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arrow right Home Business Tax Tips

If you have recently started an Internet or home business, your probably a little intimidated by having to submit a tax return and the possibilities of being audited. Simply follow these guidelines and rest assured that filing your next tax return will go smoothly.Get  yourself an accounting ledger bookletThe first thing that you need to do at the beginning of every year is purchase yourself a accounting ledger booklet. These can be found at your local office supply store and can be found for under $10. You can deduct your millage and the accounting legder also.Keep a millage tracking sheet in your carEach year I make myself a simple spreadsheet that I keep in the glove compartment of my car. Each time that I need to get office supplies, or I go to the post office to mail flyers, I write my beginning and ending millage down on the spreadsheet. At the end of the year, I just transfer the millage over to my accounting ledger.Keep track of your UtilitiesIf you have a room in your home that is used only for your internet business and nothing else, you will be able to deduct a portion of your utilities. I especially like this because I have to have these things anyway with or without the internet business and now they are tax deductible. Everything from gas, electricity, long distance and garbage pick-up are allowable deductions. Be sure that you keep your payment receipts in your accounting ledger.Other Business ExpensesYou will also be able to deduct any payments to your internet service provider. If you have a website you will be able to deduct your domain name and hosting plan expenses. Other deductable items could be anything you have purchased to maintain your business such as: fax machines, copy machines, scanners, ink cartridges, desks, chairs, phones, pencils, paper, etc.Advertising / Membership FeesIf you pay for advertising or your internet business has a membership fee, these expenses can be deducted also.Labor ExpensesMany home business owners pay members of their family to help with the home business. Be sure to keep track of the wages that were paid to employees or family members.Entertainment ExpensesI don't have too much to deduct in this category, but several times a year I will meet a potential client over dinner. Keep track of your dinner expenses, including tips...this is all deductable also.IncomeIn addition to all your deductable expenses, you will also need to keep track of any money that you make with your business.In closing, simply keep track of all your millage, utilities, office supplies, labor and income in your accounting ledger. Be sure to attach a copy of your receipts. Total up each category at the end of the year and take the entire booklet into your tax preparer.You will find that having a home business can be hassle free at tax time if you have taken the time to keep track of your expenditures and income.Best wishes for your future success and prosperity!Sincerely,About The AuthorRebecca Gilbert is the owner of a successful internet business located at: http://www.101homebusiness.org.For more tips and articles written by Rebecca, please visit: http://www.101homebusiness.org/home_based_business_articles.html

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Secret Barrier To Wealth - Underearning

