of the meeting, review this information, along with the expected results or payoff for the buyer.Uninformed. In many industries, the bar has been raised significantly on how much buyers know about your products and services. Before a sales call, meeting, or presentation, anticipate the questions you'll be asked - and have the answers and/or information at hand. If you cannot confidently answer a question, say you don't know and give a specific process and timeframe for providing the answer. Aggressive. While aggressiveness may be touted by many sales experts and managers as a necessary trait for sales, buyers don't like overly aggressive sellers. In many situations, overly aggressive behavior can be construed as desperate, and buyers don't like to purchase from sellers who are desperate for business. Buyers may also believe that aggressive sellers are not interested in their needs and care only about generating a commission.An interrupter. There still may be a few industries where it is appropriate to show up without an appointment, but most professional sellers generate new business by setting appointments. It's funny to read stories where a sales representative "won the business" because he just decided to "show up" and ask to see the CEO. While a few of these stories may be true, there are many more untold stories where the CEO (or more likely an assistant) asked the sales rep to leave and never come back.A talker. This is another sales expert and manager favorite. "You've got to hire people who can tell a good story or joke and develop rapport with customers." That bus left long ago. Selling is much more about asking good questions and listening. Many sellers have the 80/20 rule backward - they are talking 80% of the time and listening only 20%. Undependable. Buyers don't like to work with sellers who do not follow through and do what they have committed to doing. If you're guilty of being undependable, figure out if you're over-promising or under-delivering - or both.Powerless. Buyers don't like to work with sellers who do not have the power or influence to make decisions on their own. If you consistently go to your superiors or to other departments for approval, buyers will quickly lose respect for you as a seller. Professional sellers view themselves as the CEO for their relationships with buyers. They have the power to get things done for the benefit of their buyers.A deflector. This is a seller who deflects the blame for problems that arise to external forces. Buyers don't like sellers who won't accept responsibility for customer satisfaction. Professional sellers are willing to be accountable to their buyers.To be a professional salesperson, conduct yourself as a professional. Your buyers will like it when you do - and you'll be more successful.Robert Reed is a consultant, speaker and president of TrustBuild. TrustBuild offers the Trust Seal Program to identify and differentiate trustworthy sales professionals from traditional competitors. Sealholders are provided with easy-to-use tools and information to help them break through the buyer "trust barrier" to gain a competitive edge and win more sales. Visit TrustBuild.com to learn more about the Trust Seal Program for trustworthy sales professionals.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Sales Skills for the Non Sales Professional

Have you ever wondered how in the heck you're going to do it? You are a lawyer who wants to make partner, an accountant, an engineer or other professional and part of your business plan is that you have to attract business customers? You've always detested selling, and you  can't see yourself doing it! As a matter of fact, sales people are a HUGE turn off to you!!!Yet, you HAVE to bring in customers!!!What ARE you going to do?Many of my current or former clients fit the above description. Many of them finally contacted me, a coach, when they were in trouble because they had NO CLUE where to start. They decided that they did need help, and they realized that only a professional could rescue the mess that they've made.And guess what? They survived! And not only did they survive, but they thrived! As soon as they realized that they didn't need to change their personality, become a raving fan, or over the top, they relaxed and settled into learning what they had to do.I'll take you through a typical client and what they learn to do.Kirk was a guy who found me in one of my Charisma classes! He was basically a smart fellow who was trying to make partner in his law firm. He had been told upon his hiring that he'd be responsible for attracting business to his company. He bluffed his way through the interview by mentioning how many people that he knew and how many big cases he had worked on successfully. He didn't mention that the business wasn't his, or that he was TERRIFIED of calling all of the people that he knew and asking for business!When Kirk and I finally got together I asked him to start by naming all of his strengths. We went over all of the benefits that any of his clients or future clients would get by working with him. I had him post these in his office so he'd never doubt how talented he really is in work.Next, we outlined what sorts of clients he should secure and then wrote a list of any current or former friends or colleagues that he knew. We developed an information sheet on each of them which would be later transferred to a contact management system such as ACT or Goldmine. On each of the sheets, Kirk had to go and write about the person. He wrote down anything he knew about them professionally or personally. These ranged from where they went to school to their spouses names, to their hobbies.Next, we put them in order from A Accounts ( HUGE!!!) down to D accounts (Barely worth calling) and everyone in between. When all was said and done, Kirk had a list of about 25 people on the A list and those were the ones that we focused on.Those names went into the computer. We then called and got all of their current information such as emails, secretaries names, firms, etc. We then wrote a letter that was sent to each of them announcing his new position and then said that Kirk would soon be giving a follow up call to say a quick hello. The letter was written in a casual manner, and not too formal. It definitely did NOT look like a form letter from a law firm!Over time, Kirk redeveloped these people into friends. He did it by meeting them to play basketball, going to networking events with them, or inviting them to political speeches. He was able to get tickets for a few of them to different events and basically became a resource to the whole legal profession for most of them. Kirk became a FRIEND to these individuals, their firms and as a result, guess what happened?Kirk started bringing in business of course! Not only that, but his bosses wanted to know what he was doing and how it all started. Needless to say, a few of his co workers were in the position to hire a coach and we duplicated Kirk's experience.Developing into a sales professional is a scary thought for someone who is afraid of sales. But turning into a resource for your friends and colleagues is not only fun, but a great way to learn and grow your business. And if you get stuck, call me! I'll help you through!Mary Gardner, The Charisma Coach! is an Executive Communications Consultant and Trainer. She works with, coaches and trains individuals, sales teams, executives, and celebrities. She owned and operated one of the first coaching institutions on the east coast, CCI, in NYC, Philly and NJ. Mary has appeared on ABC's 20/20 and has self published a book on public speaking. Mary is married to Sway and is mommy to Jeremy 5, and lives in Orlando, FL.For information contact: mary@marygardner.com or Web: www.marygardner.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Unmentioned KEY to Selling

