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arrow right Putting Benefits Before Features

Having spent so many years in retail, I always enjoy being on the listening end of a sales persons presentation.As I listen patiently and attentively, I privately critique the sales person as they make their pitch.I look for certain things, the basics, are they making eye  contact with me, do they have a healthy knowledge of their product, do they ask me open-ended questions? Etc., etc.The one thing that I have noticed about the majority of sales people, even the ones I see on infomercials, is that they spend the majority of their presentation discussing their products features, and not it's benefits.As a consumer it is very important to know all the features of a product, however, I find it much more important to know the benefits of the product.What is it going to do for me?How much money will I save?How will it make my life easier?These are the questions your potential customer wants to have answered. They want to know how they will benefit from your product.For example, I was in my bank the other day opening a safe deposit box. As I sat filling out the paperwork, the branch manager wisely seized his opportunity to be proactive. He asked me if I was registered for their on line bill payment. When I replied that I had not, he proceeded to tell me all about it.He told me how easy it was to sign up, how easy it was to access, and how easy it was to pay my bills over the computer.He even gave me an on line presentation right there in his office. The only thing missing was the pop corn.During his entire verbal and visual presentation, he never once mentioned a benefit to the product. The features were great, but how did this benefit me?What he should have included in his presentation, was that by using on line bill paying, I would no longer have to purchase checks, and I would no longer have to purchase stamps, I would be saving money!The benefit to this product was, I could save money!We all want to save money, but this point was never mentioned. Needless to say, I enjoyed the presentation, and I did sign up for the on line bill paying.The next time you are selling one of your products, take the "features and benefits" and reverse them. Tell your customer up front what your product can do for them.Think "benefits and features" not "features and benefits"Tell them how your product can save them money, how it will make their life easier, tell them how it will benefit them. It will make all the difference.Jay Conners is a former loan officer with more than fifteen years of experience in the mortgage business. You can read more articles just like this by subscribing to his free news letter by visiting his site at http://www.jconners.com a mortgage resource center. He also owns http://www.callprospect.com a mortgage lead company.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Are You Deaf? Dumb? Blind at Trade Shows?

I'm constantly amazed how otherwise smart marketeers become deaf, dumb and blind at a show. I remind clients - You = Your Company - so when the company rep is incompetent, it reflects on everything about the company.DEAF?Not really deaf, but not aware of the gist of the  conversation. Interaction at trade shows is quick, maybe with nods and incomplete sentences. There's a tendency to let your ears slide over important words.Often you, as the staff person, are so intent on making the pitch that the words just tumble out, not giving the visitor an opportunity to break in with questions or comments. This is awful! The visitor feels trapped because you've committed the capital sin of Not Listening.First, there should be no pitch, no obvious script that you follow. The words must flow naturally, and you should be speaking less than half of the time. It's your responsibility to draw the questions and concerns from the visitor.Second, visitors have questions. You have answers but you also have literature, materials and quotes you can send for follow-up . When you do all the talking, you aren't listening and your company can't do an accurate and complete follow-up.DUMB?There's a difference between not knowing something and making up an answer. Not everyone knows everything about a company, processes or an industry, so there are times when you just don't know. What to do? Say so. Visitors require honesty.Say -

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Yikes - My Feet Hurt! 8 Tips for Trade Show Exhibitors

