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arrow right Is it Antique and is it Worth Anything?

Is it an antique and is it worth anything? Would you know?At some point in our lives most of us are going to put in a position where we have to ask ourselves the question- Which of my treasured possesions should I keep because they might be worth something and which can I  throw away?Would you know??We start our own homes full of enthusiasm and with all the lovely clutter that makes up our lives and that of the family, but as time goes on, the children leave home, we decide to move to a smaller house or maybe we decide to live abroad. At that stage we have to decide what to keep and what to part with.As an antique dealer for many years I'm often invited into homes to assist customers with just that question - or with a cry for HELP!!Well, we all have items we wouldn't part with for a million pounds, precious bits and pieces passed down from parents and little presents from partners, children and grandchildren. Then there's the layer of semi-precious items that, to make a bit more room, we could part with. Put these to one side and we'll come back to them later - our second best treasures.But the 'cupboard fillers' are quite a different matter! How many teas services, lace cloths and glasses do we need? In fact, be really honest, when was the last time you set the table with a starched cloth and all the cutlery amd glassware matching?Call me a slut, but I usually serve friends with tea in china beakers. Wine is poured into glasses that are dish-washer friendly and the crockery and cutlery is an interesting ........... mish-mash. It's the company and stimulating converstion that's important I tell myself.So what should we keep and what should we part with? We've carefully put our special treasures to one side and now we must invite the children in to look through the 'second best' treasures.Make sure they have a chance to refuse any bits you're thinking of parting with. An old scruffy chair to your way of thinking might be a favourite to them and the comfy setting for many a bedtime story.On a personal note after my mum died, my sister and I were clearing her things and we found an enamelled dish of little value. Ir was put on one side to give to the charity shop when my son asked if he could have 'the money dish'.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Flying As A Hobby

Ask a room full of people what hobby they have and you will get as many answers as there are people. Others will confess that they don't have a hobby. They probably do; but just don't label it as such. By definition, a hobby is an activity or interest pursued outside one's  regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure.Whether flying, stamp collecting, chat rooms, trains, softball,scrapbooking, golf, reading, painting, tap dancing, yard work, crafts, auto mechanics, music, hunting down garage sales, sewing, fishing, cooking, boating, furniture refinishing, javelin tossing or a plethora of other activities or interests the key element is balance. You must find balance between your family life and your extracurricular activities.Too much of a good thing turns bad. Everyone should have an outlet and a special interest that they enjoy doing for themselves. Self indulgence, to a point, is quite healthy. Escaping from day to day grinds to take some time to devote to your flying hobby or concentration is therapeutic. You've all heard,

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Baby Shower Hosting 101

Are you ready to host the best baby shower ever but don't know where to start? Baby showers are fun, but planning one can be tedious. In this article we'll cover the basics to get you started.So who should host the baby shower? Traditionally, only non-relatives are to host  a baby shower -- co-workers, church groups, etc.; however, it has become more common and acceptable for mothers and sisters to host showers too. The important thing is that someone take the initiative to host the shower -- what a wonderful display of caring for a growing family and a special way to help welcome a new life into the world. It is also perfectly acceptable for more than one person to host a baby shower. It can be fun for a group of friends to share the responsibilities and excitement of planning and hosting this special event.When it comes to inviting guests, you likely have some idea of those you want to invite to the shower, but it is always a safe bet to run the guest list by the mom-to-be to ensure you haven't left anyone out.You can invite guests via a phone call or an e-mail (be sure they check their mail regularly!), but the written invitation is still the most preferable way to kick off a shower. You can even find baby shower ecard invitations online. Just do a simple search online and I'm sure you'll find one. No matter what type of invitation you use, be sure to include pertinent information -- whether it regards a theme, a note of where the mom-to-be has registered, a map or written directions to the shower, or any special item you want the guests to bring for the mom.Showers are normally given a month or two before the mom's due date. It's a good idea to give the mom enough time following the shower to shop for items she didn't receive, yet wants to have before the baby arrives. And of course you don't want to hold the shower too close to baby's due date in case he or she makes an early arrival!Baby showers are normally held in the home of the hostess. If desired though, you can certainly host a shower at a church fellowship area, a favorite restaurant, or even at a banquet hall -- it really all depends on what atmosphere you are looking for and how much money you want to spend. If the shower will be held in a restaurant, make reservations at least two weeks prior to the date. At one- week prior, one of the organizers should speak with the manager to confirm the details.The shower should last around one and a half to two hours. Things may wind down early or they may likely continue on as guests chat together.There are many variations on showers, but we have devised a general