PEOPLE DO BUSINESS WITH PEOPLE THEY KNOW, LIKE, & TRUST. PERIOD!See for yourself.Let me start by asking you this. Have ever taken your business from one company and given it to another (which sells the same product or service) because you just didn't like the person you  were dealing with. Have you ever said, "I don't know what it was about him or her, but I just didn't like them." Or, "I just don't trust him or her." Or, better yet, "I don't even know them."If you've ever said these phrases, as I suspect we all have, then you know E-X-A-C-T-LY how important it is to YOU, to do business with someone you know, like and trust!!In the beginning of any of my businesses, I knew people would do business with me if they only knew me. I also knew that once they got to know me, eventually they would like me, and more importantly trust me. Then I would be able to conduct business with them for years to come.The same will be true for you.Think about it for a second. The instant someone starts to trust you, you sense it, don't you? After that trust is established, moving forward becomes easier doesn't it? It can be with a friend, a loved one or in business. And it's peculiar because you can't really pinpoint it; you just know it's been verified.Stop for a minute and think of one person you trust completely. Can you explain why you trust him or her? It's hard to put into words isn't it? I know it is for me.There is nothing more powerful than trust. Nothing.On the other hand, we've all decided not to buy from a Salesperson because something just didn't feel right. Maybe we suspected they weren't telling us the truth, or the salesperson was side stepping our questions.When we sense deception or distrust, a very powerful alert mechanism is somehow automatically triggered in our innermost being. We don't think about it, it instinctively happens. It's built into us. It's as automatic as gravity. And, if we fail to yield to this built in INSTANT-WARNING-DANGER-ALERT REACTION, we will remain unsettled and uncomfortable regarding our decision.Do you know WHY you businesses repeatedly advertise and market to people? Because they're attempting to establish trust and likeability, by continually placing their products/services in front of prospects.That's why repetition, repetition, repetition is so vital in marketing and advertising to people who have no idea who you are.However, that style of relentless marketing and advertising is not necessary, but is considered obnoxious, to people that already trust you. Plus it's a lot less expensive!It doesn't matter how many books you've read on selling, marketing, advertising, or prospecting, the most important reason people BUY is they liked, and or trusted the individual or company that was selling.So, to make your prospecting easier (note I didn't say easy), wouldn't it make sense for you to contact people that you have already established trust with? You know who they are, and I promise you they'll be more open to your new venture than a complete stranger would be.You'll find your sales presentations, quotes, bids, estimates, and prospecting, easier if you will seek out those who already know, like and trust you.At the core of all transactions you'll find this truth to be the foundation.Scott Rauber Author, Speaker - How To Find Prospects Using Little or NO Money. http://www.getmorebiznow.com 727-733-8387

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right A Simple Sales Strategy: Talk to Yourself!

