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arrow right Promote Your Website: Search Tools

Many companies after spending a substantial amount of money on the development of their websites assume that once the website is published on the Internet, people will flock onto it and, therefore, do not take website promotion as seriously as the development part of it.  Today, with millions of websites around, no matter how great your website is, if you don't promote it effectively, you will not get the visibility that your site deserves.Effective promotion of a website starts with submission of the site to various search tools available on the Internet. There are two different types of search tools: search engines and directories. Search engines index their listings based on the information retrieved by their spiders that crawl through the Internet following links constantly looking for new websites. The directory listings are compiled by human editors from the URLs submitted to the directory. If your website is listed in the directories you can be sure that the spiders of different search engines sooner or later will index your site. That's why you should start submitting your website first from search directories.Search DirectoriesAmong all the search directories available on the Internet, Yahoo! and DMOZ are the most important ones.Open Directory Project or DMOZDMOZ is the second largest human compiled search directory on the Internet after Yahoo! Open Directory Project is a huge web directory of Internet resources. All submission to the directory is evaluated by volunteer editors. There is no fee to be paid to get an inclusion in the directory. As a human edited directory it might take more than a month to get your site evaluated. Once you are listed in the DMOZ, within two weeks to two months your website will start appearing on search engines like AOL Search, Teoma, HotBot, Google, Lycos, AllTheWeb, Excite, Go2Net and a number of regional search engines. At present around 354 different search engines and portals use data from Open Directory Project. This is one of the main reasons why you must consider submitting your website to DMOZ.Submitting your site to directories is a bit trickier then submitting to search engines.Following rules are common for almost all directories:- Check to see if your website is already in the directory- Write an objective description of your website- Search out the specific subcategory from the directory hierarchy- Follow the rules of submission as specifiedMake sure you follow these rules while adding your website in DMOZ. This will improve your chance to get your website accepted and reduce the processing time.Yahoo!Yahoo! is by far the number one destination for Internet surfers. Although the search results for Yahoo! is provided by Google, many people still prefer to browse through Yahoo! directory to find whatever they are looking for. This makes an inclusion to Yahoo! directory quite valuable for ecommerce sites. Yahoo! presently charges yearly fee of US $299 for each web site submitted. The fee is nonrefundable, which means if for some reasons Yahoo! declines to add your website in its directory you will not get your money back! The only thing Yahoo! guarantees is that the editors will look at your submission within seven days and send you an answer.Should you consider submitting your site to Yahoo!? It all depends on the kind of business you are in. Some sites receive an overwhelming number of traffic from Yahoo!, others hardly receive anybody. My suggestion: list your website in Yahoo! directory for a year and see the outcome. If you feel comfortable with the result you are receiving ? continue. If the result is not satisfactory you can always cancel their service after one year.LookSmartAlthough it is the third largest directory on the Internet as a search portal LookSmart is not that popular. However, it provides directory listings to MSN search, About.com, Infospace, Inktomi and others. It is probably still the best way to get high ranking in MSN search. LookSmart is a fee based service. You pay US $49 submission fee for the site review by their editors and 15 Cents for each click through. Pay per click minimum monthly payment is US $15.For noncommercial sites LookSmart has a partner directory named "Zeal". Zeal is a community directory for Internet surfers. To submit a site to Zeal you first have to become a member by passing a quiz test. The reason I am mentioning Zeal here is ? you can actually submit noncommercial portion of your site to Zeal and receive an appearance in all of the places that LookSmart listings show up, without paying a pay-per-click fee.Other DirectoriesOther small but notable directories that you should consider are joeAnt, GoGuides and Gimpsy. Don't expect large traffics from these directories; however, they will help enhance your link popularity. Link popularity is a concept which means- how many sites have links pointed towards your website. Link popularity is important because your website's rank in the search results depends on it in a big way.Search EnginesSearch engines use special programs to crawl the Internet and index web pages. These robot programs are called "Bot" or "Spider". Spiders crawl up the Internet using links. That's why it is so important to have back links to your website. When you make a search, the search engines show you the results that are retrieved from the servers, where all the indexed web pages are cached. Only when you click on a link from the search result you see the real web page.The most important search engines are Google, Altavista, AllTheWeb, Teoma, Lycos and MSN, HotBot, AOL Search, etc. GoogleNo doubt that Google is the best search engine available on the Internet today. According to Google, they have indexed over 3.5 billion pages up to now! More Internet surfers are prone to use Google because it has great search enhancing functions, and you can always expect relevant and quality search results.You can submit your link using Googles Add URL page located at http://www.google.com/addURL.html. However, if you have links pointing towards your site on other websites, you can be sure that Google's spider, Googlebot will eventually come and index you site. Contrary to popular believe once your site is indexed, there is not need to resubmit your pages to Google, even if you updated the pages. If, although it is not necessary, you submit your website to Google, submit only the index page, it will find the rest of the pages using the links anyway. AltavistaOnce powerful, Altavista started to loose grounds to other search engines in a big way. Submitting to Altavista is fairly simple! From the home page click on the "Submit a Site" located at the bottom of the page. There are two choices for you: either you can choose the "Basic Submit" service, which is free or for an immediate inclusion, you can choose the "Express Inclusion" service.To prevent automatic submission of URLs, on the submission page Altavista added submission code that has to be inserted manually along with the URL. The Express Inclusion service costs US $39 for the first URL for six months.AllTheWebThis search engine is becoming quite popular lately. It has a very large database. AllTheWeb has very sophisticated search functions like searches for pages linked to a given page, searches within URLs or page titles, and searches limited by page size. It provides search results and technology to Lycos and Ebay. Submission to AllTheWeb is quite easy. Use the following link page to submit your URL: http://www.alltheweb.com/add_URL.php If you need an express inclusion, you have to use "Lycos InSite" service of Terra-Lycos. The rate is US $35 for a full year inclusion.TeomaIf you care about Teoma, a much hyped search engine, which is actually an additional search engine of Ask Jeeves, you can use its paid inclusion program located at http://ask.ineedhits.com/sitesubmit.asp?id=30270. It charges US $30 per year for first URL and US $18 for additional each.InktomiYou may not heard about Inktomi, but many popular search engines use the results from Inktomi such as AOL, Excite, Go.com, HotBot, IWon, Overture to name a few. For secondary search result even MSN uses it! Yahoo! recently bought Inktomi. Which means that very soon even Yahoo! might give priority to the search results coming from it. Inktomi provides a paid inclusion service. Inktomi sells its inclusion service exclusively through its reseller partners. You can find them over here: http://www.inktomi.com/products/web_search/submit.html The fee is US $39 per URL for a year and US$25 for subsequent URLs.Nowshade Kabir is the founder, primary developer and present CEO of Rusbiz.com ? a Global B2B Exchange with solutions to create e-catalog, Web store, business process management and other features to run a business online. You can read various articles written by Nowshade Kabir at http://ezine.rusbiz.com.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Small Business Owners - Form a Relationship with Your Bank Manager