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Character Traits of a Scorpio Baby

Your Scorpio Baby..October 23 - November 21 Young Scorpios have strong personalities. They know what they want and will go out and get it. Very loving and loyal to family and friends, Scorpios can, however, be wary of strangers. Your child may develop a trait of keeping his  thoughts secret, but at the same time will be adept at finding out everyone else's secrets. Scorpios can often bear pain well so parents should learn to recognise small signs of discomfort from their babies.At play a Scorpio baby will learn from people seen as being stronger than themselves. If anyone should break one of his toys, Scorpio will seek revenge. Scorpio children enjoy a good fight, and they intend to win.Your child will be active, quick to learn and intelligent. Scorpio children often develop an almost insatiable curiosity about almost everything, but especially anything hidden, mysterious or forbidden. Parents will need to develop a tactful way of guiding their child away from unsuitable subjects. Scorpios love to have a private place of their own, either a room or a secret hiding place. This gives them a sense of security. Scorpio children will thrive if they believe that people around them will always be loyal.The typical Scorpio child can be prone to accidents because of their need to do things or be places more quickly than anyone else. Typical health problems involve the nose and throat and many Scorpio children will get more coughs and colds. However, they will recover quickly.**************************************************************** Author: Tony Luck who runs a website for babies and new moms, and includes the fascinating Chinese Pregnancy Calendar which is supposed to be able to tell you whether you will give birth to a boy or girl!

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Unique and Unusual Baby Names

Today one of the biggest trends in naming is choosing a unique name. Those of us who grew up in the 70's and 80's undoubtedly knew multiple Jennifers, Amys, Michaels and Johns, and many parents want their child to have a more unusual name. Parents have dusted off old  classics, combined names and altered spellings in the hopes of saving their child from the fate of being known throughout their school years as

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Unique Baby Bedding - Because Every Baby is Special

All parents want something absolutely unique for their baby. Be it the baby's nursery or its stroller or its bedding, parents think it should reflect the personality of the baby. And for this, many parents want to buy unique baby bedding for their baby.The baby bedding  available in the market today is literally for the taste of all kinds of people. You can get any kind of quilt you want, any kind of mattress and any kind of bed cover as well. You only have to think of something and it will be available somewhere.You can get baby bedding in different themes like cartoon characters, movie characters, floral design or some other design. Apart from different themes, you can get bedding in different colors or shapes. You can get round quilts, star-shaped quilts or something of the sort.One of the designs that have become very popular in baby bedding today is the ethnic design. These days, more and more parents are buying designs that come from different countries like Sweden, Turkey, India and China. What attracts them toward these items is the novelty of the design. Most people have not seen designs of these kinds, and therefore they are intriguing and interesting. These designs are good to use in baby bedding because not only can you show it off, but it looks great as well.There are probably as many baby bedding designs available in the market as there are people in the world. But if the huge variety and choice is somewhat confusing to you, then you can simply go online and surf for the perfect design for your baby's bedding. You can take your time and search in the comfort of your own home, and you can choose the bedding that appeals to you the most.Your baby is unique, and its bedding should also be just as unique. So go and get the perfect baby bedding for your baby - why wait?Kevin Lynch is a successful author and regular contributor providing advice on purchasing a variety of baby products which includes baby gifts, strollers, and more! His sites and articles are dedicated to helping new parents.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Are Parabens Really Safe

