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arrow right Why Salespeople Dont Take Risks

Proponents of traditional sales training simply teach the material, sometimes in a very entertaining format, but they place the responsibility for using the material on the salesperson.So what happens? The salesperson sits at home, stuck with personal flaws related to  identity, and he can't perform. He takes no risks. Not being able to use what he has learned simply makes him feel worse. He gets caught in a downward spiral of failure and rejection. He continues to find himself not doing what he's supposed to do ? for example, not leaving his home to make sales calls. Pressure, guilt, self-doubt, worry, and fear will eventually totally immobilize this salesperson.The Sandler Selling System separates identity and role. And by doing so, we reduce the risk factors in a salesperson's life. Since self-esteem cannot be hurt by the rejection of the sales process, a salesperson will continually take risks . . . more risks, and higher risks, leading to bigger sales.The Sandler Selling System doesn't merely teach techniques and strategies. Human relations skills are included as well. The result is that salespeople whom we train are able to use the techniques and strategies with ease and success.Tens Continue to GrowWhen I tell people their identity is always a ten, some of them argue that it's impossible, because a rating of ten implies they have no room to grow. The say, "If I was a ten when I was born, and a ten when I was eleven, and twenty-five, and I'm a ten today, then how did I grow?"Okay, imagine that you are going to plant a seed in the ground. The seed is going to grow into a rose. When you plant the seed, what's the value of the seed and everything in it? Can we agree that it's a ten?Now, after a couple of weeks of sunshine and water, a stem wiggles up from out of the seed and appears above ground. What's the value of that stem? Can it be anything other than a ten? If you say it's less than a ten, then explain when it lost value. It didn't, of course!So after six weeks, what's the value of the rose? In fifteen weeks, what's the value of the rose? It continues to be a ten. So the rose was a ten as a seed, and it's a ten now. And yet, didn't it grow?Just because your identity is valued at a ten doesn't mean you stopped growing. You grow all the time.However, that's not to say you don't have psychological "trash." In fact, everyone does! It's part of being human. If you were the only person with psychological trash, then you'd have a problem. But we've all got some of it, and in spite of it, we continue to be tens, and continue to grow.Excerpted from You Can't Teach a Kid to Ride a Bike at a Seminar, ©1995 Sandler Sales Institute. All rights reserved.Dan Hudock is an owner of the Sandler Sales Institute in Pittsburgh, PA. He can be reached at (724) 940-2388 or dan@sandler.com. His web site is: http://www.dan.sandler.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Better Listening Skills = More Sales