It's just like a marriageTo expect a bank manager or officer to play such close attention to your account that he (or she) knows when you intend to deposit money and to know when to hold back a cheque is a hopeless dream.He has neither the time nor the resources, and you  can complain until your blue in the face but, in the end, you have the sole responsibility to manage your bank account.All small business owners have a relationship with their bank and like a marriage, the relationship can be harmonious or stormy or somewhere in between. You have to work at having a harmonious and happy marriage. You have to take into account the feelings and wishes of your partner before taking a position or making a decision. So too with banks.Learning how to develop a skill in handling your bank is only one skill the small business operator must learn, but it may be the most important because it cannot be entirely delegated to your accountant.  Communication is everything  If you write a cheque that may take your balance over the limit let your bank manager know or better still let your bank know a month in advance.  After all, you prepared a projected cash flow at the beginning of the year, didn't you? And you are monitoring and adjusting it month by month, aren't you?  If you haven't prepared a projected cash flow statement to give you an idea of how much money you will need for the year then you are really managing by the 'seat of your pants' and anyone who manages 'by the seat of their pants' will end up with the 'seat out of their pants!'  Make your banker your friend  If the period of your shortness of funds is an extended one then talk to your bank about a higher overdraft or an increase in your present loan. To get a loan from your bank it's essential to have all the information which answers any concerns the bank might have about your ability to repay the loan.  Once you get your money keep your bank informed about how your business is travelling in both good times and bad.  It's not a one-way street  Your relationship is not a one-way street and you should expect your bank to provide you with the standard of service which you expect from all the firms with which you deal.  8 points for a better relationship  The Australian Society of CPA's has provided an 8 point checklist for a better banking relationship.  Point 1  Can you easily contact your manager when you need to?  Point 2  Do you have a good working relationship with your bank manager and does he or she understand your business and the needs of that business.  Point 3  Are you confident in the ability of your bank manager and his support staff? In particular, can you rely on the financial advice given by your bank manager and does the staff have a good working knowledge of the products and services relevant to your business.  Point 4  How soon can you get appointments to discuss important financial agreements? Unacceptable delays must be discussed with your bank. Are you satisfied with the location of discussions about business matters, whether it be at your premises or the bank's?  Point 5  How long does it take to receive a response on the application for a loan facility. Is this time acceptable?  Point 6  Does the bank keep you fully informed of the charges for business current accounts, loans and overdrafts with statements of account provided regularly?  Point 7  How frequently are errors made and if there are any, how are they handled?  Point 8  Are you satisfied with the service and attitude of the branch staff?  Finally  Finally, and most importantly, review periodically the service which your business receives from the branch and determine whether the bank is providing good value for your expense. Remember - ask yourself if you would recommend the branch where your business account is kept to someone else who is considering opening a business bank account.  Remember that if you need any help we are only an e-mail away - Contact Kelvyn Peters CPA & Associates. If you just need a little help, you will find it at http://profitstrategies4business.comAbout the Author  Kelvyn Peters is one of Australia's longest serving Tax Agents. Kelvyn was registered in February 1962.He is a director of Restaurant Catering Qld Inc the peak employer representative in Queensland, and advised the hospitality industry for many years.His speciality is moving in to rescue ailing restaurants.Kelvyn Peters CPA has spent over 20 years experimenting and researching methods to help small business in meaningful ways that are affordable.Kelvyn and his associates have perfected it with their local clients now they are going global.http://www.profitstrategies4business.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Financial Planning Publicity: When Talking to the Media, Dont Fake What You

Relationships are based on trust-not just romantic relationships, or doctor/patient relationships, but practically any relationship, even the one with your auto mechanic.That's why the absolute worst thing a financial planner can do in their relationship with a  reporter-especially a new relationship-is to give them false information.Remember, they think of you as a subject matter expert. Someone they can turn to again and again for concise, intelligent and accurate explanations for financial planning matters that they don't understand. If you mislead them, even if it's unintentional, you lose all credibility--and all chances for publicity.It is an especially egregious mistake to make with a reporter, because they have a relationship with their readers. If they print the false information that you gave them, it gets into the hands of thousands of people.When the mistake is caught (and it will be) the reporter has to print an embarrassing correction or retraction. Believe me, your number will be gone from their Rolodex in an instant.If you are not sure of the answer to a reporter's question, say these words:

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Try Truffles!

Want to serve an elegant, yet easy, dessert? Try truffles. The chocolate kind, that is. Not the fungi. These rich and creamy bite-sized indulgences are really quite simple to make. The secret is to buy the best chocolate you can afford.For 25-30 basic chocolate truffles you  will need:4 oz. good quality bittersweet chocolate, chopped in small pieces4 oz. good quality semisweet or milk chocolate, chopped in small pieces6 T. unsalted butter, cubed2 tsp. instant coffee crystals dissolved in 3 Tbsp. warm water1 Tbsp. of your favorite liqueur (optional)COATINGS (Any or all of the following):Unsweetened cocoa powderToasted, finely chopped pecans, almonds, walnuts, or hazelnutsFinely chopped sweetened coconutVery fine graham cracker crumbsPowdered sugarMelt both chocolates, butter, and instant coffee liquid in a double boiler over simmering water. Stir with a rubber spatula until chocolate and butter are melted and smooth (about 5 minutes). Remove from heat.Stir in the liqueur. Pour chocolate mixture onto a parchment lined baking sheet. Cover with plastic wrap and chill until firm (at least 1 hour).Use a melon ball scoop or a couple of teaspoons to mold the cold chocolate mixture into truffles.Put each of the coating items in a separate shallow plastic container that has a lid. Place each truffle into any one of the coatings and roll it around until covered (Hint: When you have 5 or 6 truffles in any one of the coating mixtures, put the lid on the container and gently shake it until the truffles are completely coated).Store the truffles in an airtight container (in a single layer) lined with parchment paper. They will keep in the refrigerator for up to a week or in the freezer for up to a month.Suzanne Lieurance is a freelance writer and owner of the Three Angels Gourmet Co. which produces a line of

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Africa; The Forgotten Land of The Catholic Church

African Nations upset at the selection of the new Pope, Benedict XVI; they wanted a Black Pope. Instead they got another 'white man'. Some Black Americans are saying this just proves "whitey" still runs the world and continues to economically enslave the Africans  and African Americans. One young black man we interviewed, Tyrone Williams, said "They all in it t'getter, come on, is obvious." Tyrone is considering converting to Islam; "There is no place for a black man in the Catholic Church."Some believe that the AIDS epidemic in Africa was part of the reason, the orphanages are a drain on the Catholic Church's resources. The strategy of the Catholic Church is to nurture young African minds into the church for future dividends, however they say it is not paying off for two reasons; First, few of these children will ever reach adulthood to pay tithing and second, the amount they will be able to pay in the future is not enough to support the predominantly Centralized Church with it's enormous budget and appetite. As the life expectancy shortens due to AIDS the costs to run church operations in Africa are not where the money is and let's face it the Catholic Church is a business, as it most closely represents a modern day franchise system.Many Catholic Priests find refuge in the orphanages working with the young adolescent boys and young girls. They find solace in helping the young African kids there and enjoy their extra curricular activities which many in the priesthood favor. Many Catholic Priests feel it is safer to go to Africa and work in the orphanages there, than to face scrutiny in America.The fact is the Catholic Church is trying to put a good spin on the situation, but at the same time must keep up their power base and that costs money. Many Catholic Churches in the United States are bankrupt, Africa is a loss leader and they are looking for strength and numbers where they can get the most for their money. If the Catholic Church had picked a Black Pope instead of Benedict XVI, they would lose much of their white following, which brings in the most money for the church. There is some talk at the WHO that there may come a time when Africa needs to quarantined and that would mean the Church would lose followers due to disease and fewer volunteers willing to help and still would not receive an adequate ROI for their efforts.Many financial analysts and high value property real estate appraisers applaud the Catholic Church's choice as it makes the most monetary sense. Others believe that the Catholic Church should do the right thing and work to help the people of the world where it can do the most good. Still others do not fault the Catholic Church for their choice, this has always been the way of the church why would they want to change now. They must do what is best for the church and strategically place the church where it can yield the most power over the people, for the future benefit of Catholicism. That my friends is truly what is in the best interest of one of the most controversial and powerful religions ever created in the history of mankind.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The American Dream ? At What Cost?