You've probably heard the news stories about parabens and the controversy surrounding their use in personal care products. Here's a brief, but fair, look at this complicated issue:No cosmetic can ever be truly "natural"-no matter what the manufacturer claims-but some  ingredients are closer than others. Parabens have long been considered an ideal compromise and until quite recently were considered one of the safest preservative methods available. But an article published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology has cast doubt on the safety of parabens and, especially, their potential role in the development of some types breast cancers.Scientists have known for some time that parabens can mimic the effect of estrogen when used on lab animals but in early 2004, British researchers from the University of Reading announced that they had found parabens in in the cancerous tumors of human breast cancer patients. Equally concerning is the fact that researchers believe that the form of parabens found in those tumors indicate that the parabens were absorbed topically and not taken orally. But most frightening is the fact that parabens were found in EVERY sample.It's important to note that this was a very, very small study--only 20 women--and there's absolutely no way to tell what, if any, skin care products are implicated. Although the lead researcher has cautioned that there's no definitive proof that parabens actually cause breast cancers, he has already called for more study.Should YOU Be Concerned? Manufacturers are. Many of the leaders in the natural products industry have already announced plans to discontinue the use of parabens and more are expected to follow suit.How do you know if your skin care products contain parabens? Read the labels. All cosmetics are required by law to carry full ingredient lists. If your skin care products don't have ingredients listed, or you can't find the preservative in the list, be suspicious. Be equally suspicious of manufacturers who claim to use only natural essential oils or grapefruit seed extract. In day-to-day usage, they just don't work as promised.One of the most exciting new preservatives being used today is Hydroxymethylglycinate, a derivative of the naturally occurring amino acid Glycine. It's considered extremely safe and seems to be less apt to cause allergic reactions than other preservatives.About The AuthorAs the owner of NaturopathicBath.com, Lisa Barger is one of the few internet-based experts focusing on truly therapeutic personal care products. Her cruelty-free products are made without petroleum, dye, alcohol, or perfumes.webmaster@naturopathicbath.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Belly Fat and Cellulite Realities and Remedies

About Consumer products: As a scientist coming from the drug industry and skincare industry I find it interesting how companies exploit human insecurities. We all have fat cells which store fat; our bodies are designed to do that. While society today may perceive belly fat  and cellulite as unattractive it is a fact of life. Most marketers want to make that promise of a miracle diet, exercise routine, treatment, pill or cream... Isn't it time you stop trusting those miracle cures which promise everything.Understanding Metabolism is the Key:  The reality is cellulite and belly fat can be controlled but not using any one method or treatment. Sugar metabolizes (lipogenisis) into fat making fat cells swell often in clusters giving the appearance of an orange peel surface on skin. Eventually the body metabolizes (lipolysis) this fat into glycerol which is eventually eliminated from cells.How to lose belly fat and cellulite:  A great idea for regulating your cellulite and belly fat is to reduce sugar conversion into fat while boosting the conversion of existing fat into glycerol allowing fat cells to shrink in size. In simple terms, boost your metabolic rate while reducing sugar and simple carbohydrates in your diet.To achieve this:1) a smart but not extreme diet plan is needed2) a simple not excessive exercise program is needed and3) the use of safe diet pill (ephedra free), topical cellulite gel with active ingredients, and massage will give you the added benefit for regulating cellulite.Just remember, getting and maintaining good results requires a life style change; not a one time pill you swallow. Small changes in life style with the use of Metabolic Contour® kit will make a visible difference. For straight advice about cellulite products go to http://www.losebellyfat.com/CelluliteHelpInformation.aspx.Using common sense will get you fast and long term results.Body Natural Inc. and http://LoseBellyFat.comFebruary 2005George Majewski, Sr. Scientist, of Body Naturals Inc. has studied treatments of cellulite throughout his career from both internal and external approaches.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Anti Aging Treatments Will Keep Your Skin Looking Fantastic