You are about to speak to a potential client, go to a networking meeting or give a presentation. What should you be saying to yourself in those few minutes beforehand? If you spend that time saying what I propose below, you will effortlessly and naturally become very  attractive to your potential clients. This approach is very powerful, I promise you.What if, in those few minutes, you say to yourself:* I desperately need this client.* I want their money.* I need to show them how good my services are.* I need to get them to listen to me.* I hope they think I am good enough.* I need to remember my

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Stop Selling! for the Million Dollar Contract

During the introduction of the "Stop Selling!" philosophy, we typically use the example of buying shoes to make the participants aware of the infinite number of ways buyers decide on purchasing simple items.While using this example makes it easy to get a deeper  understanding of buying behavior, it often creates doubts as to whether the "Stop Selling!" approach is equally applicable to selling high-value solutions in business-to-business (B2B) settings. As a matter of fact, this approach is practical for these situations as well.During my corporate career, I was involved in mostly technical solution sales with order values typically ranging from 20,000 to 4,000,000 USD. Now that I'm working with the "Stop Selling!" approach, I realize that this method would've been extremely useful at that time!Let's have a look at the key benefits of this unique approach and how they are achieved:1) Creation of deeply trusted relationships for long-term recurring business 2) Acceleration of the buying decision, leading to more time available for more sales 3) Improved margins by becoming a truly trusted partner1) Recurring sales through deeply trusted relationshipsThe "Stop Selling!" approach is much more than a method. It is based on a mindset that differs quite considerably from the typical sales mindset.Most salespeople believe that once they discover a customer need that could be satisfied with their product (products can be goods, services, solutions, etc.), they have something to sell. As a consequence, perhaps after some further needs analysis, they start pitching their product, hoping that it will lead them to a sale.However, even though a buyer may have a need that perhaps could be met by the seller's product (or the product of the competition, for that matter), it doesn't necessarily prompt him to act upon that need. There can be numerous reasons for this behavior, including poor prioritization, lack of budget, complicated approval processes, and so on.It is therefore important for a salesperson to acknowledge that identifying a need that could be satisfied is pretty meaningless unless the buyer realizes that this need is important enough for him to act on it.If the salesperson is willing to accept the possibility that there might be nothing to sell at this point even though he sees a potential need, only then will he be able to interact with the buyer without creating any pressure.The "Stop Selling!" approach promotes the concept of NATOO ? "Not being Attached To our Own Outcome". If a salesperson is able to shift his focus completely to the best possible outcome for the buyer independent from the seller's own outcome, he will be able to display true care, resulting in relationships based on deep trust.Using this approach could mean that for the buyer, the best outcome might be not to buy, or to buy from another supplier.During our

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Secrets to Getting in Front of Your Best Prospects