Yikes - My Feet Hurt!Concrete. Tiles. Cheap carpet. Walking, walking. Standing, standing. Talking, talking. Walking, standing, talking - and walking some more.We've become a comfortable people. We don't walk miles per day on hard surfaces. We don't stand for hours in a  relatively confined space. And, we get grumpy when we're required to do so.Not only do we get grumpy inside, we show it on the outside. Our shoulders droop. Our smiles become forced or disappear. We begin to make snide little comments - "Boy, this is a a long show." Or "I feel like I've been here forever."We perch on the edge of tables, put elbows on counters or just sit down - forcing visitors to lean over to talk to us. We look bored and people who may stop to talk to us just pass by. Who wants to deal with grumpy people?Trade shows are hard work. And, they're hardest on your feet. Here are some tips to make the show more pleasant, whether you're in the booth or walking the aisles.1. Remember that "your feet are your friends", so simple foot care is a priority before you subject them to long stretches of stress. Get the pedicure. Protect any injuries you may have.2. Wear comfortable shoes. Not old ugly comfortable shoes. Nice, polished professional comfortable shoes. Never new shoes. Make sure your socks or hose fit properly in the shoes - lumps and bumps rub blisters.3. Your shoes should be appropriate to your attire. You just look funny in a business suit and big white running shoes. Note - often you will go straight from a trade show to seminars or receptions, so plan outfits that can be worn for an extended period.4. Never Ever take off your shoes in the booth. Tacky, tacky.5. Women & Men - take a minimum of 3 pairs of shoes of varying heel heights which are comfortable to you. Use inside lifts. Change shoes at least twice a day.6. It's important to keep your posture erect - shoulders straight, head up. When we're tired, we have a tendency to curl over, dropping our head and shoulders. The simple solution? Bend your knees slightly - that throws the spine back into alignment and re-balances your posture.7. If you have a recent or recurring injury, don't take the chance of doing more damage. Use a cane or wheelchair. If you use a wheelchair, please add a flag that sticks above at eye-level. I've seen too many near-misses between the wheelchair and the flow of aisle traffic. People walking in the aisles are looking up or straight ahead, not below shoulder level.8. When it just gets to be too much, when your dogs are really barking, here's my favorite remedy. Just before bedtime, soak your feet in warm water. Rinse in cold water. Massage your feet, ankles and calves with Ben-Gay, Tiger Balm or other such product. Put on an old pair of socks that you'll throw away the next day. Sleep and you'll have refreshed feet for another day of walking, standing and talking - and walking some more.Julia O'Connor - Speaker, Author, Consultant - is president of Trade Show Training, inc. Based in Richmond, VA, TSTi provides sales and marketing assistance to exhibiting companies. She is the author of

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right A Sale in 30 Seconds? Its all in the Greeting

It has been said that a customer makes a decision to buy within the first 30 seconds of their experience at a retail store. That means that as a salesperson, you must create an environment that is comfortable for your customer and conducive to making a sale, all within 30  seconds of their arrival.Sound impossible? It's easier than it seems.As a salesperson, you have 100% control over the experience that customers have in your store because it is your home turf. You have the advantage of knowing your store and products inside and out and using that knowledge to prepare yourself for your customer's arrival.Establishing a comfortable and engaging environment for your customer is also easy because it does not require any special training or skills. It means being aware of your customer and having an understanding of their importance to your job and your company.You can engage your customer immediately by simply interacting with them in a way that shows that you care about their needs and have the knowledge to help them.Greet your customerMeeting and greeting your customer from the moment they walk into your store sets the tone for the rest of their shopping experience. By acknowledging their presence, they will feel important and will see that you are friendly and helpful.In retail, the absolute worst thing you can do is make a customer wait for service or wander aimlessly around your store to search what they came in to find. They may have driven over 15 minutes to get to your store just to find one item. When they get there, they expect to find exactly what they are looking for and expect that you will help them find it. Without your help they may become frustrated and lost, and may leave empty-handed.If, for some reason, it is necessary that the customer wait, do not let them feel neglected. Make them comfortable and let them know you will assist them as soon as you can, or give them an alternative resource for their questions.Establish yourself as their resourceImmediately following your initial greeting you need to establish yourself as the customer's resource. Your customer needs to know that you are the index of your store and that their experience will be efficient and pleasant with you as their guide.Even if the customer is not ready for your help at the present time, it is important that you let them know you are available for questions and assistance when they are ready. If your customer feels like you are crowding them, they will likely want a few minutes to 'look around' before they feel comfortable enough to allow you to help them. Either way, establishing this contact immediately will let them know where to go when they do have a question.ListenWhen the customer is ready for your assistance, you must be ready to listen. Listening means discovering the meaning behind their words and the questions they ask. Too often in retail, salespeople try to find a quick solution, and dive into a speech about the first product a customer mentions. Take the time to allow the customer to reveal their unique needs and desires. Then you will be able to match them with a specific product that is perfect for them.Listening to the customer will make them feel comfortable talking with you and ultimately, buying from you. They will feel understood and appreciated from your personalized service, and they will remember the experience.It is amazing how simple these initial steps are when you understand their importance. They are easy to implement and so effective in creating a pleasant and welcoming environment for your customer as soon as they arrive.So the next time a customer comes in, pay attention to how they are treated within the first 30 seconds. Watch how others greet them and take a hard look at how you typically greet them. Come up with a few ways to improve your greeting and put them into action. After all, if a sale is determined by the customer's first impression, don't you want to make sure it is a good one?Tom Richard is a sales trainer and author. Visit his website to join his weekly ezine http://www.tomrichard.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Makings of a Salesman