We can't stop time from marching on, but we can stop it from marching all over us, or can encourage it to march with lighter steps at least. With anti-aging treatments, the progress of aging will slow to the extent that you will feel younger and look younger. Can you handle  that?The Years Take Their TollAs we age, our blood no longer circulates as quickly or as well, and our skin dehydrates; the production of collagen slows and our skin becomes less elastic. Years of exposure to the sun and harsh elements helps create lines, wrinkles, spots, and broken blood vessels; hormones production decreases with time and skin becomes thinner and duller, and pores enlarge. The pull of gravity causes aging skin to droop around the mouth and eyes, and the chin begins to sag. We produce fewer melanocytes as we grow older, which means our skin pigmentation changes, and skin color fades or becomes blotchy. Our bodies become less flexible and we become stiff and less active.Start Anti Aging Treatments from the InsideA balanced diet helps us receive the nutrition necessary for good health, which is reflected in thicker, shinier hair, clearer, healthier skin, and increased energy, all of which helps us look and feel younger. Choose foods from all the food groups to ensure that you are receiving at least minimum amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals necessary for good health. We have an increased need for particular nutritional elements as we age and at various stages in life, and when we have specific health concerns. We also know that soil in which fruits and vegetables are grown is often depleted in nutrients, and more nutrients are lost in food processing, handling, and cooking. Fortunately, this doesn't mean you have to find a plot of land and grow your own produce, nor do you have to chew your way through raw food every day, and, yes, you can treat yourself to fast food and processed food now and then. The solution is to take anti aging supplements.Your primary anti aging supplement should be a multivitamin, and you can add individual supplements as needed. Choose a multivitamin formulation suitable for your age and sex that includes an antioxidant or two, such as vitamins C and E, to protect your skin and vital organs from free radicals. B vitamins are important for healthy hair, skin, and gums; calcium and magnesium protect against osteoporosis; and vitamin A against cancer, stroke, and heart disease. Since collagen is the cellular glue in the fibers that support the outer layer of skin, as well as the main protein in bones, cartilage and connective tissue, adding a collagen supplement makes a lot of sense, too. For best results, take your supplements with meals as they work synergistically with other nutrients.Don't forget the importance of water. Drink it ? lots of it ? at least eight glasses a day.Exercise is one of the most important elements in your arsenal of daily anti aging treatments. Get out of that chair, tear yourself away from the television set and start moving. Walking is an easy and beneficial form of exercise, and doesn't require any special clothing or equipment. Go for it!Cleanse and Moisturize Skin with Anti Aging Skin Care ProductsAnti aging skin care products include cleansers and exfoliates that will help keep your skin scrupulously clean. Gently remove your eye makeup and then your face makeup with an oil-based cream or milk lotion before washing your face. Forget the harsh soaps and cleansers and the hot water. Use lukewarm water on your face and pat your skin dry rather than rub it. For extra-deep cleansing, use an exfoliate or a cleansing mask weekly, or if your skin is very sensitive, monthly.After cleansing, use a toner or a skin firming product and then apply a moisturizer of which there are two types. One is the group of humecants such as glycerin, sorbitol, lactic acid, and urea, which attract and hold moisture; the other is the family of emollients such as petroleum jelly, lanolin, and mineral oil that form barriers to seal in moisture. Both are effective, and you will have to experiment to discover which type you prefer and works best for you. Use a light, easily absorbed moisturizer during the day, and apply a heavier moisturizer at night.You can find cleansers, toners, and moisturizers designed for oily, dry, and combination skin. Over-active oil glands can cause acne to erupt at various ages, and your skin will become drier with age. Select skin care products suitable for your skin type.As well as a toner and the essential moisturizer, you can find anti aging products designed specifically to lighten age spots, to protect the tender skin under the eyes, to treat dry lips, and to manage acne and blemishes. If you would like to reduce wrinkles, alpha hydroxy acids and Retin A are the modern miracle treatments and they can be prescribed by your doctor.Whatever cleansing, moisturizing, or problem-solving skincare products you use, if you forget your sunscreen, it is all a waste of money and effort. Skin has no greater enemy than the sun ? protect it well from those harmful rays. Use a sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 15, and slap it on summer and winter, on sunny days and under heavy cloud cover. Those damaging rays can reach right through the clouds and find your unprotected skin. Don't forget to put sunscreen on your lips, too.Choose Anti Aging Products When Buying MakeupPeople use makeup to enhance their best features and to conceal flaws, such as blemishes and scars. If you wear makeup, choose products compatible with your anti aging treatments. There are cosmetics designed for people with blonde, brunette, red, or gray hair, and skin tones that range from very pale to black. Many are created specifically for oily, dry, and combination skin. Read labels and shop carefully to receive the benefits of these particular anti aging treatments. Their use will help you look younger and help protect your skin. There is makeup for long-term use and for emergency fix-ups. It is wonderful to have products on hand that will conceal under-eye dark circles or puffiness, as well as pimples and broken capillaries when these misfortunes strike.Anti Aging Treatments Are Simple to Implement:? Eat balanced meals and drink lots of water? Add supplements to your diet? Exercise? Cleanse, moisturize, and protect your skin? Choose makeup that reinforces your anti aging treatmentsWhen you look good, your confidence soars and you feel better about yourself. Anti aging treatments are easy to implement at a very reasonable cost. You can buy all the products you need on the Internet usually at a discount price. Compare costs online, order what you need, and have everything delivered to your home. Amaze yourself and others. Look younger and feel better. You can do it!Scott Gray is currently a freelance writer and enjoys providing information and advice to online shoppers who are in the market for anti aging treatments, acne options, and general skin care.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Book Summary: How to Work with Just About Anyone