Today's business environment is intrinsically tied together by ongoing information exchanges between two people. This personal communication is most often facilitated by the spoken word. Understanding this information, as it flows within a dialogue between two people is  fundamental to improving one's selling effectiveness.One of the most significant business information exchanges is between a company's front line sales representatives and either it's existing or potential customers. Information processed between these parties will have a significant affect on many other employees within both party's respective companies as purchase commitments are made.Maximizing the effectiveness of aural business communication between sales personnel and customers hinges on two fundamental communication process components, talking and listening. It makes sense that no matter how well you articulate a message to a customer, if it is not effectively absorbed by your target audience the probability of sales success is greatly reduced.Why Do Salespeople Tend to NOT Listen Well?It is known that humans think faster than they listen. While a sales prospect is talking at an average rate of 125 words a minute, the average salesperson is thinking at a much more rapid rate. The act of listening, the differential between the salesperson's thinking rate and the prospect's speaking rate means the salesperson's brain can and does work with hundreds of other words, in addition to the ones being heard. Often the salesperson is thinking about what they should or will say at the expense of what the prospect is actually telling them.The challenge at hand for all sales personnel is to learn how NOT to construct their ideas and responses during the most critical stages of their selling process. This is not easy to do given the sales prospect is also subjecting themselves to the same listening distractions. It is no wonder so many sales calls "fall apart" after the salesperson missed a key point made by the prospect and consequently lost or never got the order.Many business professionals, especially those who make their living selling, depend greatly on their communication skills to enhance their overall job performance and maximize their income. Few salespeople have yet to even scratch the surface of developing their optimum listening skill potential. Many sales professionals have never had the opportunity to learn how to listen most effectively.Can A Salesperson Learn to Listen Better?A comprehensive study completed at the University of Minnesota examined the listening ability of several thousand students and hundreds of business professionals. One of the primary conclusions of this study was that immediately after the average person had listened to someone talk, they remembered only about half of what was actually said ? no matter how intensely they attempted to absorb all the information communicated.Our basic inability as humans to listen effectively requires us to utilize continuous educational reinforcement to truly master listening skills not only in a business environment but on a personal level as well. This means for a salesperson to be most effective in any selling situation a systematic effort must be made to consciously attempt to concentrate more on what is said to them, than what they will say in response ? this simple priority of aural information exchange elements will provide a significant selling advantage in almost every possible selling scenario.Prioritizing listening over talking in a sales situation is easier said than done. It takes training and ongoing integration into any selling technique process.Listening Skill Development Should be in All Sales TrainingAny training, especially sales training, should improve listening skills development. Like any skill set, practice in a controlled setting can not only build self awareness of listening deficiencies, but it can reinforce required skills to leverage other, associated selling tactics integrated in the sales process. As Vince Lombardi once said, "It's not practice makes perfect, its PERFECT practice makes perfect!"Six Steps to Improving Selling Listening SkillsAgain, with practice and conscious resolve, a salesperson can acquire the mental agility to become a better listener by mastering these six "mental listening exercises":1) Learn to "listen ahead": By "listening ahead", trying to anticipate where a discussion is leading to, during the dialogue, determining the conclusion in advance of your required response allows you to relax and improve information absorption2) Learn to periodically validate communicated information: By mentally striving to validate the accuracy and completeness of information points made by the prospect, especially during pauses in the dialogue, (which can be achieved with note taking), you can allow yourself to absorb more information easier, especially information forthcoming in the continued dialogue3) Utilize "Active Listening" techniques: By periodically, mentally summarizing the major points communicated by the prospect and voicing, reaffirming your interpretation of the points made back to the prospect you add a tremendous amount of clarity to the information exchanged thus far4) Strive to understand versus "Judging": By working to consciously understand what the prospect is saying versus the natural tendency of judging ? approving or disapproving what is said will allow you to absorb what is actually said more than any other listening development technique5) Use your eyes to "get the rest of the story" By listening with your eyes, paying attention to the prospect's body language, their nonverbal facial and body movements or hand gestures you can see what the whole body is trying to tell you, not just the mouth!6) Maintain a mental repertoire of common responses: By mentally developing and rehearsing how you are going to strategically respond to common sales prospect purchase objections, for example, in advance of a sales call, allows you to listen more effectively. A comprehensive mental inventory of common responses will also give you more confidence in any selling situation.Today's successful salesperson is ultimately an effective problem solver. Whether it is an existing or potential customer, the most successful sales people continuously strive to hone their listening skills to accurately define their customer's business intentions. If properly trained, and with constant practice, a salesperson will quickly realize that how they talk or present their product or service is relatively unimportant when compared to how and what they listen to, when guided by well honed listening skills.Applying the selling skills developed from these listening exercises can give extraordinary power, not only to the spoken word, but the words listened to, and may be, in practice, provide the only margin of victory in any given sales situation.About the Author:Mark Smock is President of http://www.business-buyer-directory.com, the FIRST international business buyer directory of its kind. Business Buyer Directory provides a non-traditional means for proactive business buyers to locate businesses for sale worldwide that meet their exact registered purchase criteria.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Top 5 Low Cost Ways To Get More Sales Leads And Sell More Without Cold Call