Salesmanship is the force that moves business. Without it all business would be at a stand-still. Just being able to sell does not complete the definition of salesmanship. A fraudulent person may be able to sell you a piece of swamp land, but because they were able to sell  the worthless piece of property to you, does that say they demonstrated salesmanship?The answer, of course, is no. The central fact of salesmanship is rending a service to your customer. It has to do with convincing others to buy your goods as a benefit to them at a fair price. And they must be satisfied with their purchase.When looking for people to sell your goods, you will no doubt run into several different types of prospects, and it will be your job to take them successfully through the selling process until you close the deal. Each step must be carried out in succession. If a step is skipped, or taken out of the natural order in which the human mind works, it could result in you loosing the sale, or in this case, a potential salesman. So you see the importance of every salesperson learning these fundamental steps.This article is to help you identify your prospects and how to teach them the principles of selling, so they will go out and successfully make sales for you and themselves.No person is born a salesman. It is true; some of us may be born with certain talents that would be beneficial in the area of sales. And there have been some pretty good salesmen who have had no formal training. But everyone would do even better, if they learn what entails the selling process.What are the principles of the selling process? Here it is in a nutshell. It's all about the psychology of the human mind. The selling process concerns carrying the prospect successfully from one mental state to the next, resulting in the sale.Teach your prospects how to pique their customer's curiosity for the proposition. Create interest. Convince the customer that the claims that have been made concerning the proposition are true. Instill in the customer the desire to own what they are selling. And finally, teach your sales people how to get their customers to make a decision to buy and to take action.The salesman should keep the first selling talk short, forceful and to the point. And they need to create and keep interest active in the mind of their customer. They should bring energy and life into their sales talk. No one wants to listen to a boring sales presentation.Knowing why the customer will buy is very important. You find this out by getting into the mind of the prospect. Seeing things from their point of view. The customer wants to know if you can render them a real service. They may not be interested in your name, or the name of your company at first. The main thing they want to know is how what you are selling will benefit them. The trained salesman will show the customer they wish to render a real service.Make sure your sales people know your goods. If they are blind-sided by a question concerning your goods that they cannot answer, the salesperson will have little, or no chance of getting their prospect to trust what they are saying is true.Different Types of Prospects:The curious person is going to want to know what qualifications are needed. They're going to ask questions. Asking questions is the best way to learn anything. His or her need to know more is the first sign that their interest is sincere. This type of person is open to the possibilities of instruction. And they already understand there is a right and wrong way to sell. Let them know that they need sales training and among other things, they will have to learn about the principles of the selling process. And this sales training will qualify them to be a success in any type of business situation.The next person may be very enthusiastic from the get go. And may ask the question, "How long will it take for me to get started?" Now you've already moved this person through all the stages. You have closed the deal. But wait, a person of this nature still must be taught the principles of selling. A trained person makes the fewest mistakes. And will be the most successful. At this point you don't want to dampen their enthusiasm, so teach them the principles of the selling process so they can get started selling for you.The fearful person may say, "I'm afraid of selling. I don't think I'm cut out to be a salesman." You should empathize with this person. Let them know they are not alone. Others have expressed the same fears only to go on and become some of the best salesmen. Just as in every other profession, there are things in the field of sales that need to be learned. And once your prospect gets some sales training they may feel different about their sales abilities.Still another person may feel they need no instruction at all because they're a natural born salesman. They can out talk anybody. They feel very self-sufficient. They may feel what they don't know they can learn by doing, and in fact, this is true to a certain extent, but a salesman is not born, they are made. And as in any field, the trained person has a better chance of acquiring success.Being able to talk a good game is not the same thing as being a trained salesman. So this person needs to be made aware that instruction is still needed. The danger of this type of person is they may go out and make the biggest mistakes. It is best to use techniques that have been analyzed and tested. Trial and error is not the way to go into salesmanship. This type person would fare much better by learning the principles of selling first.The salesman who knows what he or she is talking about has coupled natural abilities with learned instruction. They will be the most successful sales people. The trained salesman makes the fewest mistakes. This means that time, money and energy are not wasted by going off half-cocked and loosing the sale.Copyright © 2005 Gloria Whitehorn-All rights reservedAbout the Author:Gloria is an article writer, business owner, author of two books, salesperson and seasoned mail order pro. Visit her site for information on a great part-time, full-time-anytime business. She knows what she's talking about.http://www.dovemang.com*Attn: Ezine Editors/Site owners* You have permission to reprint this article in your ezine or on your website as long as you print the complete article and leave all the links and resource box in place. You cannot modify the content in any way.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Your Business Approach Can Make or Break a Business Deal