When people are asked, "How many of you are content and happy with what you have?" the reply of an overwhelming majority of people is "Not me." And when they are asked what do they want most out of life, the typical reply is "I want to be  happy," as if happy is some kind of a place, like Disneyland or Happy Land. But happiness is not a destination. It's a process. In fact, happiness is not even so much a sentiment (contrary to popular culture reinforced by the media) but more of a state of being and an attitude if you will. It comes from feeling connected with everything and everyone. It is the level of our awareness that makes the difference between living "happily" or unhappily.Living in an increasingly artificial world, it's easy to forget our spiritual roots, and very hard not to live the illusion of life rather than life itself. When we live by the motto: "He with the most toys lives," rather than "He with the most joys lives," we invariably experience artificial joy that prevents us from living fully in the here and now while connecting with real people, real life and having real joy. Perhaps that's because knowingly or unknowingly, many of us fell victim to the illusion of The American Dream and its promise for sweet success based on a materialistic values system.So before rushing to say: "I want more money," confusing material success with experiencing more love and joy, ask yourself "at what cost? Is the high price tag for achieving success, as narrowly defined by THE AMERICAN DREAM, worth the effort and the great sacrifice? In the pursuit of THE AMERICAN DREAM it's easy to lose sight of what's really important and overlook the many trappings of success. You may sacrifice so much just "to get there" only to discover that there is no "there" there. There is more to life than material success and living by the code of external and shallow values that really don't serve our highest good and purpose. Then you become disillusioned and life easily becomes an empty experience devoid of meaning and real joy or purpose.This is not to say that you should not strive for excellence or even material success. After all, there is nothing virtuous about being poor. How can you help your fellow human being when you are suffering from lack yourself? It's unfortunate that money has such a bad reputation ("money is the root of all evil"). In fact it's the love of money ? greed - that drives some to commit crimes that is the root of all evil). When used properly with the element of charity being incorporated, money can be a very useful tool to actually make a difference.It is more spiritual to live well for yourself so that you can give yourself away to benefit others. You are an expression of life itself and that demands your active participation in the process of life through creativity and prosperity. However, it's essential that you make informed decisions based on the awareness that the promise of THE AMERICAN DREAM which is based on a materialistic and shallow values system (to have it all and enjoy it all and live happily ever after) is just an illusion that may not be in your best interest and can actually cause you more harm than good. Success has its own trappings. It demands a very high price tag that may not be worth it.But if you still insist on knowing whether or not you have reached "Happy Land," in the end you will know it when you live your life consciously. That means you practice the attitude of gratitude for all the blessings in your life (remember it could always be worse). Your joy of life is not dependent on external values such as the accumulation of possessions that produce artificial joy that is as fleeting as it is cruel. You stop defining yourself based on somebody else's narrow definition of who you are and should be. After all, your true essence, which is constantly changing and expansive, is beyond any man-made definition. Now that's something to get excited about.About The AuthorCopyright © 2004, GeelaAuthor of "The American Dream"Geela is an award winning singer/songwriter/composer, columnist, and author of the best-selling book "THE AMERICAN DREAM," her true- life story of how she came to America as a young immigrant with nothing and overcame incredible obstacles to achieve mega-success. She founded ONE SPIRIT, ONE WORLD to help children and promote a culture of peace and harmony. Get a free sample of her music and her book at http://www.Geela.com.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Why Laughter Is Good For You