Cold calling may now be outdated. People have become defensive to cold calls and not many respond to them anymore. Cold calling is now about rejection, getting rejected call after call until many salespeople, especially B2B salespeople, just get fed up and quit. There are  other methods of generating business leads without cold calling, and many of them inexpensive and not too time consuming.Here is my list of getting more sales leads and selling more without cold calling:1. Create a website and advertise it. In this day and age, there is no reason why a business professional or entrepreneur should not have a website. Not having a budget for it is no excuse as you can, now, create your own website for under $100. For example, you can buy a domain name and website building software on godaddy.com for under $100, and that comes with easy to use website templates that anybody can use to build their own website. And, advertising is now cheap and easy as well. You can buy first page listings on google.com through Goggle AdWords. For example, if you were a commercial insurance broker in Portland you can buy a listing on Google for just 5 cents a click for the search phrase "Portland business insurance." This means it would cost just 5 cents for each visitor Google brings to your website.2. A new online sales lead generation website is trade-pals.com. Here, it is free to create a professional business profile in any business category and across all major North American cities. You just create a profile that says what you do, what type of business you want, who should contact you, and why people should contact you. If someone sees your profile and wants to do business with you, you will get an email stating exactly what they're looking for and, from this, you decide whether you'll purchase the person's full contact info (name, address, phone, email, and URL) which is the sales lead. Each email you receive will be from someone that has seen your profile and already wants to do business with you so the sales leads are top quality.3. You have business cards? use them; use them in creative ways. Every time I send mail, no matter to whom it's to, I include a business card. Every time I eat at a restaurant, I leave behind a business card. Every time I meet someone new, I offer a business card. You never know if the next person that sees your card will require your services. Make sure your business card clearly states what you do.4. Network at business functions and trade shows. Again, bring business cards.5. Create a free classifieds ad on craigslist.org. Craigslist is the biggest classifieds ad site on the internet and every day thousands, if not millions of people visit the site. Classifieds ads on the site stay posted for 45 days, so you only need to create an ad every 45 days. The best part is, these ads find there way into Google's search results so make sure your ad has keywords that your clients may be searching.Tino Buntic is an insurance salesperson and is also the creator of http://www.trade-pals.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The #1 Lead Generation System of Top Sales People

Developing an abundant supply of targeted referrals is the number one lead generation system used by top sales people.The first step to implementing any successful lead generation system is to get your attitude right. Becoming a "Master of Referrals" requires the  proper referral attitude.Many sales people believe that by asking for referrals they're putting people on the spot or being pushy. "I'll wait and if they want to refer someone to me they will". If this is your attitude you need to change it.Do you care about the people you do business with? Does that caring come "from the heart" instead of from your pocket? Do you care about the products or services your client's friends are buying? Do you believe your product or service is the best?I figure your answer is yes!If you truly believe your product or service is the best money can buy and you care about your clients and their friends, you're doing them a disservice when you don't implement this lead generation system of asking for referrals. If you don't they may end up with one of your competitors who offers less benefit, protection and advantage as you do.Your job is to make sure everyone in your client's network is looked after by the best. So make sure that's you!You see, your clients are probably too busy to continually think about helping people in their network. By using a lead generation system of asking for referrals you're giving them an easy way to help their friends. You're making sure they get the same top quality products and services.You've Got to Create a WOW ExperienceMost sales people only try to satisfy their clients. Statistics show that two out of three consumers that were merely satisfied with a company will never return. If you only meet the client's expectations, you'll never see two thirds of them again and you won't receive an abundance of referrals.So how do you get a client to come back to you again and again? How do you get your current and past clients to give you a personal endorsement to their friends and relatives?By implementing the second step of this lead generation system and creating a WOW experience! Make every clients experience special!How many of your friends, family and business associates would you refer to a company that??Takes care of your needs better than you ever expected ?Delivers more than they promise ?Makes you feel special every time you communicate with them ?Delivers amazing results for youIf you take the time to create a WOW experience for your clients, it's very possible every one of them will be selling for you.One of the easiest ways to get referrals is too continually over deliver. If you give much more than you promised, people will want to help you in any way they can.Over delivering should be the way you do business. The referrals, thank you notes and new friends you make are the bonuses you receive for doing your job.Make a genuine difference in people's lives and you'll always get lots of referrals.Make it Easy, Fun and Enjoyable to Refer People to YouPeople don't like doing difficult things unless there's an incredibly rewarding benefit in doing so. Even then many people still won't do something that appears too difficult.Many salespeople's clients are unsure about who to refer. Which means they have to do all the work by figuring out who to refer? So they may end up referring no one.Make sure your clients know exactly who to refer. Otherwise you're not going to get a high quantity or quality of referrals.The third step of this lead generation system is give each client a good idea of who they could refer.For example, The Realtor you recently purchased your home from could say to you?"Do you know anyone who recently had a baby, got married or received a promotion and might be thinking about buying or selling a house?If you do, I'm sure they could benefit from my services. After all you know how good my service is. So, please introduce them to us. If you do I'll be sure to do something wonderful to thank you."You can see how this helps you know "exactly" who the Realtor is looking for.So make sure you show a genuine interest in your clients, their families and friends. Make it your business that they receive the best products and services available, YOURS! Create a WOW experience for every client you do business with. Make over delivering your way of doing business. And make it easy for people to refer new clients your way by telling them who to refer.Follow the three steps of this lead generation system and you're on your way to creating an abundance of new target clients and becoming a Master of Referrals.Jim Klein is the owner of From The Heart Sales Training. He helps sales professionals attract new clients, close more sales and generate an abundance of referrals so they can increase their income and enjoy life more. Click Here Now to check out his personal sales coaching program.Click here now for free Sales Training. Sign up for our newsletter