Every sales presentation should start with the approach, or introduction. Your approach should be a well-defined statement that can be easily adjusted for any situation. Although getting the prospect's attention brings fear into the hearts of some people, generally, it is  not a difficult thing to do. But it can be easily lost with drawn-out, unnecessary chitchat.The mission of your opening statement is to get the attention of the prospect. Without the prospect's attention, the selling process cannot be started. Nervousness may cause the salesperson to hurry their sales presentation, leaving out critical information.If a salesman is nervous it could be due to lack of confidence in their approach. They may know their approach is not effective and doesn't create curiosity and interest. Or perhaps they are not sure of their sales abilities, or they do not believe the claims of the product they are selling are true.If you fear meeting with the prospect like you would fear a death sentence, you will have defeated yourself before you ever get started. Your nervousness will show in your demeanor and voice. If you show your prospect you lack confidence in yourself, or your proposition, they will lack confidence in your ability to render them a real service.Don't approach your prospect like you owe them something, or like you stole something from them. Show them you have self-respect and confidence in yourself and your goods. You are not a beggar. You're a salesman who helps to keep the economy moving.Before meeting with the prospect (during the pre-approach phase) prepare yourself by thinking about the points you want to bring to the prospect's attention. Discard any ideas that may harm the selling process. Calm your nerves. Ask yourself what makes you fear meeting with the prospect. If it's because you don't think your approach is good enough; then, now is the time to go over it in your mind and make the necessary changes. Realize the prospect is only a person just like you. No better and no less.Your approach cannot be used in the same way with every prospect because everyone is different. Try to see yourself through the eyes of your prospect. Observe your prospect and adjust your approach accordingly. How you present yourself will have a great bearing on whether, or not you will have the opportunity to tell your whole story.You are selling a proposition. Be clear and concise with your opening statement. First of all, don't change your personality, or try to duplicate someone else. Just be you. If the prospect senses you are putting on aires, they may not trust anything you have to say.The prospect granted you an appointment, so curiosity has already been started in the prospect's mind, but now the curiosity that was started needs to be increased with your approach. The first 15 seconds will have an important effect on the rest of your sales talk. In that short amount of time the prospect can determine if you came to buy something, sell something, or render a real service.So take the time to prepare a good introduction because a sale can be made or lost within those first few seconds based on what you say, how you say it and how you present yourself and your product to the prospect.Copyright © 2005 Gloria Whitehorn-All rights reservedAbout the Author:Gloria is an article writer, business owner, author of two books, salesperson and seasoned mail order pro. Visit her site for information on a great part-time, full-time-anytime business. She knows what she's talking about.http://www.dovemang.com*Attn: Ezine Editors/Site owners* You have permission to reprint this article in your ezine or on your website as long as you print the complete article and leave all the links and resource box in place. You cannot modify the content in any way.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Pipeline: Curious, Desperate, Inspired?