As a salesperson, your ultimate goal, of course, is to make that sale. But the process begins with selecting your best prospect. The objective is to spend more time with your best prospects and less time with suspects.In order to do that, there are three 'secrets' or keys  to getting in front of your best prospects:? Define or identify who your best prospect is.? Be active. The primary reason sales people fail is lack of activity and/or focus.? Be persistant. Follow up with clients. Be there when they need you.Who, then, is your best or ideal prospect? The obvious answer is anyone who has a need, can write a check or make a decision. If you were to pursue that avenue, however, you would be reaching out to nearly everyone. Remember, you're not interested in any prospect, you need to identify your best prospect.For example, if you asked a successful realty agent who their best clients are, they would say someone who is renting but looking to buy, or a homeowner who wants to sell. That makes sense, but it's too ambiguous. The next logical question would be "What is your primary source of income?" The answer: Listings ? a realty agent's best prospect is someone who wants to sell their home, because that's where the money is.You have narrowed the field, but need to take it a step further. Your next question, then, is "Who is most likely to sell their home?" We posed this question to Paradigm Associate real estate clients.After careful thought, consideration and research, they identified three target groups who would be most likely to sell their home in the Metro New York area. They include households that no longer have children in the school system, therefore, they do not want to pay exorbitant property taxes associated with large single family homes; households impacted by consolidations and layoffs in banking, finance and advertising ? many have decided they no longer can afford or need the proximity to New York City; and homeowners employed by international companies where employees are likely to be transferred every few years, because often, they are responsible for buying/selling their own homes.Based on that information, it would make sense to devise a selling strategy that focuses on reaching out to these three specific market segments as opposed to reaching out to everyone who may or may not move in the next two years.Therefore, when defining who your best prospect is:? Review your prior sales records and activity logs and compile a list of why your customers purchased from you in the past.? Next, confirm that these are, in fact, the reasons they selected your firm. The most effective way to do this is to call your customers.? Ask your clients the following questions ? What was the major benefit you received by working with our organization? Why did you select us and not our competition? What advice do you have for us? That is, what should we be doing more/less of? What should we be doing differently?The first two questions remind both you and your clients about your strengths, your capabilities and they reaffirm the things you do well. It's much easier to reach your best prospects when you are clear about what distinguishes you from your competition. The third question allows you to develop a close relationship with your customer. Not only will you discover future needs, but it presents an opportunity to become a trusted advisor. More often than not, the best prospects in your market will buy from those they trust.Once you have identified your best prospect, remain active. Ask yourself the following questions:? Do I have a list of 25 decision makers I can contact each day?? Do I see at least one key decision maker each day and have an agenda prepared for them?? Do I have a clear picture of how my product or service can benefit my future client?? Do I have goals in place for each of my customers?? Do I have a follow-up system in place?That last question leads to my final point ? You need to be persistant. In my more than 18 years of sales training, what I have found in tracking results is that our clients work with us not because of our good looks, best jokes or tee times, but because we follow up.The best and most successful firms are those whose sales people are persistant. I recently had a discussion with Lew Hoff, Founder and CEO of Bartizan Data Systems. He told me about his firm's first client which he signed on in 1970 and who remains with him today. Through the years, this client has provided Bartizan with more than $1.5 million in revenue. After all these years, Lew asked his customer why they chose Bartizan over the four more experienced providers. His client's response was, "Because you were the only one who followed up."Michael W. O'Reilly is a Senior Business Development Director for Paradigm Associates, LLC, an executive leadership development firm based in Cranford, NJ. He specializes in working with privately held companies that are focused on succession planning or assuring optimal value as a takeover target. His primary focus is helping organizations implement strategies to double their business, strengthen systems and gain easier access to capital. Recognized as a former salesperson, trainer and franchisee for Dale Carnegie Training, O'Reilly and his instructional and sales teams have worked with more than 3,000 business people from 200 different companies. He is a recognized speaker on the subjects of sales strategies and business development.Visit http://www.ParadigmAssociates.US

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Make Your Referrals Count

Just because we receive a referral, it doesn't mean that the sale is ours and the deal is closed even before we make contact.For all you know, the person being referred to you may have also been referred to someone else, so don't take your referrals for granted.Treat your  referral as though it is someone that you have never heard of before, make believe you were cold calling and came across this name on your list, and when you called them, they showed interest in your product.Now, you would never treat your very own hard earned customer with anything but the best customer service, would you?Of course you wouldn't, you found this customer on your own through hard work and you want to keep them.Think of your referral in the same light.Far to many times I have seen referrals that have been given to people that just let them sit around for days. The assumption is, I believe, that because this customer was referred to them, that it is a done deal and they can take their time with it. This is not the case.The minute you get a referral, you should be calling that customer, the simple fact that you believe a referral to be a done deal, should be all the reason in the world to call them immediately.The customers point of view . . .If a customer is looking for a particular product or service, and they put the word out on the street, they will be expecting a phone call very soon.Lets suppose you were looking to have your bathroom updated, and a friend of yours referred you to a guy who installs kitchens and bathrooms, and you never heard from the guy, and if you did it was many days after the guy received your referral. You probably wouldn't be too thrilled about doing business with him now, would you? I doubt it.So the next time you get a referral, make it count, call that customer immediately, they are sitting by the phone, waiting on your call.When it comes to referrals, don't hesitate for a second, because if you do, your referral could end up in the hands of your competition. Best of LuckThis article may be reproduced by anyone at any time, as long as the authors name and reference links are kept in tact and active.Jay Conners has more than fifteen years of experience in the banking and Mortgage Industry, He is the owner of http://www.jconners.com, a mortgage resource site, he is also the owner of http://www.callprospect.com, a mortgage lead company.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Do You Want To Sell More? Then Stop Trying To Be Everything To Everybody!