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Clock is Ticking on Your Leads

Every day is critical when you are in the business of sales. That lead you receive today could very easily be gone tomorrow.It is very important to act on your lead the very second you get it, not an hour later, or a few days later.The second it is in one hand, the next  hand should be dialing the phone.Too often leads and referrals are taken for granted, sales people assume that because someone gave them a lead, that it is exclusive to only them. It is not, at any time one of your competitors can call that person and offer them a better price or a better service.I once worked with a guy in the mortgage industry. He received a lead from someone in his networking group on a Wednesday. He called the lead the very minute he got back to his office, and he was on his way to building a very nice relationship with her. By Thursday the two of them had come to a decision on a rate and product for her home that she was refinancing. Everything was moving along nicely.Or so it seemed.When he called her on Monday to follow up, it turned out that she was working with another loan officer, and would no longer be needing any of my co-worker's services.As it turned out, his customer was at a family reunion over the weekend. While making small talk, she mentioned that she was in the process of refinancing her home.One of her third cousins just so happened to be present at this conversation, and subsequently chimed in when he heard the word refinance.He proceeded to tell her that he was a loan officer and that if she allowed him an opportunity, he could most likely get her a better rate. After some more small talk, she decided that since she was only three days into the process of refinancing with someone else, that it wouldn't hurt to give someone in her family an opportunity to do business with her.So much for my co-workers loan.So keep this in mind the next time you receive a lead. It is not a given. Give your leads the same amount of attention as you would give a customer you worked your tail off to get, or one with a high profile.Keep in mind, every time you make contact with your customer, you are building a rapport with them, and strengthening the relationship you have with them. The more they speak with you the more they will get to know you and trust you.It doesn't matter if the lead is from a friend or a family member. If your customer can get a better deal with someone else, nine times out of ten, they will take the better deal.So call your leads as soon as you get them, give them exemplary customer service, be accessible at all times to answer their questions, and keep things moving. And remember, the clock is ticking on your leads.Jay Conners has more than fifteen years of experience in the banking and Mortgage Industry, He is the owner of http://www.jconners.com, a mortgage resource site, he is also the owner of http://www.callprospect.com, a mortgage lead company.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Dont Close Your Eyes Or Let Deaf Ears Fall Upon You