How Laughter Can Reduce Stress and Improve Your HealthA merry heart doeth good like a medicine; but a broken spirit drieth the bones. -Proverbs 17:22Feeling stressed out, angry or sad? Dread going to work?Try this: Open your mouth as wide as you can, bug out your eyes,  stick out your tongue, bring your hands up like the claws of a lion, then erupt in a mighty roar of hearty laughter.Or this: Sitting down, pretend you're on a roller coaster approaching the top of the hill. Slowly raise your arms higher and higher, bend back, lift your feet off the ground, and in a rising tone of voice, exclaim: "Oooooohh." Then, as the imaginary coaster races downhill, bring your arms crashing down with a big belly laugh that crescendos as you bend over at the waist.Even if your laughter seems forced, don't be surprised if you feel much better. Just as lifting weights and doing aerobic exercises can strengthen the body and invigorate the spirit, scientists today believe that the act of laughter can be a physically and emotionally therapeutic force.The lion and roller coaster laughs, together with about a dozen others, are now featured exercises in 1000 "laughter clubs" worldwide. A growing trend first reported on by ABC's Peter Jennings in a l9981 World News Tonight report, laughter clubs (about 100 in the U.S.) are the absolute latest in stress- reduction therapy, easing tensions of modern life and enhancing one's health. And laughter workouts are being effectively used in corporate settings, hospitals, nursing homes, and even grade schools.Frame Your Mind To MirthEver since the mid-l960's, when the well-known Saturday Review writer Norman Cousins was diagnosed with a terminal disease and said he laughed himself to health by watching "Candid Camera" and funny Marx Brothers movies (and by ingesting megadoses of vitamin C), scientists have been tantalized by the possibilities of this mind-body connection.Four centuries before this, Shakespeare was writing about the healing power of levity in The Taming of the Shrew: "And frame your mind to mirth and merriment, which bars a thousand harms and lengthens life."Today, Dr. William Fry, a psychiatrist, laughter researcher, and professor emeritus at Stanford University Medical School, agrees with Shakespeare: "When you're laughing you discharge tension associated with the three primary negative emotions--anxiety, fear, and anger," says the physician, who has devoted 30 years to laughter research. "Any of these emotions in excess can lead to diseases that shorten life. If you can laugh at what you fear, the fear just vanishes."Mirthful laughter," he continues, "is a total body activity that conditions the heart muscle, exercises the diaphragm, abdominal and thoracic muscles, and augments our respiratory exchange, with more oxygen coming in and more carbon dioxide going out, improving lung capacity."Moreover, the stimulation of laughter, he explains, improves circulation because it elevates the heart rate and blood pressure. "A day's worth of hearty laughter," Dr. Fry figures, "is about equal to ten minutes on the rowing machine.""Without question, laughter has a healing and preventive effect on our health, much like moderate exercise, meditation, prayer, or yoga," adds Dr. Lee Berk, associate professor of pathology and human anatomy at the School of Medicine of Loma Linda University, in southern California."In fact, the parallels between laughter and exercise are uncanny," says Berk, a laughter pioneer who reels off a list of health benefits that make laughter a virtual panacea: "Laughter," he reckons, "can relax the muscles, increase alertness and memory, reduce physical pain, lessen emotional stress, boost the immune system, lower blood pressure, improve circulation, increase vigor, defuse anger, and may even produce endorphins that provide a natural high."Such dazzling gains have not gone unnoticed by many U.S. hospitals, which offer humor rooms, humor wagons (filled with videos, oversized props like Groucho glasses and stick-on noses, and magic tricks), in-house humor TV channels, and clowns. Practitioners believe that any of these methods-- through the laughter they produce--can improve respiratory ailments like asthma and chronic bronchitis (forcing air out of the lungs), and the outlook of patients.Not to mention cardiac rehabilitation, where laughter may be key, notes Berk:"In a study of cardiac patients asked to watch humorous videos for 30 minutes daily for an entire year, there was an 8.3% recurrence of heart attacks as compared to 41.7% in the group treated by conventional methods. If I had come up with a medication that accomplished that--I'd be on my way to Sweden to get a Nobel Prize! Laughter is FREE--which means we have the ability to heal ourselves and reduce stress. Isn't that amazing?"Taking Laughter To Work and SchoolSmall wonder that some companies are now extending themselves beyond dress-down days, sports tournaments, and ice-cream parties to offering employees organized laughterfests, aided by more than 20 U.S. humor- consulting firms.One key player in the U.S. laughter business is psychologist Steve Wilson, a self-proclaimed "joyologist" who left behind his private practice in Gahanna, Ohio to co-found both the North American Laughter Club and World Laughter Tour Inc.,which certifies "laughter leaders.""When you double over and go limp with laughter and end up telling your friends-- 'Thanks I needed that!'--you really did need it," exclaims Wilson. "A laughter burst in a corporate setting," he observes, "gives employees a chance to discharge tension, it energizes them (better than a coffee break), and boosts their creativity. And creativity is essential for planning, problem-solving, and decision-making. Employees who are creative and energized are going to be more productive."Just ask Bobbe White, a business development officer at the State Street Bank and Trust Co. in Quincy, Illinois, who paces employees through giggles once a week: "When I first did this at a staff meeting, they thought I was nuts!" laughs White, who received laughter leader accreditation at Columbus State Community College, in Ohio, where she was trained by the World Laughter Tour Inc."Employees," she admits, "were apprehensive and reluctant. But a year later, they're more relaxed, they laugh more easily, they deal with customer conflict with less strain--and our laughter club has created a feeling of overall camaraderie."Bank vice president Glennon Rost, 42, agrees: "At first, I couldn't believe they were asking me to do this," he chuckles, "but in no time I was laughing all over the place. Life's too short to spend any of it mad at the world. And you can't be mad or worry about a bad loan while you're laughing. It's also easier to approach a colleague later in the day if you've seen them break loose in laughter."The irony is that humans laugh less and less as they mature, attempting to squelch their childlike giggles, an instinct contrary to their emotional and physical health."The average American pre-school child laughs about 400 times a day,3 marvels Steve Wilson, "while the average American adult is maybe laughing as little as 15 times! That's because we're bogged down by stress."To prevent this happening to a new generation, some grade schools are addressing the problem head-on, using laughter clubs to reduce peer and parental pressures. "These kids," says Wilson, "are getting a lifetime inoculation to protect them from losing their ability to laugh so they don't lose 385 laughs by the time they're grown up. My philosophy of life is: DON'T POSTPONE JOY. Mark Twain said 'life is uncertain, so eat your dessert first.'"Laugh For No ReasonThe laughter club movement began in Bombay in l995, when an inventive Indian physician, Dr. Madan Kataria, a longtime student of humor and yoga, observed that patients who laughed frequently tended to recover more quickly from illness and stayed healthier longer. He discovered that a session of forced laughter in the morning could create a sense of well-being and leave behind an emotional glow."The idea came to my mind in a flash," says Kataria, in an interview from Bombay. "I had read so much research about the health benefits of laughter, yet nobody was laughing enough in our stressful, modern life."So one day," he recalls, "I went to a public park at 7 a.m., stood on a corner, and started laughing at jokes with five people. But then I thought, why not laugh for no reason--because laugher is infectious."So it was. Kataria founded a company, Laughter Clubs International, which has sprouted more than 400 affiliates in India with 50,000 members, most of whom meet in the early morning at public parks or apartment complexes before going to work.Dr. Kataria, who has written a landmark book about his techniques, Laugh For No Reason [Madhuri International, l999], believes a laughter "prescription" is the best prevention:"More than 70% of illnesses--like high blood pressure, heart disease, anxiety, depression, frequent coughs and colds, peptic ulcers, insomnia, allergies, asthma, menstrual difficulties, tension headaches, stomach upsets and even cancer--have some relation to stress," he says."A good laugh," he concludes, "brings you instant relaxation and has been proven to reduce the blood levels of stress hormones like adrenalin, dopamine, and cortisol." Fake It Till You Make ItWhether in Bombay or Chicago, the format of laughter clubs is the same, consisting of a 20-minute blend of mirthful laughter, deep breathing and stretching exercises. No jokes or comedy are required!Certified laughter leader Margot Escott of Naples Florida, a psychotherapist and national speaker on humor and healing, prepares participants in the following way: "I always begin by saying: 'Forced or simulated laughter might seem phony or fake to you, but the body doesn't know the difference. You get the same benefits from laughter--whether it's 'real' or not!'""Self-induced laughter," adds Dr. Kataria, "is contagious--and very soon the voluntary laughter does get converted into genuine peals of giggles."Steve Wilson, who was trained by Dr. Kataria, notes: "You don't even have to be in the mood to laugh. Motion creates emotion," he believes, "so fake it till you make it."At the start of every laughter session, members launch into a three-minute warm-up, repeating, "Ho-Ho,Ha-Ha-Ha"--a rhythmic chant spoken in unison with brisk clapping."Doing