I know you've heard this a thousand times, but from the looks of things few businesses are following the advice?Far too many businesses (online or offline) define their target market as "anyone with a pulse and a wallet." (Not always in that order.)You read their  sales copy and it's the same old, walking on eggshells "corporate speak", devoid of personality, writing to a group style, as everyone else in their industry.Sure. They're not going to eliminate any "potential buyers"? But there're not going to stand out from the crowd and get their message noticed either!You need to define your target customer as specifically as possible. You should describe your customer in exacting detail. Not as a group, but as an individual. Get a laser focused, clear and precise image in your mind of one specific person. Know that persons sex, age, marital status, wants, needs, educational background, psychographics, demographics, geographics, technographics (level of technological sophistication), understand their psychological motivations, hopes, fears? Everything!And then (and only then) write your copy directly to that person. Craft your message to your target customer in a one-on-one, person to person style, keeping this focused image of who you are talking to clear in your mind.So? You've clearly defined your target customer. Great. Now you're ahead of 95% of the business in your market.Do you want to know how to jump ahead of the other 5%?(This next tip is something that very few top marketers talk about? But it just may be one of the most important activities you ever do for your business.)Clearly define who your customer IS NOT! Spell it out? Write it down? Let the world know, exactly who you REFUSE to do business with.Eliminate the freebie seekers, bargain hunters, complainers, whiners, price shoppers, deadbeats and time leaches (Michel Fortin calls them "Vampires"? I love that?)The first step in face to face selling is to qualify the prospect. So I've never understood why so many businesses are afraid to do the same thing when selling in print or on the computer screen. Cowards!Guess what? An amazing thing happens when you "take something away". By stating (unapologetically) in your copy that "This offer IS NOT for everybody?", "?only a select, elite few will qualify?", "?unless you meet the following qualifications, you can't beg us to let you buy this?", something magical takes place in the sales process.The dynamic changes, from YOU trying to convince the PROSPECT that they need your product? to the PROSPECT trying to convince YOU that they are qualified to buy what you are offering.So, stop worrying about eliminating part of your potential market by only focusing on your "ideal customer", the ones you eliminate wouldn't have bought from you anyway. And by adding a bit of "posture" to your copy, your conversion rates with your REAL market will skyrocket.Just remember this?If you try to be "everything to everybody", you will end up being "nothing to nobody".Want to improve your conversion rates? Get a FREE website evaluation from one of the worlds top eCommerce and traffic conversion experts. Visit http://www.web-site-evaluations.com/free today for your free, no-obligation website evaluation today!Eric Graham is the CEO of several successful online companies. Internationally recognized as a top authority on eCommerce, Website Conversion & Internet Marketing, he's an in-demand speaker & consultant.Get expert tips, advice, news and commentary on improving conversion rates, split testing, web usability, copywriting, internet marketing and more. Just visit Eric's popular Blog: http://www.conversiondoctor.com/conversion-blog/

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arrow right You Dont Love Your Kids if You Dont . . .

"You don't love your kids if you don't buy my vacuum cleaner." The salesman looked me right in the eye and didn't even flinch. He was sure he was going to get the sale. I was a caring Mom, of course I'd buy his vacuum.Now it was a good vacuum cleaner, but I wasn't buying  one that day, already said so before his demonstration. To make things worse, he had a young assistant with him, training him. The only reason I let them do the demonstration was the new kid said he needed a place to "practice", didn't matter that I wasn't going to buy one, "let me give you a free carpet shampoo".So I looked right back and told him exactly what I thought of his sales tactic. I also said that I didn't even think it was very effective, I'm sure he'd made many people angry. I could not believe it when he said that it did not matter since many would buy out of guilt or whatever. It had a lifetime warranty, thus no repeat customers. I guess he didn't want any referrals either, nor did he care about his reputation.Recently, I got a call from a person I do not even know. "If you are serious about your business, you will take 45 minutes to listen to my call. I promise your business will explode." (From a person who didn't know me and had never heard of my business) Now I admit, there are times when I get frustrated, blowing up things could be tempting, but no thanks. I declined. Now the vacuum cleaner was good, so I'll keep an open mind, maybe the program they are selling is good. I do care about my kids and my business. But the sales tactic still stinks.And we wonder why people hate sales. I'm betting that they met someone like that particular vacuum salesman. I suggest that he didn't understand sales. I didn't buy. Neither did my neighbors, amazing the power of word of mouth.But what if, after his demonstration, listening to me when I said I wasn't in the market for a cleaner, he was kind, thanked me for my time, left a couple of his cards for referrals?What if the person on the phone, instead of saying "Have I've got a deal for you, give me 45 minutes of your time or else . . ." introduced themselves, asked questions about myself and my business. There is no way they can know whether or not they have something that I need, unless they know a bit about my business. When and if they saw that they had something that would truly benefit me, then they could ask. I'm not going to give a total stranger 45 minutes just because they ask for it, nor do I want to learn better ways to market my business from anyone using this guilt trip technique.I'm not fond of the "If you don't buy now, you'll be sorry" deal either. I can remember looking at cars, and I'd hear "You can only get this deal if you buy this car right now." I bet if I showed up with cash the next day, that I could talk them into the same offer. But I do appreciate the car salesman who explains that since the '06 model is out, they have a great deal on the '05, but once it is sold they can't promise to find another. I always appreciate truth, even if there is some fear of loss involved. Don't pressure. "This deal may be gone, but I will see what I can do for you, whenever you come back."You have to admire Dr. Suess's "Sam I Am". He was persistent marketing his green eggs and ham. "Will you try them here or there?" "Will you try them in a box with a fox?" In the end, the character tried the eggs just to get him to shut up. Worked in the story, but I'd have hung up on the guy. I believe that try it to see if you like it is a great way to go, samples, money back guarantees, etc. But don't shove it down my throat.Consumers are bright. Find a nice way to get their attention without insulting them, show folks what you have to offer. Address any objections they have, clear up misconceptions, listen, and show concern for their needs. You don't love your customers if you don't treat them with respect and show that you care.Copyright 2005 Heidi CaswellHeidi Caswell, along with her accomplishments in raising seven wonderful children; operates her own business, Connect Simply which is dedicated to helping others stay in touch. Contact Heidi at heidi@connectsimply.com