You do have a "Pipeline" don't you? You know, the directional map of how you're going to encourage complete strangers to part with their money to buy what you're selling!If you don't have one, you should let us know - we'll send you a picture - just pop an email to

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Just Ask

For the 'big three' automobile sales consultants, the 'employee discount pricing' has made it to easy to sell. It has been great for a change. But... don't let this style of 'short cut selling' sales process continue or you will lose sales! You must deliver a complete,  positive, sales process, with NO short cuts, to sell successfully now. Without the hype of the last months you need to deliver a better buying experience to the car shopper or you will walk to many buyers into the open arms of the next salesperson. (As a dealer or sales team leader, schedule a fall Skill Specific Coaching workshop for your sales team to get them back on track. Dave@Automotivator.com )Summer Sales Success Hint ? Ask Your Customer to Buy!Most sales people do not get what they want: a Sale. Most customers do not get what they want: a new vehicle!Why? Because the salesperson didn't do his/her job?The job?To ask your customer to buy.One of the simplest rules to increase YOUR sales is to learn to just ASK. As a Professional Development Sales Coach for over 20 years, I have observed thousands of salespeople in sales situations who fail to ask for the customer to buy a vehicle today. Now, I believe in making sure your sales process is good enough to earn the right to ask the customer to purchase. But I also believe in asking for a prospect to buy. It doesn't mean you will always get the sale, but you have nothing to lose by asking. Think of how many customers may have said "Yes" if you had asked? OK, what is holding you back? Is it because:1. You might be rejected?2. Someone will think you are pushy?3. You are afraid to?4. The sale isn't likely?5. You don't really want a sale because last night you won the lottery? Any of these apply to you?KEYS TO SUCCESS - Ask yourself: "What is the worst that could happen if I ask for them to make a decision?"* They might say 'NO'. Wouldn't that be a hoot? Then they might even tell you why they wouldn't buy right now, if you ask!* Then you give a good reason to buy now rather than later, then they might say, "Okay".* Your customers will be delighted because their problem is solved. They have what they came to get- a new vehicle. You have what you came to get-a new customers. All because they met a salesperson who asked them to buy.* Most salespeople just wait and hope the customer will make the buying decision themselves. They just give in without asking.* The secret to increased summer sales is simple. Give a reason to buy and then ask them to buy. You won't get a "yes" every time you ask - it isn't that kind of world - but I'll bet you should be asking more!!This week's action hint: Ask your customer to buy more often. You may be surprised with the result! This week's affirmation: I am worthy of more in my life. All I have to do is 'Ask'.Final Sales Hint for Dealers and Managers-Get Trackstar if you are serious about follow-up. It is the best there is in the industry. Dealers are moving to Trackstar, the reason? They say, "the other systems are complicated, cumbersome and don't deliver what they promise". Check it out. Dave@automotivator.comHave a great selling day!Dave Kemp, the AutomotivatorDave Kemp, the AUTOMOTIVATOR. A retail sales expert who trains in the Automobile and related businesses. Successful salesperson, General Manager, Car Dealer now impacts on the bottom-line of dealerships with Skill Specific Coaching. Trackstar CRM systems for auto dealers.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Increase Profits from Your Existing Customers

An area many businesses fail to recognise as a way to increase profits is by utilising their existing customers. Don't view each sale as a "one-off". Look to build a long term relationship with your customers and entice them to keep coming back.In order for that  relationship to be cultivated properly, you will need to have some method of keeping in touch with your customers on a regular basis. For this to be possible you will require some personal information about them.How to get your customers details without making them feel pressured.We have all been in a shop where a pushy salesperson has fallen just short of demanding our name, address and telephone number. When you have simply bought a pair of shoes you are bound to feel that this information is unnecessary. The shoes don't come with a special guarantee and are unlikely to need a 500 mile service, so there is no obvious reason for you to provide your life history.There are two things at fault here. The first is the amount of information being requested. Most people have an email address and that is sufficient to maintain contact. Even asking for a first name is not necessary as correspondence can be sent to

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Increase Your Sales With an Incredible Offer

What are you selling?Coaching? Consulting? Professional services? A product? Information?To start with, you need to sell your product or service in terms of benefits to your clients and not features.Clients want to know what your product or service will do for them, not  necessarily all the credentials you have or the process you use.But once you've got a great list of customer-focused benefits to use as copy points in your marketing messages, what else can you do to increase the odds your prospects will buy?You can make an incredible offer.What's an incredible offer? It's a way of packaging your products or services so your prospects simply can't resist. You want their reaction to be,

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 7 Steps to Selling Artwork

Selling arwork is easy when you follow a road map. In this article you learn the step by step guide to marketing art for profits. Now onto the plan!1. Decide that you want to sell your artwork!Now, I know this sounds ridiculous on the surface but look at it a little deeper.  Many artists love just creating art, they have no desire to sell what they make. Selling their work becomes unfortunately a necessary evil. Suffice to say...Supplies, tools, food and housing costs money. If you want to be a full time artist you either have to have money saved up, work another full time job or learn how to sell some of your work. Many artists look at this last alternative as something they dread doing. I hear all the time...