This article is based on the following book:How to Work with Just About Anyone"A Three-step Solution For Getting Difficult People To Change"By Lucy GillPublished by Fireside/ Simon and Schuster 1999ISBN 0-684-85527-5206 pages"I just can't seem to get along  with this person!"Every office has that one difficult person to work with, who affects productivity due to a terrible attitude, chronic tardiness, or simply drives everyone else up the wall. Here is the answer to common problems in conflict management.Dealing with negative behavior, whether at work or at home, can be solved with three steps:Get to the heart of the matter.Determine what problem-solving methods to avoid so you don't perpetuate the conflict.Choose a different, surprising approach to solve the problem and keep it solved.Finally, here is your key to some peace and sanity in the workplace, drawn from forty years of research and professional experience in consulting on the prevention and management of nonproductive behavior.How difficult behavior is reinforced:People use the same solution that never brings new results. The answer is to try something radically different. Employ atotally new approach and choose your response carefully.Why we fail to change negative behavior:We are caught in the web of our own logic.We don't realize we are doing the same things over and over.We can't think of anything better to try.This three-question formula can lead you to a new strategy:What is the primary problem? Be specific. How exactly does it affect productivity?What have you been doing about your problem so far? Identify the logic of your favorite solution.What do you need to do instead? You need to undo what your ineffective solution did.Attack with a brand new set of weapons.Focus on the facts. Figure out what the heart of the matter is:List all the issues affecting you.Decide which issue or who in particular is bothering you the most.Encircle the issue or person's name on your list.Focus on what you circled. List all the things that bother you about this person.Now pick the problem to work on. If you could only fix one item on the list, and had to live with all the others, what would you choose?Then with the particular problem chosen, spell out specifically: Who is doing what that presents a problem, to whom, and how is this behavior a problem?The 4 ways to get bogged down in "whys" and therefore confused by superfluous issues:Focusing on possible reasons for someone's behaviorSpeculating about what the person is up toLabeling behavior instead of describing itWorrying about who is right or wrongUse reverse psychology!Do something unexpected. Sometimes shock tactics or being brutally honest works.Encourage the person to keep doing what it is that is irritating behavior. It is strange but encouraging people to continue their irritating behavior gets them to stop it.Have fun experimenting with your new approaches!Tell someone not to change what he is doing.Create consequences or let the natural consequences of his negative behavior occur.Urge someone to do the annoying actions even moreNew Conflict Management TechniquesDo not offer a long list of reasons why someone should change. Simply tell them what needs to be done. The more you rationalize or argue the more they will resist. You will be wasting time and energy.In the face of constant criticism, silently take note of what is being said, then read the notes back ? instead of actively defending each point.Make statements ("Unless it creates a problem for you, I'm going to do X")Give a specific compliment to the other party in a conflict. ("I like the way you presented your report ? your lineup of facts made it easy to follow") It catches them off-guard and makes him/her less defensive.Excuse yourself for a minute in the midst of a heated discussion to go to the toilet instead of escalating the argument.Hold back for thirty minutes instead of rushing to fix a problem for someone else.Other "happy workplace" tips:Keep an open mind about why the person behaves in such a manner.See both sides of the situation, not just yours.Be very specific when analyzing the problem. Make a mental videotape of the behavior.Notice when it isn't happening. Understand why. You may have overlooked something you did that didn't result in the other person's annoying behavior.Find someone with immunity and see how he or she successfully handles the troublesome behavior that you're struggling with.(c) Copyright 2001-2002About The AuthorBy: Regine P. Azurin and Yvette Pantillahttp://www.bizsum.com/freearticle2.htm