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arrow right Peak Performance

One of the best books I have ever read is a 1986 classic written by Charles Garfield; Peak Performers: The New Heroes of American Business. Garfield spent nearly twenty years trying to figure out what causes some people to excel to amazing successes, while others bask in  the glow of mediocrity.He discovered all types of individuals can become peak performers, that they are made....not born. Regardless of industry, he uncovered these superheroes of the business world in every corner of the United States.Possessing key attributes, a peak performer will very likely:? Be motivated toward results by a personal mission  ? Posses the twin capacities of self-management and team mastery  ? Have the ability to correct course and manage changeEvery field has those who reach the top. There are those who are in the top 10% and then those dominate in the top 1%. I am constantly fascinated by those who have that

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 8 Must Questions to Ask in Every Sales Situation

Solving people's and organization's problems is ultimately what business is all about. Effective selling involves defining your existing or potential customer's problems. If properly "sold", a sales prospect will have his problems solved with your company's  products or services. To be successful at selling, you must systematically approach customers with a proven repertoire of qualifying questions that allows you to clearly understand your customer's current business challenges.In order to most effectively solve your customer's problems you have to ask questions, the "right" questions and most importantly, listen to the answers you get. The best source of information about a sales prospect's business problem is the prospect themselves. However, any seasoned salesperson will tell you that the customer does not always know what their problem is, how it happened or how to deal with it. Without a proven list of problem definition questions, a salesperson has little chance of achieving sales success.In every selling situation, there are eight fundamental questions that must be answered to ultimately generate a purchase commitment, a solution to your customer's problems:1) Does the customer know exactly what the business problem is? Are they giving you symptoms of a problem or the problem itself?2) How long has the problem existed? Is this a temporary situation or an ongoing challenge?3) What will happen if the problem continues? Short and long term ramifications should be explored4) What has been done thus far to address the problem? This answer could be your "door opener" later!5) What were the results of those efforts to "fix" the problem? Actions taken and money spent should be quantified here6) What is the cost thus far of this problem? Here you can determine what it cost them NOT to have your company's products7) Are there budgeted funds available to "fix" this problem? If there aren't, why not and will there be? If not, good luck!8) Who is involved and how is the purchase commitment to be made?You must clearly understand who the decision makers are and how the commitment decision is to be made. If you do not, there will always be "someone else" who will kill your deal within the organization!Once you have valid answers to all these questions you can accurately determine whether the products or services your company has to offer can cost effectively solve your customer's problems. If your products or services can solve your customer's problem you now have something to talk about!Before you begin your sales pitch, your explanation of how your offerings best meet their needs, be absolutely sure that you have all the decision makers at your presentation and have confirmed the money is budgeted to back up their purchases. If all the key decision makers are not present and you are not sure the funds are there to continue the relationship your probability of achieving sales success at this customer has been dramatically reduced!One Final Question: Ask for the Order!You may be wondering why, "Asking for the order" was not one of the "8 Key Questions to Ask in Every Selling Situation"? When you know your product or service can solve your customer's problem cost effectively, and it is clear they understand and sincerely appreciate the value of your product or service offerings to a level of justification that they can, and will, make a reasonable purchase commitment to you, you have AN OBLIGATION, not only to your company, but to your customer, to ask them to buy what your are selling! A simple way to do this is to ask: "What do you want to do next?" ? say nothing more until they respond.Effective selling can be as simple as striving to get accurate answers to these fundamental problem qualification questions. It is most interesting to experience how systematically going through these eight questions with your potential customer will reduce their tendency to generate purchase objections. Also, there is an interesting relationship or "bond" that develops between the salesperson and the customer when they are asked to explain and again experience why it cost so much for them NOT to have your products or services in their lives!Today's successful salesperson is a problem solver. How you define your customer's business problems can often be as important as how you eventually solve their problems. Use these fundamental problem definition questions as a format for your next sales call and see what happens. They could be the edge you need to get that order you thought you would never get!About the Author:Mark Smock is 30+ year veteran of the sales profession and President of http://www.business-buyer-directory.com, the FIRST international business buyer directory of its kind. Business Buyer Directory provides a non-traditional means for proactive business buyers to locate businesses for sale worldwide that meet their exact registered purchase criteria.