To listen to your customer is important, and to hear your customer is critical. But, to see what actions they take is the lifeline to your business.Recently, I was giving an introductory presentation of the Life Enrichment course to a group of Real Estate agents.The  objective was to sell the agents on participating in the Hypmovation Life Enrichment eight -session, six-week course. The course teaches people how to apply the science of self-programming the subconscious mind through self-hypnosis to improve all areas of life.During the twenty-two minute sales presentation, I asked questions of the agents to find out what was important to them.The questions were:? Do you wish that you could have more control over your life?? What if you could completely remove and eliminate the fear of cold calling on new prospects--would that be important to you?? How would your life change if you could permanently remove financial stress?During the questioning and probing period, I was getting all the right vocal, body language, and yes signs from the audience. However, I didn't feel like I had fully connected with what would influence or inspire them to take action and enroll in the training.While carefully watching my audience, the next question I asked got a resounding rise in energy from them. I knew now that I was on the right track.The question I asked next was-

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Reason Why They Buy

If you're a business person you want to sell your product or service. If it's been a struggle, then you probably aren't giving your potential customers a good "Reason Why" they should buy from you.Take off your "business person" hat for a minute, and put  on your "consumer" hat. You ARE a consumer when you need products other than your own. And why do you buy what you buy? Not just because it's there. Not because someone else needs your business. You buy because you think the product will meet your wants and needs.How do you know? Perhaps you've used it before. Perhaps a friend recommended this product or service. Or perhaps the advertising gave you a good "reason why" you should become a customer.The reality is -- we're all tuned into station WIFM: What's in it for me?When you put pen to paper and begin to draft your next ad, put yourself in your customers' shoes and ask yourself what's in it for them. WHY will your product or service give them more than someone else's? Do you offer better service? Faster service? Higher quality? Lower price? Greater variety? Better guarantee?What makes you stand out from the crowd?Whatever it is, that's what you must convey to your customer.Marte Cliff is a Freelance Copywriter with lots more tips to share. Sign up for her monthly ezine when you visit her at: http://marte-cliff.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Sharpening Your Sales Skills

Making a living in sales can be very rewarding, however, it can also be tough at times. That is why it is very important to stay on top of your game at all times.Making a sale doesn't happen by accident or by luck, the sale is made because the person doing the selling has  done a good job of explaining and representing their products.Here are a few activities that will help you and your co-workers keep your sales skills sharp at all times.Roll PlayingI know this sounds corny, but it really does work, and it puts everyone in the office in a good mood, because of all the laughs you will receive.Make up a few fake, but realistic sales scenarios for you and a fellow co-worker to act out. Take turns playing the customer and the sales person. Repeat the scenario several times until you become comfortable with it. If at all possible, find a third person to observe and critique your mach sales sessions. If this is not possible, than critique each other.Current EventsDuring each of your sales presentations with a potential customer, there should be some sort of small talk, or what you would call a relax period, where you relax your customer by discussing something other than your business and the product you are about to sell.The weather is the most obvious thing to talk about, but it is a very boring subject and comes across fake, because everybody brings up the weather when they don't have anything else to talk about.Every day, in the morning, decide on a current event that you will bring up when making small talk with your potential customers; Such as a major news event or a major sporting event that is happening.This way you will be prepared and won't run into any snags in your conversation.Shaking handsGet into the habit of shaking hands. Every time you meet a potential customer, shake their hand. Most of us are comfortable with shaking hands, but for those of you who are not, here is a tip to help you reach a comfort level.Each day that you walk into your office, shake the hands of your co-workers that are closest to you. Seriously, every morning, go in, look them in the eye, greet them by name, and shake their hand. They may look at you as though you are nuts at first, but explain to them that it is simply an exercise. Trust me they will get a kick out of it, and will respond with enthusiasm.Remember, people don't want to be treated as statistics, they wanted to be treated as people, so treat them that way. Shake their hand, look them in the eye, talk about things other than business, and use their name as often as possible.By keeping your sales skills sharp, you will ultimately be keeping your sales up. Good luck!Jay Conners has more than fifteen years of experience in the banking and Mortgage Industry, He is the owner of http://www.jconners.com, a mortgage resource site, he is also the owner of http://www.callprospect.com, a mortgage lead company.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 7 Keys to Turning Cold Calls Into Warm Calls