this," says Wilson, "stimulates acupressure points in the palms of the hands and oxygenates the blood."Next is deep breathing, a core element borrowed from yoga that releases tension and relaxes participants.Then the real fun begins with a group of interactive laughs. The first is called the Greeting laugh: Look into the eyes of the person next to you. Exchange a hand-shake or high-five while laughing in a warm, inviting tone. Then keep changing partners, shaking hands, and laughing.Any number of improvised laughs may follow, such as the roller coaster and lion, or the always popular Humming: Laugh with the lips closed, so the sound of the laugh has to come out of your nose. This makes a humming sound which resonates throughout the skull. "Fluttering your arms and hands like wings is optional," says Wilson, "but it's a sure fire way to augment laughs!"Other staples includes:Cocktail laugh: A parody of superficial party behavior. Pretend you're holding a martini on one hand, shake hands daintily with the other, and then laugh in a "kiss-kiss," phony, coy, sarcastic manner.Argument laugh, one of the most cathartic, is especially popular in schools: Two people face one another, both wagging an accusatory index finger at the other in an angry posture while vigorously laughing.This one's a favorite of ten-year-old Nick White, son of laughter leader Bobbe White: "My older sister [Korey, 12] and I argue a lot and I like doing the pointing!" Nick reports in a gleeful telephone interview. "When we're doing the argument laugh, we're not really mad. Laughing makes kids feel better so you don't worry about anything."Nick says he also likes the Crazy Dance: You dance any which way, arms and legs in motion, while you're shaking with laughter.And don't forget the Penguin: You keep your arms at your sides, your heels together, and just waddle around and laugh, circulating from member to member.Don't participants feel a bit silly roaring like a lion or flapping hands around like a bird? "The word 'silly' comes from an old English word meaning a blessing or a gift," says Escott, "so to be silly is to give someone a blessing."Interspersed between structured giggles are exercises--gentle neck and shoulder stretches and side-and waist bends, all meant to limber up and tone the muscles and promote flexibility and relaxation.Due to the sometimes intense physicality of a laughter workout, Dr. Kataria and his followers warn that pregnant women, those with uterovaginal prolapse (weakening of the ligaments supporting the uterus), heart patients, individuals with high blood pressure, anyone with eye complications (especially glaucoma), a hernia or hemorrhoids, or those recovering from recent abdominal surgery should not participate in a laughter session. Laughter For Seniors and the Chronically IllPerhaps its most seductive effect, laughter (like chocolate) nearly always provides a potent euphoric benefit, reports Dr. Kataria, "because it increases the release of endorphins--the body's own morphine, natural pain killers," producing a "runner's high." Endorphins, he has proven, can lessen pain perception in those suffering from arthritis, tension headaches, and a myriad of other maladies faced by seniors or the chronically ill.As Norman Cousins wrote in his bestselling book, Anatomy of an Illness,4 "ten minutes of genuine belly laughter had an anesthetic effect and would give me at least two hours of pain-free sleep."That's why laughter clubs are becoming increasingly popular in nursing homes, says laughter leader Barb Templeton, activities director at the Heritage Health Care and Rehabilitation Center in Naples, Florida, a skilled nursing home with 97 residents."Laughter therapy is an elixir that can absolutely mask pain and cut through the depression and boredom of being in a nursing home," remarks Templeton, who says residents who are disabled can fully participate--whether lying down, or using walkers or wheelchairs.Talk to Yvonne Cook, a resident of the home, age 62: "I had a stroke and can't move my left side," she says in a phone interview,"but the exercises help my strong side and I can laugh sitting down. After laughter club, there are lots of smiling faces in wheelchairs!"John DeBruyn, although only age 50, is also a resident at Heritage after suffering multiple strokes. "Laughter club," he confides, "keeps me out of the dumps. I see what depression does to people...it's a killer. So I always feel like laughing."Thomas White, age 83 and suffering from Alzheimer's disease, attends laughter club every week at the urging of his wife Marguerite, a non-resident at Heritage: "I've noticed he's less tense, more relaxed and happy. We've laughed all our lives--through 50 years of marriage--and we're not stopping now!"Finally, for seniors living independently, like Dottie Wilson, age 89, of Naples, Florida, laughter clubs provide an emotional boost: "The first time I went to a laughter club, at my church, I was on a high until I went to bed! I could hardly sleep I was so stimulated," she recalls. "I didn't know any of the 50 people in the group and it was a great icebreaker. Seniors need this. It's better than a visit to the doctor because it takes the focus away from age and ailments. You get in touch with your lighter side."Speaking of icebreakers, nothing works faster than the Ice-Cube Down The Back, says Steve Wilson: "This laugh was invented by women in their 80's and 90's--members of a laughter club in an assisted living facility in Canton, Ohio. They tried it out on the day they went on a picnic. You pretend someone just put an ice-cube down your back, wriggle around, and start giggling." The Spiritual Component of LaughterThe finale of each laugh workout arrives with three affirmative cheers: The leader delivers the first punch line by saying: 'We are the happiest people in the world.' Everyone raises their arms and says, 'Y-e-ee-s!' 'We are the healthiest people in the world.' 'Y-e-s!' 'We are Laughter Club members! 'Y-e- e-s!'" Then members stretch their arms out toward the sky, close their eyes and, in India, pray for world peace."If we laughed more, we'd fight less and there would be more peace in the world," exclaims Steve Wilson, who explains that laughter clubs always feature an underlying spiritual component:"If you only derive the physical benefits of laughter, that's good, but not good enough. We also have to get the spirit of laughter. So when we're cooling down at the end of a session, the leader always mentions 'emotional balancing,'" comprised of three practices: On Mondays, group members are encouraged to pay compliments; Wednesdays are reserved for practicing gratitude;Fridays are centered on forgiveness.The end result is no less than a spiritual makeover, promises Wilson: "With all this, in the face of a setback or disappointment, you can make an RMA-- rapid mental adjustment--and decide to be amazed and amused, rather than angry or hurt."Your anger," he warns in parting, "is your worst enemy--for your heart and for your attitude. So laughter workouts turn out to be the ultimate cost- effective therapy. Laughter is free, it's easy to pass around, and it prevents hardening of the attitudes!!"* * * * Side-BarTips for Putting More Laughter Into Your Life1)Create your own Mirth-Aid Kit: Find humor videos, toys, and fun props like wind-up toys, Groucho glasses, a clown nose, a mechanical laugh bag, a horn, bubbles--anything that amuses you, and tuck them into your desk, glove compartment, or briefcase. The next time you're stressed, take them out and amuse yourself and others.2)Join or start a laughter club (for instructions log onto: www.worldlaughtertour.com)3)Find a humor ally--a laughing buddy who makes you laugh and vice-versa. Trade funny stories and laughs. Or subscribe to Humor Pal@www.jesthealth.com.4)Surround yourself with humor: At home, decorate the refrigerator with magnetized cartoons, humorous columns, and fun photos, or create a family humor bulletin board.5)Tell stories on yourself:Take your bloopers, foibles, and shortcomings...and laugh about them.6)Spend time with preschool children: Kids are natural laughers who don't put a negative spin on setbacks. Let it rub off on you.7)Loosen up unrelenting standards: Anything you can do to reduce perfectionism and create a casual atmosphere will increase potential for laughter in your life. Worry, anxiety and perfectionism kill laughter8)Share the laughter wealth:When you read a newspaper or magazine, keep a pair of scissors handy, cut out cartoons or articles that strike you as funny, and pop them in the mail to friends and family9)Exploit the contagious laugh effect: Laughter loves company-- As Victor Borge said: "A smile is the shortest distance between two people." So seek out cheerful, good-natured people and avoid crabby, grouchy, negative, or sarcastic people.10)Bring your sense of humor to work: The funny line and bottom line can go hand-in-hand.Side-bar based upon interviews with humor consultants: Steve Wilson of WorldLaughterTour; Joel Goodman of The Humor Project Inc.; and Patti Wooten of Just For The Health of It.Mirth Aid Kit available for photography, created by Patti Wooten.For more information about laughter clubs: http://www.worldlaughtertour.comFor more information about developing humor skills: Association for Applied and Therapeutic HumorBestselling author GLENN PLASKIN is one of the nation's leading psychology reporters and celebrity interviewers. His specialty today is interviewing the nation's top experts in spirituality, motivation, happiness, and self- improvement. A contributing editor at FAMILY CIRCLE, the world' s largest women's magazine, he is available for TV, radio, and print interviews. He also coaches those interested in writing articles and books. He can be contacted circ directly at: glenfamilycircle@aol.com.Plaskin is the author of two books--HOROWITZ--the biography of Vladimir Horowitz [William Morrow]--and TURNING POINT: Pivotal Moments in the Lives of America's Celebrities.[Birch Lane Press]. His celebrity interviews have appeared in Family Circle, US, Ladies Home Journal,Playboy,The New York. Times, and the New York Daily News. His TURNING POINT column was syndicated by Tribune Media Services in more than 50 U.S. newspapers. His celebrity interviews have included exclusives with Elizabeth Taylor, Katharine Hepburn, Calvin Klein, Diana Ross, Nancy Reagan, Chery, Meryl Streep, Do