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arrow right 11 Proven Sales Strategies to Help You Close The Deal

There are a number of sales closing strategies that you can learn with different ones applied in different situations. Each salesperson might be more comfortable with one or another. As a business owner, you want to be certain that you and your salespeople become exposed to  a number of different strategies so they can choose the one they prefer depending on different situations.First you must understand that before you can assist your prospect in identifying the advantages of buying your products or services, you must also instruct them of the disadvantages.Then you and the prospect analyze the items on your list and identify the strengths and advantages while overcoming the disadvantages.The goal here is for the advantages to outweigh the disadvantages and close the deal.The take it with them close- This allows the prospect to actually take the product home or try out the product. The idea is that once this happens, the prospect will be unable to part with the product and must have it.There is a story about a salesmen who sold pet dogs. The salesman said

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Attitude Insurance

Everyone knows the importance of having a positive attitude, especially in the health insurance industry. Even negative people say that they have a positive attitude.All agents have seen it one time or another. They are at a meeting, and in the hallway during one of those  five minute breaks they notice a woman on the telephone. In fact, she's on the phone on every break. Finally one agent says,

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Choice between Yes and Yes: A Psychological Revelation

Three year old Kara was throwing a tantrum. She didn't want to go to bed, of that she was certain."Do you want to brush with the red or blue toothpaste?" her dad asked gently."Blue," she says, glad to be given the opportunity to make a decision.Ten minutes later, Kara was  well tucked up, wondering when she'd agreed to go to bed in the first place.You laugh at the story, don't you?The method used to get Kara into bed seems a bit like trickery. And who am I to say that it's not? Yet I want you to pay attention to one thing. Kara was glad to be given a choice between yes and yes.Your clients are not much differentClients come to you every single day asking you to give them a choice. A choice between yes and yes. Instead all you're giving them is a choice between yes and no.Mah friend, your bank account will see far better days if only you'd step back, and use the immense power of the choice between yes and yes.Of course, you don't have to believe that this choice factor works. You don't have to believe your sales will go up. All you have to see is proof. So in the article below I'll demonstrate the psychological factor of choice.How it can work for you and how it can turn against you and bite you in the you-know-where.It all started on one stupid loss-making November's day...We were doing fine with the sales on our website when we made one change. I'm going to demonstrate the change in the article below so it would help for you to have the page open so you can see what I'm talking about.If you look at this page at http://www.psychotactics.com/hiddenlink.php you'll find that you get the choice to buy two packages. One is the copy of the Brain Audit and the other choice is a copy of the Brain Audit + the Brain Audit Rip.Till the middle of November, we had both the offers up. Then one ego-driven morning we decided to pull the plug on one choice.We gave customers the choice between a yes and um..NO!Almost within 24 hours, our sales started going south for no reason at all. We ignored this sickening slack for about a week. Then we looked back at what was working. And we put back the choice between yes and yes.The customer was back in choice-ville and the sales soared.But here's the curious partAmong the two packages, one has a much higher price. Yet over 97.5% of customers, when given the choice between the two packages, chose the higher priced package.The customer is no dumboNo siree. The customer knows exactly what she wants. And when given the choice between yes and yes, she takes a decision to buy that which creates most value for her. Of course, if there's an enticement to buy, as was in this case, then there's a far greater likelihood of her buying the more expensive product.The customer is no dumbo...but I sure amThink about it. If your revenue shot up. If customers were buying higher-priced products what would you logically do? Wouldn't you take the same concept and use it everywhere you could?You'd think a smart person would do that, wouldn't you? (Which is why I qualified myself at the start of this paragraph). But no! As we speak, the only product that has a choice of YES and YES is the page I've already mentioned above.Don't