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Art Of Persuasion: 7 Tips To Successfully Persuade Anyone

The saying "No man is an island" is an undeniable truth. We need the support and cooperation of other people to help us in reaching our goals.Successful people know that one of the most important abilities to possess is the ability to persuade and influence others.Here are  some hot tips to do this effectively.1) Enter Their WorldTry to put yourself in the other's shoes and understand the situation from their point of view. Set aside your personal interests and concentrate on them.Ask yourself if you are them, what would you do? What would be your opinion? Then take the appropriate action that would be beneficial to them.2) Mirror Their Body LanguagePeople feel comfortable with those who are like them. Copy the person you are trying to create a connection with.Observe how they act, how they speak, and how they think. If they rub their forehead while they think, act like them. If they speak at a clear and slow pace, try to do the same thing. This is called mirroring.In due time, the people you're mirroring will subconsciously feel more comfortable with you. It's as if they see themselves in you.Proceed with caution, however. Do not let them be aware that you are copying them. They might interpret it as mockery and you'll just get into trouble.3) Be Cheerful and NiceDid your mother tell you to be nice to people? She was right. People like others who brighten up their day.Make a sincere compliment to raise their spirits. Little things like these go a long way to breaking the ice and setting the relationship off to a good start.4) Be Sincere and TrustworthyMake them feel that whenever they need help or just someone to look up to, you'll always be there to lend a hand. People tend to be more receptive to those they trust.If you have a boss or client you are trying to please, overdeliver and exceed their expectations. Soon, they will notice your efforts and will be more than glad to grant your request.5) Provide Them With Compelling EvidenceExplain to them how your ideas or suggestions could be the most effective techniques to implement.Show them undeniable proof that you have the best product by way of testimonials, before and after scenarios, and detailed comparisons against your competitors.Just make sure that all your claims are true and verifiable. Always maintain a good reputation.6) Show Them "What's In It For Them"This is the most important thing to remember when persuading anyone. People are self-centered. They always put their own well-being before others.No matter how close you are to becoming like them or how overwhelming your evidence is, if it does not satisfy the

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Business Appointment Success or Failure

One of the quickest ways to loose a sale is to be late for an appointment. A businessperson's character, among other things, may be judged by their punctuality. Some prospects may see it as a slap in the face if you are late for your meeting with them. They may view it as a  sign you have no regard for your own word, or their time. And you cannot be depended upon. So why should they do business with the likes of you?So by all means, be on time for your appointment. Make sure to let the prospect know how much time you will need to make your sales presentation.If the prospect is on a tight schedule, it is doubtful they will give you their undivided attention. You both may become nervous, or uneasy due to the time restraints on both of you. If you need 25 minutes to present your sales talk and the prospect can only spare 15 minutes of their time, it is better to re-schedule the appointment than to run out of time.Greet your prospect in a business-like, friendly way. Your introduction should make a good impression of you and your proposal. By choosing your words carefully, you will have gained the undivided attention of your prospect. Then you can tell your whole story.It is common practice to present your business card to your potential customer. The timing of this could be crucial to your sales talk.Your opening statement should be designed to deepen curiosity in your prospect's mind without being too informative. It may be to your advantage to give your opening statement, then, present your business card to the prospect. If your introduction was successful the card will not only introduce your business, but also help you establish a rapport with the prospect.On occasion you may call upon a business establishment unannounced. This is called "cold calling." This method is not recommended, but it does happen. In this instance it may not be a good idea to present your prospect with a detailed business card. It may tell too much too soon because unlike having an appointment, the prospect has not yet had the opportunity to develop curiosity for your proposition.But the card that gives little information (a personal card) could be quite beneficial and serve as an opening to your approach, or introduction. You want to lead your prospect through each phase of the selling process without missing a step.Someone else, such as a friend of the prospect may also be present on the day you meet for your scheduled appointment. Your primary attention should be directed at the person you made the appointment with, but if you have been introduced to the friend, you cannot completely ignore their presence.Should you include the friend in your sales talk? It all depends.If your prospect has introduced you to their friend and the friend then goes about busying themselves with other things, the answer is no. Carry on as you would under normal circumstances.On the other hand, if the prospect's friend has made he or she a part of the conversation, or sits down with you and your prospect, it would be rude to exclude the friend from your sales talk.You may find that the friend is more interested in your proposition than your prospect, or equally as interested in your proposition. So if the friend shows interest give your sales talk to both parties. The friend may turn out to be your best customer.Copyright © 2005 Gloria Whitehorn-All rights reservedAbout the Author:Gloria is an article writer, business owner, author of two books, salesperson and seasoned mail order pro. Visit her site for information on a great part-time, full-time-anytime business. She knows what she's talking about.http://www.dovemang.com*Attn: Ezine Editors/Site owners* You have permission to reprint this article in your ezine or on your website as long as you print the complete article and leave all the links and resource box in place. You cannot modify the content in any way.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Curiosity and How It Effects Your Business Proposition