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Hidden Job Market: Real or Imagined?

The hidden job market has been touted as the place to go if you want to find the best jobs. It's been said that this sector of the job market accounts for seventy-five percent of all the job openings out there. If that is true, then what we see in the classifieds and on the  Internet job sites account for only twenty-five percent of all job openings. So the question becomes, is the hidden job market a myth or does it truly exist?The hidden, or unadvertised, job market does exist, and can be located. When a company advertises a job opening in the classifieds and on the various job sites, it takes three to four months for that position to be filled. Since companies lose money every day a position remains open, advertising a job opening is seen by many as a non-viable approach.Roughly seventy-five percent of all job openings are therefore unadvertised, which means you will not see them posted on any of the job sites. You will not be aware of their existence. They are indeed hidden opportunities. It is absolutely worth your effort to find these opportunities.Companies have learned to search for viable candidates using three fundamental strategies other than advertising: networking, using recruiters, and probing the job sites. So how can you take advantage of these approaches to tap the hidden job market?Networking isn't an approach exclusive to hiring companies. You, too, can engage in networking with all the people you know. As an extremely powerful strategy accounting for roughly 80% of all job fills, networking allows you to get in doors that would otherwise be impossible to enter. You can network your way into potential opportunities that can turn into the right job created just for you. Networking is one of the best ways to tap the hidden job market!Screening and reviewing hundreds of resumes for accuracy and position viability is time-consuming. When the job-required personality doesn't materialize at the interview, more time is wasted. For this reason, more and more employers turn to recruiters for a more efficient hiring process. A recruiter uses exhaustive screening procedures as part of their candidate search process. They charge a fee to the employer for this service, but it is worth it in terms of time and effort.Recruiters utilizing keyword searches scour the top job sites in search of candidates to fill their unadvertised job openings. Recruiters will find you as long as your resume is a match to the qualifications of the position they need to fill. So one of the best ways to capitalize on a recruiter's mission, and to indirectly tap the hidden job market, is to post your resume to the top career sites. It's a simple yet powerfully effective way to avail yourself of all the unadvertised positions out there, and take your job search to a whole new level.Copyright © 2005 TopDog Group All rights reserved.David Richter is a recognized authority in career coaching and job search support. He has spent many years in recruitment, staffing, outplacement, counseling psychology and career management spanning most industries and professions. David founded TopDog Group in response to the needs of job candidates to have a higher quality of career coaching and support available on the Internet. David understands the mechanisms for success. He has formulated specific strategies anyone can use to secure interviews and receive offers. His extensive knowledge and experience sets David apart in this field, allowing him to offer a wealth of information and a vast array of tools, resources and strategies not found anywhere else. He has shown countless job seekers how to differentiate themselves and leverage their potential to the highest possible level, making a real difference in their careers. David holds both a Bachelors and Masters in Electrical Engineering and a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology. David's website address is: http://www.procareercoach.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Cruising with the Mouse ? Disney Cruise Line