Let's face it when it comes to cold calling many of us fear being rejected. What if I was to tell you I have come up with 7 keys to turning your cold calls into warm calls? Would you believe me?Try these 7 cold calling ideas for yourself and see just how easy making a cold  call can really be.1. Change Your Mental Objective Before You Make Your CallWhen making a cold call the traditional way, your main objective is usually to try and get the appointment or make the sale. The main problem with that is when you do make the call it is quite clear to the person on the other end of the phone that this is your goal and they usually think of an excuse to get you off the phone before they have a chance to hear what you have to say.To turn your cold calls into warm calls you need to change your objective to creating a feeling of trust with the person you are calling. It is important to remember that the person you are calling needs to feel that you are calling to help them rather than just trying to make the sale.2. Understand The Mindset of The Person Your CallingThis is an extremely important tip and one that can help you greatly with your cold calling success. By putting yourself in the mindset of the person you are about to call, you can move beyond making a sales pitch.Imagine that you are that person receiving the call and you hear "Hello, my name is Clare and I'm with a company called Financial Solutions International, do you have a few minutes?" What would be your immediate reaction?You'd probably think "Salesperson! How can I get them off the phone." Instead, try beginning your conversation with "Hi, my name is Clare, maybe you can help me out for a moment?" Something as simple as that puts you smack in the middle of your prospect's world of welcoming phone calls.3. Identify A Problem That Your Company Can SolveKnowing a specific problem that your prospect is having is how you can immediately create a natural conversation on the phone.If your prospect feels that you really do understand their particular issues, then they are more open to hearing your solutions giving you the opportunity to see if you both are a good match.Identifying the problem before you make your cold call really can make a major difference in the success of your cold call.4. Start A Conversation, Don't Give A PresentationGiving a presentation is the old traditional way of cold calling which has the negative affect of creating sales pressure and viewing people as "prospects".Engaging people in a natural conversation is the only way to avoid rejection because you are relaxed as if you are talking to a friend. A genuine approach will always put your potential customer at ease from the start.Never assume beforehand that your prospective customer should buy what you have to offer. Your prospect will pick up on this right away and you will be on your way to losing the sale.5. Start By Asking A QuestionAfter your opening cold calling statement, always begin by asking a question about how you can help them solve issues that you believe your solution can solve.Think about it, how would you respond if someone genuinely knew what you were struggling with and had ideas to solve it?By basing your cold call on honesty and truthfulness and knowing how to engage your prospect based on their issues, then all of a sudden your call becomes a two-way dialogue rather than a one-way pitch.You will be able to open up a conversation and be able to build up trust at the same time.6. Recognising and Diffusing Hidden PressuresBy being able to recognise hidden sales pressure you can turn your calls into pleasant conversations. And be aware, that enthusiasm can make your prospects feel pressure from you.Learning to engage in a natural conversation can alleviate this pressure and leave your client open to the idea of hearing what you have to say.Try to avoid controlling your calls in a way where your prospect feels you are taking them down a sales process. Give them a chance to share their concerns with you without having to worry about you trying to "close" them.7. Determining A FitLet's say your call is going great and the dialogue is flowing well but the conversation is reaching its natural end. What do you do next?Most people who sell assume they should try and close the person to an appointment. But there is a risk in that if the person's problem isn't a priority to solve. So it's important that you first ask "Is this issue a priority to solve or is it something that's on the back burner?"Not only have you determined a need but you will also determine a time frame. This could save you months of wasted "follow-up" calls.Now it's time to start putting these tips into practice. From personal experience, I can tell you that you if use these ideas on your cold calls, you'll know how to turn cold calls into warm calls.Ari Galper makes cold calling painless and simple. Learn his cold calling secrets that even the sales gurus don't know. To receive your 10 free audio mini-lessons visit http://www.Unlock-The-Cold-Calling-Game.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Theres a Referral for Everyone