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Use H-O-L-L-Y to Beat Christmas Cooking Stress

What does holly, that untidy traditional greenery you just have to festoon your house with every year, have to do with not tearing your hair out before it's even Thanksgiving? Plenty. You can use H-O-L-L-Y to help you get organized.1. H: HelpHow many times have you tried to  do the perfect turkey all by yourself just so your mother-in-law would be impressed? Here's a reality check: (a) If your mother-in-law is any kind of a real woman, she remembers that her mother-in-law put the exact same pressure on her, and (b) if she's the kind of person who complains because the cranberries come from a can, she's the kind of person who complains anyway and would be unhappy if she couldn't try to make you look like an incompetent nitwit, and how a woman like that could raise your wonderful husband is beyond everyone.If that husband is such a great guy, get him in the kitchen. Sit down and plan what the two of you really want---he might not want a six-course dinner, which is fine, because you don't either. Get the kids involved. By now some of them are at that stage where they want to show off what they can do

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Selecting a Laminate Floor to Suite Your Needs

The traditional look of hardwood flooring is timeless; its beauty has brought a sense of comfort and elegance to homes around the world for many generations. Hardwood floors are however pricey, not very durable and require a fair amount of routine maintenance and care. Even  the most recent technological advancements in surface treatment have not been able to solve such problems as scratching, fading, denting and staining. This has lead to the invention of laminate flooring. With its machine made construction and hardwood photographic laminated surface, laminate flooring is the perfect solution for the look and appeal of real hardwood floors that are more durable and require less maintenance.Since the introduction of laminate flooring into the US in 1982, the sector has experienced growth of up to 20% per annum at the expense of other flooring types, making laminate flooring the fastest growing flooring type in the country. Its appeal lies not only in its aesthetic value of its representation of real hardwood, but also due to its incredible durability and ease of maintenance. Laminate flooring is built to withstand the rigors of today's active lifestyles.Unlike hardwood, laminate flooring will not stain, fade, dent and is far more scratch and water resistant. Laminate warranties range from 10 years to lifetime and cover such factors as mentioned above. Entry level laminates are designed for light traffic areas and come with warranties ranging from 10 to 15 years. Most people set their expectations too high and expect that an entry level laminate will perform under heavy traffic conditions and still look good for the duration of the warranty. This is however not the case, as an entry level laminate subject to high traffic will start to show wear and tear within three to five years.Buying the laminate flooring that suits your needs will save you money in the long run. This is not to say that every home requires a high end laminate with an extensive warranty. Consider the amount of traffic as well as the amount of time you intend staying in your current home. There is no point in purchasing an expensive floor with an extended warranty if you plan on moving in the near future. Remember, flooring is usually the first thing replaced by people when moving to a new home.Laminate floors come with cores ranging from 6mm up to 12mm. A thicker core is more stable, less vulnerable to buckling and will sound more like real hardwood when walked on. Good quality laminate cores are treated with water repellent chemicals, and resist swelling due to excessive moisture. This is very important especially when considering placing laminate floors in bathrooms and kitchens. For these applications also consider a laminate that has Paraffin wax impregnated joints. The Paraffin wax acts as a water repellent and will prevent topical water spills from penetrating down to the laminate core. Also remember to scrutinize the warranty, as certain laminate floors are not covered for use in bathrooms and kitchens.The introduction of glueless locking mechanisms has opened the door to the DIY market. The absence of glue allows for a quicker installation and easier repair, and unlike other flooring materials that require specialist knowledge and equipment, these floors can be installed by people with no prior experience and no specialized tools. The ability to install the floor without having to hire an installer will save you a considerable amount of money.This artcile was written by Barry Hutch of Contract Resources. Visit their website at: Guide to flooring and Pergo floors

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arrow right The Seven Cs: Partnership Danger Signs - The 6th C: Changing Vision

A series of articles exploring the seven critical areas that can indicate a partnership is in trouble.The 6th C: Changing VisionIn order for a business to be a success the vision and mission must be reflected in all aspects of the structure, the culture and the strategy by  which business is conducted. Contained in these are core values and principles set forth by the owners and leaders. If there are discrepancies between any of these, I can assure you there will be problems.There are two parts to vision. One is the partners' vision for the business and the other is each partner's personal vision for their life.The personal vision of each should be in sync with the vision of the business and enhance it. Obviously it is important to have clarity of both before entering the partnership and to revisit them periodically as they may change over time.For example, Justin and Romero were partners in a chain of do-it -yourself stores for about 15 years. The vision the business fulfilled was to provide easy access to low cost supplies for homeowners in various locales who were involved in do-it-yourself home fix up projects. One-stop shopping at discounted prices.They were quite successful and over the years added a significant number of stores to their chain. There was a 20 year age difference between the partners, and that seemed to have served them well. Justin was younger and more of a risk taker; Romero was more cautious. They respected each other's opinion and were able to create a balance in their decision making around the business. Investments of profits, adding new stores, dealing with suppliers, changing their inventory focus based on changing markets over the years were easy discussions for them.About 15 years later Justin decided it was time to take some major risks by adding additional services such as a food and household supply division and a pharmacy. Justin was interested in a much broader base of customers. This would not only change the focus of their clientele, but also vendors, marketing strategy and ultimately taking risks previously avoided. At the same time, Justin was eagerly ready to move into this new level of business, Romero was thinking of retirement. He was becoming more cautious and did not want to forge ahead with new risks.Obviously the changing perspective of the partners' personal goals created a dichotomy of opinion regarding the previous agreement of the purpose and vision for the business.The resolution emerged through coaching sessions. The communication between the partners had always been open and respectful of each other. So in this situation the goal of finding a win/win resolution and a carefully crafted plan designed to end the partnership was not too difficult. A buy-out of Romero based on their original agreement with some new amendments took place and Justin found a new partner with whom he could implement his plan for the future.In another example, Thomas and Fred were excited to be launching a new internet business. The vision for the business was to provide a unique means of networking geared to members of the fitness industry. It would enable people in that industry to find both employment and services supporting their industry. It also allowed new participants to feature their products. A particular mode of qualifying for the service would insure the trustworthiness of those benefiting from the service.Thomas and Fred had been friends since high school and were very close. They got along well and had no doubt they were a good match as business partners. For the most part they were both in total agreement about the vision, structure and strategies needed to fulfill their plans.In their first coaching session I asked them each how they saw their future 5 years down the line in relation to the business. Thomas envisioned a highly successful company that would achieve market value and go public in a year. By then he would be married and have a family, able to live well, vacation a lot and be quite affluent. The business would be there to provide at that level for his family for many years to come until he decided to retire. He envisioned passing the business on to his children if they wanted it.Fred said in 5 years he saw the business as being a financial success worth many millions and at that point he would want to sell it as a public company and move on to something else. He had no intention of marrying or making a life long career out of this particular idea.They looked at each other in amazement. Until that moment both had assumed they knew each other very well and were on the same page.This difference in their personal life visions was certainly workable. It simply meant they now had a new dimension of knowledge about each other and that the partnership agreement between them could be written with more wisdom, minimizing surprises down the line.Your vision is a picture of your purpose, whether it be personal or for your business. A purpose gives your life meaning. Your business also must have a purpose if it is to be a source of fulfillment and satisfaction. Partnerships are very much like marriages and likewise, the relationships between the partners need to be handled with the same detailed care. When a change in vision occurs, it can tear people away from each other. The key in partnerships as in marriage is to constantly talk openly. In a business the key to talking is to always hold the commitment to the business and the partnership as a given. When partners have maintained a close and open relationship the concern and care for each by the other is also a given. So when differences occur they can be managed in a manner that provides a win/win outcome.The examples I used focus mainly on changes in personal vision, however, personal vision can have a direct effect on business vision and vice versa. If the vision of a business is subject to changes due to market, societal or global trends, business partners can be faced with the same challenges to reconcile competing or evolving business purpose. Communication and commitment are always keys to success.About The AuthorDorene Lehavi, Ph.D. is principal of Next Level Business and Professional Coaching. She coaches Professionals and Business Partners and teaches teleclasses on techniques to break through barriers to the next level. Dr. Lehavi offers a complimentary coaching session so you can experience how coaching can work for you. Contact Dr. Lehavi at Dorene@CoachingforYourNextLevel.com or on the web at Http://www.CoachingforYourNextLevel.com. Subscribe to Mastering Your Next Level monthly e-newsletter at http://www.coachingforyournextlevel.com/newsletter.htmldorene@nextlevelpartnership.com

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arrow right How To Get Free Publicity For Your Business