stop at one point. Take the concept through it's pacesIf you're in consulting, look at the choice between yes and yes. Are you giving the customer a choice between package A and package B. Or do you offer just one package? If you're selling products, the concept of yes and yes choice stays put.And once you've found that the concept works, puh-lease don't do the dumbo bit. Audit every possible thing you sell. And put in a yes and yes factor. Not only will this bring you higher quantity of sales, but also an a much better price on every product/consulting assignment you do.I said yes and yes...NOT yes and yes and yes and yesYou, me, we all crave for choice. But give us too much and we go a little waka-waka in our brains. Because choice is based on rejection. To choose the strawberry flavour ice-cream, you must mentally refuse all the other flavours.(Read article on: The Curse of Choice) http://www.psychotactics.com/artchoice.htmIf you give a client too much to choose from, they will end up rolling their eyes, doing a RAM check and shut down their brains before you have time to do anything at all.Keep your options simple. Keep the choice between yes and yes.So that even a three-year old has no trouble choosing!Wouldn't you love to stumble upon a secret library of small business ideas? Find simple, yet electrifying ideas, on copywriting, public speaking, sales conversion, marketing strategy,psychological tactics and branding. Head down to http://www.psychotactics.com today and judge for yourself.

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arrow right Selling with Purpose

Selling With Purpose What is it about selling that makes you afraid? Do you get nervous at the hint of having to sell? Is it the fear of rejection that scares you? Is it the fear of not being able to communicate effectively? Define Your Fear. What is it about selling that  makes you afraid? Next question, how did you develop this fear? What is it based on?  a) Many people fear sales because they're afraid of being rejected as I mention.  b) Others simply fear being the center of attention; especially when giving a presentation in front a large group of people.  c) Some fear selling because they're simply unprepared to answer tough questions or don't have a deep understanding of the product or service they're selling.  d) Could it be you don't believe in the product or service your selling? e) Other _______________________________________________ Why do your fear selling? Circle one before you proceed.  Checking Your Premise. Now that you selected, I want you to check the premise of your answer. In other words, I want you to question the validity of your fear. If you chose C, for example, then your fear isn't selling; it has more to do with being unprepared and the potential 'shame' of being exposed in public. Take the necessary steps to learn the product; this confidence in your knowledge will minimize your fear. If you chose B, you have to question why you're afraid of getting up in front of others. Did you have a bad experience when you were younger? Or, are you still programmed by the "children should be seen and not heard' parental reminder? To overcome the fear, you must first check the premise (validity) of why you hold that fear. No one every died from giving a sales presentation...at least not to my knowledge.  Like What You Sell. I can't emphasize this enough. When you sell what you love, you're selling from a position of belief. When you believe in something strongly, that enthusiasm squeezes out the fear. Are you selling something your really believe in or are you selling in order to get a paycheck? If the answer is the latter, you may be successful selling, but you'll never achieve a true level of success (i.e., making money doing what you love). If you don't truly believe in what you're selling, you will always be selling from a position of doubt. Doubt breeds fear. Seek out products you love to sell.  Measure Success Over Time. Many trainers advocate measuring your successes on a daily basis. Let's get real here. Some of my days are full of setbacks making measuring success on daily basis painful. Daily actions are just minor events leading up to the main event; the sale. Don't measure minor events, measure main events. A runner doesn't count how many running steps it took to get to the finish line, he instead focuses on getting there! Stay focus on the main event, the sale, and not the day-to-day ups and downs.  Small Elephant Bites. Remember, the only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. Begin with small attainable objectives, than move on to larger ones. Build momentum. Indicators. When you succeed or have a win, take a mental inventory of how it came about. Analyze in your mind the steps you took to manifest this win. When things don't go well, do the same thing; analyze your thoughts and actions and ask,

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