I worked for years as a mortgage loan officer. During this time I worked with two very successful loan officers, however, their styles were polar opposite. These two guys were opposites to the point where they basically didn't like each other, and spent most of the day  avoiding one another.Here are their stories.The first loan officer whose work habits I am going to tell you about is Mike. Mike was a creature of habit. He was always the first one in the office every morning, where he would drink his cup of coffee and read his newspaper cover to cover.Mike never left the office, he never did cold calling at night like the rest of us, he never sent out mailers, in fact, Mike never did any thing except deliver excellent customer service, and work his tale off for his customers.Mike was also a student of the mortgage industry. He learned everything there was to know about it. He read countless magazines, and numerous articles. He attended seminars at night, and he knew all the niche programs of every lender our company dealt with.Mikes excellent customer service along with his excellent knowledge of the industry put him in a position to help people in all kinds of financial situations.A lot of these people were in desperate need of financial help. Mike was always capable of finding them a lender and a program to fit their financial needs, while being compassionate the entire time.Mike treated these people with such kindness and dignity that he not only made their holiday card list, they talked him up to anyone that would listen.Mikes inflow of referrals came from at least one hundred of his previous customers that he had helped in a time where the largest financial decision they would ever make was at stake.These people referred family and friends to Mike because of the way he treated them, and the hard work he did for them. The bottom line is, they trusted him, and they liked him, so they referred to him.The other guy . . .The other guy I worked with was a guy named Joe. As I stated earlier, Joe and Mike were polar opposites.Joe would come hustling into the office every morning approximately five minutes after the office opened. He made a grand entrance and said good morning to everyone in the office.Joe was usually coming from breakfast with a client, or coming in from one of his many networking events.You see, that was Joe's angle, he networked. Joe attended every networking event under the sun. The chambers, the lions clubs, the rotary clubs, you name it and he was there.Joe had really put his time in at these organizations, and he had really paid his dues. He took the time to get to know the other members of the business community. He not only got to know them, he got to know about their business as well. This way he could refer business to them.From these groups alone, Joe continued to receive his own steady flow of referrals.These two scenarios are only two of the many ways you can keep referrals coming in. And, as you can see, different people use different techniques. In these two cases, the loan officers used what worked best for them.Find out what works best for you, and stick with it! Good luck!This article may be reproduced by anyone at any time, as long as the authors name and reference links are kept in tact.Jay Conners has more than fifteen years of experience in the banking and Mortgage Industry, He is the owner of http://www.jconners.com, a mortgage resource site, he is also the owner of http://www.callprospect.com, a mortgage lead company.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Make Your Prospects Speak

You've probably heard people speaking about someone that he was born a salesperson. You might think that talent and native skills are all what you need to succeed in sales. In spite of what most people believe, selling is a science. Native abilities can help you to feel  more comfortable in salesman position, but first comes learning.  You have to build and permanently grow your knowledge and techniques. It's not just about putting up a web site, or using a replicated web site and promoting it to free classified ad sites and FFA pages. It is not just about learning by heart your product and telling to your customers all what you know.  The most important part of sales science is to listen.  A serious prospect is one who is interested to get what he needs. By the consequence, having some questions or concerns related to your product, he is really interested to find out if your product fits his needs. He will come to you to tell about his questions and concerns. Be prepared to welcome him in silence, selling is not about talking, it is firstly about listening.  Pay attention to his questions or concerns. What are his likes and dislikes? Is he motivated by your product price or he perceives the value ? How your product fits his desire for status ? Listen to him is like listen to your market.  When is your turn don't start answering, better ask what he means by every question. Make him speak and listen what key words he uses for explanations. Tailor your answer based on the information you gather and be prepared to reply using these key words to emphasize the image of your product.  This technique requires effort and practice to be able to leverage its full potential, so take the time to study and practice it. Make your prospects speak and their concerns will do all selling work for you.Valerian Dinca is the owner of the newest online business tutorial. Everything you need when you need it.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Selling White Space