There's magic in everything that team Disney touches and their cruise line is no exception. Michael Eisner himself commissioned a talented group of ship designers, cruise experts and Disney creators to produce cruise ships that would appeal to adults and children of all  ages. The result was two nearly-identical ships, Disney Wonder and Disney Magic.The ships are distinctively Disney, with the famous mouse silhouette prominently placed on the smokestacks and appearing frequently throughout the ships. That's not all; a fifteen-foot statue of Goofy is the figurehead on Disney Magic while Donald Duck adorns the front of Disney Wonder. Of course, cast members masquerade through the ship in costumes of the famous Disney characters. Disney art is featured on the walls and images of Disney characters appear everywhere. Disney excels at promoting everything Disney so expect onboard shops to be full of Disney memorabilia.Disney Cruise Line offers three, four, seven and ten day cruises that sail from Disney's own Port Canaveral near Orlando to popular spots in the Caribbean, including St. Maarten, Nassau, Antigua, Cozumel, St. Thomas, Grand Cayman Island, St. Lucia, and Key West. All cruises stop at for a day at Castaway Cay, a private island developed by Disney solely for the enjoyment of Disney Cruise Line passengers.The cruise can easily be combined with a stay at Walt Disney World; passengers can stay at Disney World for several days before or after a cruise for one price that includes transportation on, what else, a Disney bus to or from Port Canaveral. And with the latest technology, tourists check in only once and the key card issued to them unlocks both their hotel and stateroom doors.As expected, Disney Cruise Line caters to children with activities for all age groups all day long. In fact, more than 15,000 square feet of ship's real estate is devoted to children. Teens have a private area of the ship dedicated to their interests that offers video games, movies, and a place to listen to CD's. Supervised teen sports are also available.Disney Cruise Lines provides quality nighttime entertainment in a 977-seat theatre each evening with, of course, a family orientation. While other cruise lines mimic Las Vegas entertainment, Disney entertainment is similar to shows at Disney World. As might be expected, there is no casino on board the Disney ships. However, adults can find evening entertainment in a number of lounges and nightclubs.A special feature of the Disney cruises is the dining arrangement. Dinners are served at 6:30 and 8:30 pm in one of three family dining areas. Over a three day period, a passenger will have dinner in a different restaurant each night, thus getting to experience the unique ambiance of each one. For a $10 cover charge, those wishing to avoid family dining can opt to eat at the upscale adult-only restaurant, but only after gaining sought-after advance reservations.If you or your children adore everything Disney, you will certainly enjoy a Disney cruise.Looking for information about cruises? Go to: http://www.whatcruises.com 'What Cruises' is published by Colin Hartness - An excellent resource for Cruises! Check out more cruise articles at: http://www.whatcruises.com/archive

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Internet and Computer Systems in the FOREX Business

With every passing year the interest in electronic trading is bigger, more especially trading shares and currency through Internet. A new profession came forward ? this of the currency dealer. The appearance of this profession was caused by the full force of development of  Internet, which enabled the exchange business to be carried over at home or at the office. The electronic platforms offered by banks and investment brokers enables all of us to go in the sea of the financial markets and to start living a difference and unknown by this moment way of life.The development of the computer technologies, the program security and the telecommunications, as the same as the grown experience, raises the qualification level of the brokers. It it's turn this raises the belief of the brokers in their own abilities to benefit and to lower the risk while operating. That's why the higher level of the trading qualification leads to a higher level of trade amount.The introducing of automated dealing systems at the eighties, as the same as co-coordinating systems in the beginning of the internet trading at the end of the nineties, entirely changes the standard methods of currency trading. The dealing systems are online computer systems which integrate the banks in a united net while the co-coordinating systems become electronic brokers. The dealing systems are more reliable and much more effective which enables the dealers to realize a bigger number of concurrent transactions. Moreover, they are safer as far as the dealers can observe the executors of the transactions. Thanks to their reliability, speed and safety, the dealing systems are playing cardinal role in the expansion of the currency business.The using of computers is taking a substantial role at many stages in the realizing of the currency business. In addition to the dealing systems the co-coordinating systems connect together the dealers all over the world in this way building up an electronic brokers market. The new office systems are ensuring a full account report, filling vouchers, keeping secretary work, procedures of lowering the risk and they account the expense for their acquisition. The present-day program products afford an opportunity to be generated all types of graphics, adding theoretically well-grounded technical indicators and favour the dealer for lon lasting using with comparatively low expense.The using of Internet makes the financial information about the currency markets, currency indexes and prognoses about the rate of exchange, easy accessible all over the world. Now there are many websites with financial information. A big role in the currency trading has the rate exchange. The speed of the electronic post makes it possible getting these prognoses in a moment. If you take out a subscription to such a service, you can get prognoses of rate-exchange by electronic post every day. Such a service you can find at the following address:http://www.iforex.orgEric Cooper is moderator of Internet Forex Club which provide to it's members useful forex forecasting and trade recommendation service. You can join the site at the following URL: http://www.iforex.org