The first 15 seconds of your approach are the most important seconds of your entire sales presentation. You must instill curiosity in the mind of your prospect. It is a form of interest. As people, we are curious by nature. Curiosity wants to be informed. This state of mind  is just where you want your prospect to be in at the beginning of your sales talk.The approach includes everything that takes place from the time the salesman meets the prospect until the salesman begins their first selling talk, or until the salesman enters the second phase of selling, which is interest.At this point the prospect has not been told much about your proposition. This is your chance to make them curious enough to want to know more.Curiosity can be aroused in a person in many ways.You walk into a department store to find people crowded around a table looking at something. Out of curiosity you go over to the table to see what they are looking at. It's a new model of DVD player. If you're interested in a new DVD player you will want to know all about how this one works. If it does everything you want in a DVD player this may stimulate the desire in you to want to own it, thereby, leading you to make the decision to take the necessary actions to buy it.Your potential customer is no different than you in this regard.Or you see someone looking down the street. Out of curiosity you began looking down the street too to see just what has captured their attention.A stranger comes up to you on a sidewalk. Two questions immediately come to mind. "Who is he?" "What does he want?"A salesman telephones the manager of a store and tells them they have a brand new product that is being introduced in the area. Of course the details are far too many to go over on the telephone, so the salesman makes an appointment to demonstrate the item to the manager. The manager is automatically curious about just what this gizmo is and how it works. The first step of the selling process has already started in the mind of the store manager.You see a man run out of a bank holding two giant moneybags and jump into a car and speed away. Soon after, you hear a police siren. You are not curious about why the police is chasing behind the car, but you may be interested in the outcome. We are not curious about things we already know and understand.Without curiosity you cannot get the prospect interested in your proposition. Without interest, the prospect will not care anything about your claims. If you cannot convince your prospect that they will benefit from your offer, you cannot create the desire in them to want to own it. You will not be able to get the prospect to make a buying decision and take action.It is also important for you to implant a favorable personal impression of you in your prospect's mind because even if your prospect is curious about your proposition, they will have little or no interest in having that curiosity satisfied by you, if they are repulsed by your behavior. On the other hand, if you present yourself in a favorable manor, it will strengthen the curiosity for your proposal and open the door to interest.You must pay close attention to your prospect after getting the prospect curious about your proposition. When you have piqued the curiosity of the prospect, don't continue along this line for an extended period of time. You will exhaust the prospect's curiosity and the first stage of the selling process will fall flat and it will have to be started all over again. After creating curiosity in the prospect's mind, you should move on to the rest of the stages of the principles of the selling process.Just remember, the first 15 seconds of your approach, that of creating curiosity in the prospect's mind, are the most important. If this is not established the rest of your sales talk will be meaningless. So you can see the necessity of making a good strong opening statement, thereby getting the prospect curious about your proposition, so they will want to know more about your offer. It is also important to leave a favorable personal impression in your prospects mind.Copyright © 2005 Gloria Whitehorn-All rights reservedAbout the Author:Gloria is an article writer, business owner, author of two books, salesperson and seasoned mail order pro. Visit her site for information on a great part-time, full-time-anytime business. She knows what she's talking about.http://www.dovemang.com*Attn: Ezine Editors/Site owners* You have permission to reprint this article in your ezine or on your website as long as you print the complete article and leave all the links and resource box in place. You cannot modify the content in any way.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Business of Closing the Sale Without Killing It