You don't have to spend thousands of dollars on advertising to build an effective campaign. In fact, you can get great publicity that will drive customers to do your door absolutely free of charge!One of the best ways to do this is to attract press coverage. You don't have  to pay for advertising space to get written about in a newspaper or magazine, or on a website. All you have to do is interest the editor or webmaster in your story. Today's media is huge - and it's hungry for news. If you present a publication with a ready-made story that will interest their target audience they will snap it up.The way to do this is to write a press release, sometimes called a "news release". Release writing isn't rocket science, but there are a few important tips and tricks to remember:· Make sure the release is dated, and has a contact name, address, phone number and email address. The contact should be a single, named individual. · Start off with an attention-grabbing headline that announces a piece of specific news. "Atlanta Motorbike Store Launches New Line of Helmets" is a good headline; "Atlanta Motorbike Store Has Another Good Year" is not. Your release should announce something specific and out of the ordinary. · Always include a quote. Store owner Mike Smith, 44, says, "we're really pleased to be stocking X-Brand Helmets?." Quotes bring news stories to life and give them a human touch - you'll look a long time before you find a professional media story without one. · Make sure your spelling, grammar and punctuation are one hundred percent accurate. If they're not, the professionals in your target media will lose respect for you and trash your release. If you didn't get top grades in English, get a friend to check it over.Once you've written your release you need to distribute it. There are plenty of free newswires that will do this for you - www.internetnewsbureau.com is a good example. Remember that to be successful a press release needs to be targeted at a precise market. If you're releasing on the topic of your new range of motorbike helmets in Atlanta, you'd better make sure every bike magazine and local newspaper in Georgia gets a copy.It's quite acceptable to email press releases. Just make sure that the text is included in the body of the mail - most sensible internet users are a little suspicious of mail attachments received from strangers.So your release is out, and it's getting you some coverage. Why other cost-free means can you use to build your business's profile? Well, the obvious place is the internet. Here are some suggestions:· Build web links. It's a tactic as old as the internet and it takes time - but it's still worth it. Make sure your business's name is on every relevant free directory on the web. This can be pretty backbreaking work, but it will pull in the customers. Crucially, it will also improve your website's rank on Google and other search engines. · Post to message boards. If you can find a web discussion forum related to your business topic, join in and post regularly. Don't simply push your product - get involved in the online community. This is a great way to establish contacts. Make sure that your username is the same as your business name and that your forum profile contains a link to your site.One rule of advertising hasn't changed since prehistoric times: nothing beats word-of-mouth. Ultimately the secret of getting free publicity is having a great product that people will talk about. If you can get folks talking about you and your business, you've beaten every single Fortune 1000 company - they've spent millions on advertising and branding campaigns. If you're smart, and if you're persistent, you can achieve the same results without spending a single cent!Matt Bacak became

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How to Grow Chocolate Cosmos

Chocolate cosmos (Cosmos atrosanguinea) is both nose and eye candy for your garden. When it's in full bloom, mature blossoms on long, slender stems look like candy kisses on a stick and fill the late afternoon with the sweet scent of vanilla tinged chocolate. New blossoms  hug the foliage of the plant, nearly concealing it with their numbers! Add to that the sweet chocolate fragrance and you end up with something very special.Although chocolate cosmos is endangered in the wild, transplants are easily found at most nurseries and garden centers in the spring. However, gardeners who are inexperienced in how to grow chocolate cosmos may overlook what seem to be small, messy tangles of miniature dahlia leaves, unaware that once established, prolific blossoms nearly conceal the foliage. Once in bloom, chocolate cosmos blossoms continuously throughout the summer into the first frosts of autumn.If you're planning a gothic garden, chocolate cosmos is the plant for you. Sometimes referred to as black cosmos, dark maroon blossoms are so deep in color that they appear brown/black in late afternoon and evening.A native of Mexico, the chocolate cosmos is a half-hardy perennial and a sun loving plant that is moderately drought tolerant.You'll most easily grow chocolate cosmos from transplants purchased at your local garden center or nursery. Large clumps of established plants can also be divided to provide as many as three or four transplants.Plant chocolate cosmos in organically rich, well-drained soil in a location that gets full sun. Keep the transplants moist until they established roots and you see the beginnings of some new growth.In the fall, when foliage dies back, cut plants back to about two inches from the root and over-winter them in a frost-free area. Chocolate cosmos is hardy in zones 7-10. In these zones, you may opt to cover the plants with a cloche to protect them from danger of frost.Hans is an author of  Gardening Tips Tricks and Howto's. Hans writes and inspire you to try new ideas from her own experience.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How to Recognize and Cope with an Emotional Affair

Did you know that an emotional affair can be just as dangerous to a marriage as a physical affair, and sometimes more so? And that spouses who never had any intention of cheating can unwittingly become enmeshed in an emotional affair?Many spouses will shrug off questions  about an emotional affair with the reply that "It's harmless" or "We're just friends." They fail to see the damage that the emotional closeness with someone outside of the marriage is doing to the primary relationship.Individuals who are the most vulnerable to becoming involved in an emotional affair are those in a marriage where emotional intimacy is lacking. Their marriage may be going through a period of hostility, emotional distance, and conflict. The "friends" are sucked into the emotional affair by the seductive lure and pull of an intense emotional connection to each other that feels easy, safe, and comforting.Under the surface there's a strong sexual chemistry that's covered up by the "friendship." And, of course, there's the excitement that's heightened by the secrecy that surrounds the new-found intimacy. Even though the "friendship" may begin innocently enough, as it progresses the bond between the two individuals deepens and drains energy away from the marital relationship.The two individuals involved in the emotional affair may have been casual friends or co-workers to start with. Or they may have met online in a chat room. At some point, they started confiding feelings and personal details about themselves, their partners, and their relationships that their spouses would have seen as a violation of trust. And that was the first danger signal that indicated trouble ahead.The second danger indicator was when they started sharing more with the "friend" than with their spouse and depending on the "friend" for their primary emotional support. At some point, they began to feel that the "friend" understood them better than their own spouse did and was easier to communicate with. They felt a sense of companionship with the "friend" that was lacking with their spouse.The third red flag indicating danger ahead was when they began keeping their conversations and the frequency of contact secret from their spouses. This is a definite danger sign. Both individuals knew that their spouses would be upset if they knew the extent of the contact, the depth of the emotional connection, and the intimate subjects being routinely discussed.Finding out that your spouse is involved in an emotional affair can feel like the ultimate betrayal, and many spouses view it that way. They view what has happened as deception and they feel betrayed.The partner involved in the emotional affair usually attempts to downplay and minimize what has happened. She (or he) may rationalize that nothing physical has happened, so there's nothing for the spouse to be upset about. She may accuse the spouse of being jealous and controlling to get him to back off.But an emotional affair can hasten the demise of a marriage. It drains the attention and focus that could have been put into tackling problems in the marriage and improving the quality of the relationship. Instead, it siphons off the energy that's needed to put new life into a tired, ailing marriage. The spouse ends up forming a close, intimate connection with a "friend" outside the marriage while the marriage suffers from emotional neglect and decreased commitment.The sad thing is that if the "friends" end up divorcing their respective spouses and getting married, the same patterns that were present in their former marriages will show up once again down the road in the new marriage.When challenging problems develop again, they will be inclined to repeat their pattern of escaping and avoiding them by bonding with another "friend" for support. Issues that haven't been dealt with in one relationship always resurface again in subsequent relationships. It's only a matter of time until they pop up again.So what can you do if you or your spouse is involved in an emotional affair? Here are some tips to follow if you are serious about wanting to keep your marriage:1. Immediately, make your marriage your top priority. Direct your time, energy, focus, and attention on understanding what has happened and coming up with an action plan to improve the emotional intimacy in your marriage.Cut back on elective activities and carve out time to spend with your spouse. Everything else is secondary if you truly want your marriage to make it.2. Marriage counseling is a must in order to have a safe place to discuss the emotionally-charged issues surrounding an emotional affair. It helps considerably to have an objective professional who can help guide you and your spouse through the landmines.You want to get the real issues and accompanying feelings out in the open where they can be addressed. If you try to cover things up and limp along without really looking closely at why the emotional betrayal happened, nothing has been remedied. That's a set-up for having a repeat experience.3. Both spouses need to make a commitment to ending any secrecy about who they are talking to, how often, what about, etc. There can't be anything hidden if trust is going to be regained and the marital relationship healed.The same dynamics that are present in a physical affair will be present in an emotional affair, also. The spouse with the "friend" may not have overtly lied to the partner about the emotional dependency but rather just didn't ever mention it, an act of omission. The impact on the relationship is the same.4. Obviously, contact with the "friend" cannot continue in the same way. Seeing that person and having some interaction may be necessary if both parties work together, and there will certainly be a period of transition involved.Anything involving a work situation can be awkward and delicate, and co-workers are bound to notice the change in interactions between the person ending the affair and the "friend." There's nothing easy about ending an emotional affair. The painful period just has to be endured. It the situation is unworkable, one or the other may need to change jobs.5. Consider your counseling options. If your spouse is involved in an emotional affair and won't acknowledge the seriousness of it, make any changes, or agree to go to counseling to discuss it, then you need to begin individual counseling sessions to help you deal with the situation and decide what to do.Sometimes you have to tread lightly when a partner is caught up in an emotional affair and give things some time and space. In some cases, the current "friend" will eventually pull away and get closer to a new "friend" on the scene. If that happens, your spouse may be more likely to look back at the marriage with more interest.If not, the moment will probably eventually come when you won't be able to tolerate the situation any longer and may need to consider a separation. Sometimes, this serves as the catalyst to make a spouse reconsider what he or she is doing.There are many options on the continuum of what to do next, and that's where a counselor can be of valuable assistance.Nancy J. Wasson, Ph.D., is co-author of Keep Your Marriage: What to Do When Your Spouse Says