Almost all Internet Marketers have a basic idea of what they want to achieve in their careers. They may want to close more sales and earn a higher income. The process is quite simple. They craft a targeted letter with a powerful offer and post it on a web page. However,  somehow they do not achieve the success they desire.  Why? Why is it that intelligent, motivated, hard-working individuals are not achieving the success they deserve? It is because they don't know to sell white space.  They pay all attention to sales letter vital elements:  The Headline. They create a power headline to get the reader's immediate attention and create curiosity. The Body. (presentation of products characteristics) They create interest and desire through answering the question

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Visual Science of Selling

Statistics state that 55% of people judgments are made based on what is seen visually, as opposed to 38% based on voice and the message you give. That means what you promote using images is the most important factor in making the right connection. This observation makes  the Internet the biggest opportunity to sell. It's been said that information is king, but in the world of the Internet, it's image. Here the visual presentations are the most usual method to promote your product/service. According to web development tools you have at your disposal photos, images, animations, movies to enhance your marketing strategies and create a professional sale system  There are thousands of authors out there teaching sales people on how to turn more prospects into customers, how to increase their sales, and convince people to buy. Almost all of their books state that creating an image of your product is the best thing you must do and this is nothing else but to recognize the importance of visual methods in sales process.  Here are some 'visual' tips that salespeople may use effectively in selling their products  Use images in your website. An image values more than a thousand words. Take care to not overload your web site with high tech gadgets. They can create a slow loading web page and distract people away from your offer. Use text with descriptive terms and phrases in a manner that compel images in your customers, something like

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Close More Sales With This Very Simple 3 Step Sales Process.

As Financial Services Sales Professional you need to build trust and rapport in order to close more sales. By using a simple 3 Step Sales process you will able to close more sales and earn more commissions.Step 1 - Contacting the LeadFor most Financial Services Sales  Professionals making that phone call to set the appointment is often the hardest part of the sales process. Well it just got easier. You call the prospect and say  Hi Mr Prospect wait for Reply My name is Mike Makler and I received your name from a form you filled out on my web site. It says here you are interested in a possible Mortgage Refinance, some life insurance and retirement planning. Does that sound about right wait for Reply Mr Prospect this is how I work I would like to meet with you for about 15 Minutes and have you fill out a brief questionnaire to see if I can even help you. I promise I will not try to sell you anything I will be in your area tomorrow would Morning or afternoon be better. wait for Reply Great Morning it is. Do me a favor mark your calendar and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning between 9am and 11am Step 2 The First Meeting Remember the first meeting is where you get to know your prospect. Have a questionnaire prepared in advance with the questions related to their situation. Most good sales organizations will offer you online and offline tools with questionnaires.The Sales call will go something like this. You Make some small talk, then have the client fill out the questionnaire. You say goodbye to the client and tell them you will get back to them to see how to proceed. In some cases you may want to make the 2nd appointment on the spot in other cases you may want to wait.Before you leave ask for some leads.Step 3 The Sale The second meeting is where you make the sale. You go back with the questionnaire and at least 2 proposals on how you can meet their needs. If you get the sale or not always ask for leads. If you get the sale or not ask them if it's ok if you check back later on to review there situation.About the Author Mike Makler Offers Financial Services (Mortgages,Life Insurance, Annuities) in Florissant Missouri which is in North St. Louis County Missouri Just Across the Bridge from St. Charles Missouri Call Mike at 314 398-5547   Visit Mike's Web Page: http://ewguru.com/finance For Missouri Specific Insurance and Loan Questions: http://ewguru.com/Mo-FinanceGet Mike's Newsletter Here http://ewguru.com/fin-newsCopyright © 2005-2006 Mike Makler

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arrow right Selling More Effectively as a Trusted Sales Professional - Thirteen Tips

Do you want to sell more successfully using an honorable and straightforward approach? Read these thirteen sales tips to help you be perceived as a trusted sales professional by buyers. Incorporating these sales tips into your selling process will differentiate you from the  rest and help you sell more successfully. Attitude can be everything. It is important to remember that your attitudes drive all actions and these actions are perceived by buyers as trust-building or trust-breaking. The most important change you can make to sell more successfully is to adopt and reinforce attitudes that will lead to actions resulting in greater levels of trust. Conversely, it is just as important to

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...