You must be able to coordinate your sales talk to service whatever step in the selling process the customer has arrived at in their mind.Remember, the five fundamental states of mind that comprises the selling process are curiosity, interest, conviction, desire, and  decision and action.While you are giving your sales presentation pay strict attention to how your prospect responds to your sales talk. Of course, if the prospect is already at the second or third stage of the selling process, you should move on to the next stage.Always try to find out what the prospect wants most out of your goods. Some people will be interested in every aspect of your proposition. Some will choose one, or two things that are of the greatest value to them.Say a salesperson is selling a popcorn machine and they have told the customer all the benefits of owning one.Salesman: "Mrs. Jones, this popper cleans up in a breeze. All parts except the stand can be immersed in water and dishwasher safe, so it will be easy to keep clean. This machine will leave few kernels unpopped. In fact, each tasty morsel will be plump and wholesome. Our little popper does the job of some of the more expensive brands on the market and at a third of the price. And it will not only produce the best tasting popcorn, it will save you time, energy and money."Mrs. Jones: "Did you say the popper comes apart and each piece can be immersed in water?"Salesman: "Yes Mrs. Jones, everything but the stand. All of the parts to the popper come apart for easy clean up. They can be washed in your kitchen sink, or dishwasher. This will do away with greasy build up since it only takes a little soap and water to clean it and no elbow grease."Mrs. Jones: "How much is it?"Salesman: "It regularly sells for $19.95, but we've reduced the price for our grand opening. Your price today is just $15.95."Mrs. Jones: "I'll take two of them. One for my mother and one for myself."Salesman: "You've made an excellent choice Mrs. Jones."The salesman picks up two popcorn machines and goes to the cash register to type up the order. He stopped selling because he closed the sale.In the above example Mrs. Jones was most interested in the easy clean up. The money she would save was secondary, or of little concern, if any. She was mainly interested in how easy the popcorn popper was to clean because that saved her time and energy.How do you test to see if a prospect is ready to buy?You must give the prospect a chance to show how he feels about your proposition. Some customers will make it known to you that they are ready to buy, still another customer may be ready to make a purchase, but hides this from you. The best way to find out if this type of prospect is ready to buy is to give a closing appeal.Ask a question, such as, "How many of these can you use Mr. Smith?" or, "We can fill your order immediately." or, "What sizes will you be needing?" This tests the prospect's interest and gives them a chance to buy.Don't make the mistake of asking the prospect how they feel about your proposition, or "Don't you think you should buy this widget?" The answer will probably be no.If after all this, you discover the prospect is not ready to buy, no harm is done. But you have implanted the suggestion of buying on their mind. How this plays itself out depends on what you say next. The prospect's interest in buying could grow, or fall flat. Start the selling process again from the beginning. Because until the prospect is ready to buy, you are not through selling.There is a danger in moving on to something else and not closing the sale at the right moment. The customer may get out of the buying mood and began having second thoughts about making a purchase. They may loose interest in what you say next because you didn't reel them in when they were ready. They may decide they can get along without the item, or they may remember they have a bill to pay.When the customer is ready to buy give them the opportunity, or when you're ready to close, they'll be ready to quit.Copyright © 2005 Gloria Whitehorn-All rights reservedAbout the Author:Gloria is an article writer, business owner, author of two books, salesperson and seasoned mail order pro. Visit her site for information on a great part-time, full-time-anytime business. She knows what she's talking about.http://www.dovemang.com*Attn: Ezine Editors/Site owners* You have permission to reprint this article in your ezine or on your website as long as you print the complete article and leave all the links and resource box in place. You cannot modify the content in any way.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...