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Home Equity Loan ? When Does Refinancing Make Sense?

For the last two years, interest rates have been much lower than anytime during the last thirty years. This has resulted in an unprecedented boom in real estate sales, home refinancing and home equity lending, as borrowers try to take advantage of these rates for the long  term. But refinancing or even borrowing against your home's equity may not make sense for everyone. When is it a good idea to refinance your home? When is it not advisable?Traditionally, lenders advised homeowners not to refinance unless doing so would lower the interest rate on the loan by 1-2%. While anyone who can save 2% on their interest rate would almost certainly benefit from doing so, others might find refinancing worthwhile even with a smaller reduction in the interest rate. Increased competition among lenders has brought the costs of refinancing down in recent years, so homeowners can realize a significant reduction in their home payments with reductions of ½% or so, depending on the size of their mortgage.The key to whether or not refinancing makes sense is how long the homeowner intends to remain in his or her home. The costs of the refinancing, which can run $1000-2000, are amortized over the life of the loan. For many people, a reduction of $50 or more in the house payment would be more than enough to justify a new mortgage. If payments cannot be reduced by at least that much, or if the homeowner plans to live in the home only a short while, refinancing may not be a good option.Refinancing may also make sense for those with Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs.) At the moment, at 30-year fixed-rate mortgage is quite competitive with an ARM, and may actually be cheaper. With rates at historic lows, an ARM can only adjust upward, making it a less desirable choice in comparison with a fixed-rate loan.Anyone considering a home remodeling project or debt consolidation might ordinarily think of a home equity loan or line of credit. These are often wise choices, as they offer deductible interest and great repayment flexibility. On the other hand, a chance to obtain a 30-year loan at 5% might make a complete refinancing with a cash-out option a better choice, as home equity rates are somewhat higher than first mortgages.A new mortgage might also make sense for anyone with a second mortgage or a piggyback loan. A piggyback loan is a second loan used at the time of a home's purchase to help the buyer avoid paying the sometimes-expensive private mortgage insurance. Simultaneous payments on two mortgages will be higher than paying on one, so this might be a great time to roll them together on a refinance. The same applies to anyone carrying a large credit card balance; that money could be rolled into a home loan with deductible interest at a lower rate. Anyone considering such a move should be careful, however, as failure to repay that debt could lead to home foreclosure.Now is a great time for any homeowner to consider whether or not a new mortgage could help lower their payments. With interest rates as low as they are now, the timing is great, and there's nowhere for the rates to go but up.©Copyright 2005 by Retro Marketing.Charles Essmeier is the owner of Retro Marketing, a firm devoted to informational Websites, including End-Your-Debt.com, a Website devoted to debt consolidation and credit counseling information and HomeEquityHelp.net, a site devoted to information on mortgages and home equity loans.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How to Survive First Year Engineering

So you just got accepted in your engineering program?joy, but you are still doubtful. You ask yourself, could I actually handle the stress, the sleepless nights, the solitary life style and the Exams? Well hopefully after reading this guide you might just be able to do so  and perhaps without going insane or bald.Buy a Calendar.Yes I know what you are thinking a calendar but I don't need a calendar. I was like that too, heck I never used my agenda through out high school, and I managed to reach here right? Wrong! This is not high school and if you miss a due date for a test or exam you can not tell your mommy to write a note. Trust me I tried. Time management skill is vital if not necessary, it helps you plan for the endless upcoming due dates of assignments and gives you a better picture of what tests to study for. A common miscomputation is that you can keep up with all your courses every week. This is impossible especially if you want any resemblance of a social life. Firstly forget the time you think you might be able to put aside during the weekday. After a long day of lectures and labs you will be too tired to do anything and its best just to get a good night sleep. So, the only real time you got to study, play and sleep is during the weekend. Hence, a Calendar will help you in deciding what course to study for, what homework or assignment to do, and if it's really ok to get wasted that night.Join a Study Group.I can not emphasize the importance of study groups, especially in engineering. Study groups are not only for dummies, they also help nerds. For the dummies this is the perfect opportunity to understand the problem and to get vital input from others and for the nerds it gives an opportunity to revise and really understand the course material. For, there is no better way of studying then teaching others what you know. Apart from helping you pass the course, study groups also help to socialize us engineers. I mean you could go to library and study all by your self, achieve the top marks in class and graduate with honors but how effective of an engineer would you be in the real world? In the real world you won't be given a list of problems to be completed in a 2 hour time period, but rather as an engineer you will be expected to work with others and on problems which rarely have fixed or single solutions.Learn to Skip.Astonishing as it may sound, but I think it is vital for first year students to learn when to skip their classes. I mean you can't skip all your classes but can and in most cases must in order to pass the course. Again the problem arises from the fact that as a first year engineer you have a finite amount of time to study and in most cases the weekend period is not enough. So for the greater good you will have to skip the liberal studies lecture or the optional tutorial. I would rather see a student skip a class to study for a test then for him/her to show up for class and worry about the upcoming test or quiz later that day.Learn From Mistakes.I find that it is usually the high achievers in high school who are the ones who freak out when they see their first C. Rather then understanding from their mistakes they get overwhelmed and in some cases obsessed with the mark. They are continuously trying to make up the difference by attending every class, compulsively trying to get perfect on every home work assignment and are the ones who study all day in their locked rooms. Sure the student might get an A on his/hers first semester courses but in the long term (usually by the end of second year) the student will be too burnout and in most cases must drop out from their engineering program.Take Time to Relax and Exercise.I think it is vital for engineers to put aside some time to relax and exercise. Personally, I find nothing more satisfying then pounding a punching bag to vent out all the built up frustration after a hard day at school. Apart from exercising, diet also plays a major role. If you can not eat your greens and fruits, on a daily basis, then you should consider taking a multivitamin everyday. Drink more water when ever possible and try to keep your daily caffeine intake to a maximum of two cups, yes I realize it is hard especially when you are doing an all nighter.Hopefully after reading the above hints you will manage much better in being a first year engineering student. Try to embrace your days in school and always try to get a good night sleep.StudentDump.Com: The Educational Search Engine

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   3 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...