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Trick Or Treat - Is This Make-Believe Or The Real Thing?

"I'll call you this week". "Yes, I'd love to see you again". "I had a great time". "I'm not interested in dating anyone else". "I think I'm falling in love with you."These are a few of the phrases passed between singles as they move through the stages of meeting and dating.  At the time, they are uttered with what feels like true emotion and honesty. No wonder the person they are directed to is so confused when the call never comes, the person becomes unavailable, or it soon becomes evident that the speaker is dating or deeply involved with someone else. Can we ever believe what we see or hear? How can we be sure?Dating is a process of getting to know someone. It begins with an attraction, which is formed by that first impression. Often, this first meeting occurs by chance at a social gathering, at work or in the course of one's daily life. More and more, it happens through a response to a personal ad and the emailing and phone calls that follow. Both in-person and email or voice contact give us a sense of the other individual- but this is only a brief snapshot of who they may be. It takes real time together to create a larger and clearer picture of this other person and their rightness or wrongness for us. During this time we assess for friendship, attraction, shared interests and values, and a willingness and ability on the part of both individuals to move forward in a relationship.Given that this is a process, it has stages. A first date helps the couple to learn more. It is a fact-finding experience, which involves not only the information the other provides, but our feelings and reactions to it and to them as a potential partner. We show our best selves and attempt to make an appropriate connection with someone we find desirable. In the best scenario, everything clicks for both people and conversation is natural and easy. More often, there may be questions, doubts, and/or mixed feelings. Seeing each other again is often suggested by one or both people and is a good way to learn more about each other and resolve any questions. But the doubts and negative feelings go unstated in a desire to either give the other person a chance or to let them down easily. It's also an easy way out for someone who is uncomfortable with this level of emotional honesty.So, how do we know what the other person is truly feeling? You have several options for getting this information.* You take them at their word and wait to see if they follow through with what they have said they would do. Nothing speaks louder than behavior. This option is the most common choice and can leave you in that all too familiar holding and wondering pattern.* You attempt to address the situation openly and candidly. This one requires a bit of courage and an ability to be vulnerable. State how you are feeling in a thoughtful but honest way. Ask them to do the same for you. Let them know that you want to hear their honest thoughts about how the date went and if they would like to get together again.* The third option should be used regardless of what you do with the other two. Pay attention to their non-verbal communication. How do they look at you? What quiet responses do you get after you have shared something about yourself? What do you see in their facial reaction, posture and eyes? Do you FEEL interest or just politeness? Are they really WITH you, or somewhere else? If you learn to listen to the non-verbal language, you will HEAR much more than what their words have to say.Listening to the whole person applies throughout the stages of dating and relationships. It is also important during this time to pay attention to their behavior and note inconsistencies or mixed messages. Too often people don't and are stunned when a relationship

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Black Professional, Educated, And Self-Reliant Woman - Why Am I Still Singl

Today there are many single women over the age of thirty. The 2000 Census Bureau recorded that 2,219,489 women between the ages of 30 and 34 have never married.The vast majority of single black women make up 60 percent of all unmarried women. By the age of 30, a mere 45  percent of black women have married, compared to 80 percent of white women.Such disproportionate statistics have led to many hypotheses as to why large proportions of the African American female population are single. Social psychologist and author of

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...