Is the ghost of "Money Past" haunting you? Do you feel like no matter what you do to "get ahead" it never works? The problem may not be what you are doing, it may be what you are thinking. Many of us have deep spiritual and psychological patterns around money that  can block our efforts at managing our money better and creating prosperity.Knowledge is power however, and often just naming our internal blockages can set us on the road to financial freedom. One of the most powerful steps you can take toward clarifying and changing your relationship to money and creating more prosperity is to discover where you have an unhealthy money profile, and then begin changing how you think about your money as well as what you do (and do not do) with your money.There are six major trouble spots in our relationships to money. They are: 1) The Underearner, 2) The Debtor, 3) The Compulsive Spender, 4) The Financial Adult Child 5) The Toxic Achiever, and 6) The Image SpenderIn this article we will begin by defining the most common and often least recognized problem that can lead to money stress and chaos: underearning.Read the following profile and ask yourself if any of these traits sound familiar. Do you recognize yourself? If so, check the resources section at the end of this article for things you can start doing right now to start overcoming underearning tendencies. After all, you deserve to heal the underlying issues once and for all- so that you can live life with more joy and less stress!The UnderearnerAn underearner is a person who has a difficult time consistently earning the money they need to fully maintain financial security and personal independence. While they may have tremendous talent, and often have intermittent periods of earning well, they tend to have difficulty consistently earning enough. Underearners are also those who make adequate money to take care of their immediate financial needs but make considerably less than their talents, education and professional experience warrant. These types of underearners have paychecks that seem big, and yet despite the fact that they are not overspending they still have little or no financial cushion set aside for future needs such as retirement or health care.The key to understanding underearning is to connect earning with the long term needs. The definition of an Underearner is not simply someone who makes very little money. In fact it is possible to make very little money and NOT be an underearner, provided you have a simple lifestyle and are able to put aside adequate savings despite a relatively low income.It is also possible to make a great deal of money and be an underearner, if you have large lifestyle expenses associated with earning that income. For example if you are a world class racecar driver and make good money doing it, but also have insufficient sponsorship and have to pay out of pocket for travel and other expenses you might still end up being an underearner- earning less than you need to fully maintain financial security.Remember, underearners are often very talented professionals it is simply that they are also people who will consistently make less than they need to support themselves in a lifestyle that matches her abilities, vision and priorities. Underearners also often live with considerable financial stress and chaos and find themselves working much harder than the average person.So, why does it matter what an underearner is? It matters because knowledge is power. If you or someone you love or work with is an underearner, then you need to know that self blame, working harder and fighting debt may not be enough to stop the cycle of stress and pain around money. However, if you can recognize underearning for what it is you can begin to find ways to change your long term thinking about money and start earning higher amounts, more consistently.If the term "underearning" is one that catches your attention, take a look at the following list to see if you exhibit the typical traits of an underearner.If you check off ten or more statements then Underearning is probably a financial trouble spot for you. Keep in mind: You can learn to heal Underearning and doing so leads to an immediate increase in personal serenity and business success. Check for resources at the end of this article to help set you on the right path.25 Common Traits of Underearners Underearners: 1. Assume they have to make a choice between being authentic and having money. They usually believe they can't do both, and often believe their occupation won't allow them to make more money. 2. Have unsecured debt (more debt than they can easily pay off in a reasonable time frame). May have debts that they cannot afford to make regular payments on. 3. Are financially disorganized with unclear or non-existent systems for keeping track of bills, balancing accounts, and collecting money owed to them. 4. May feel acute embarrassment, anger, or overwhelm when they are reminded to pay a bill or asked for money they knew they would be expected to pay. 5. Frequently receive praise for excellent work either on the job or volunteer projects, but rarely get monetary recognition for their special efforts/skills. 6. Are often in financial stress or crisis. Feel relieved or excited when they pay their monthly bills. 7. Frequently put the needs of others before their own, especially when giving away time, expertise, skills, and energy without financial compensation. Do a lot of unpaid, charity, or showcase work. 8. Have to pay late fees, bounced check fees, parking tickets, or other financial penalties more than twice a year. Frequently believe that as long as they pay their bills, it does not matter significantly if they are late. 9. Feel pain, stress, and fear over money, often to the point where these feelings seem to be a normal response to money duties/issues. May vacillate back and forth between being financially irresponsible and in denial followed by periods of intense shame and self-blame around how they have handled money. 10. Live from month to month. They will not or cannot regularly pre-plan their financial expenditures and income ahead of time. Do not make saving a priority. Have little or no savings and few financial assets. 11. Often come from dysfunctional families that may have a history of codependence or addiction. 12. Have negative assumptions about people with money. They often feel morally superior to "rich people." 13. Are good at finding people to loan them money, take care of them financially, or convince them that their stress and fear around money is "normal." 14. Have only a vague idea of what their monthly living expenses actually are. They may tend to forget what they spend money on or grossly underestimate how much they spend in a given area. Conversely, they may tend to "round things up" in their mind and imagine that they need to make much more than they really do to support themselves. 15. Have an unsteady work rhythm. They may work too hard and not take care of themselves, work in cycles of excess and collapse, or don't want to work at all. 16. Don't fully understand or use the concept of net vs. gross. For example, they may think in terms of their total paycheck vs. what they have after taxes, or the price they sell products/services for vs. their profit margin. 17. Frequently think there is spiritual or political virtue in not having money. They find virtue in struggle and are often proud of their ability to make do with little. They may believe that people only get wealthy by exploiting others or giving up on their own commitment to creativity and integrity. 18. Get their money education informally by listening to other underearners. 19. Often have clothes, tools, or other possessions that are old, worn out or insufficient. Or Have the very best clothes tools and possessions but know that such things were obtained through a compromise to integrity such as doing something they felt was wrong but did it anyway. 20. Know that things must change, but feel personally powerless to create the change. Secretly feel that eventually something will happen to make things better (the sale of a house, winning a lawsuit, finding a benefactor, winning the lottery, etc.). 21. Tend to over-commit and fill free time with endless little tasks and chores as well as things they feel they should or must do for others. 22. Do not trust themselves when it comes to spending money. Dislike, resent, or fear spending money. Know they sometimes go on buying binges or have a habit of spending more than they can afford on things they don't need. 23. Are usually terrified of financial risk such as investing, finding a better job, or spending money on their own financial intelligence. At the same time they react to built-up financial stress by taking poorly thought out financial risks ("get rich quick" schemes). 24. Believe more money would cure all of their problems. Believe if they just made more money they would be free to never think about money again. 25. Are uncomfortable asking for money. May find themselves asking for less than they know they deserve or feeling embarrassed when they must remind someone to pay them for work they have already done.Resources: This list is inspired by Jerrold Mundis' bookEarn What You Deserve. If you think you may be an Underearner, it is strongly recommended you read this book and/or the book Secrets of Six Figure Women by Barbara Stanny. To learn more about

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Aliens: A Comic Book Adventure - PC

Landing the Shipo to MOM, press on the CD-ROM. left of the CD-ROM there is an on switch press it (This will unlock the hatch). When you are in the corridor the room to your left is a CD. The corridor to the right there are four doors to the right and the room to the left  you will find food and a coffee cup. The second door to the right you will find the reversi. The third door you will find a keyboard (give this to the William's). The four door you will find a yellow pass key and a Unformated CD (you will need these to land the ship). Now you can use MOM, she will format the disk, then give the disk to the illiam's (the ship will land).Green Pass KeyTalk to Lora, ask her the last question on the list, then ask her the first question on the list, she will then give you the green pass key.EatingLace four food trays in each characters inventory. click on a food then hold the right mouse button on the food and drag it to the face of the character that you have highlighted and drop it on there face. Do this for all the characters about three to four times each.Laser GunGo thu the door which you needed the green pass key. you will see a control stand on the right side of the screen (this controls the crane to pick up the laser gun and take it to the other room). Now you are ready to leave the ship.ReversiThere is a computer connection in the docking bay for the reversi. The thing is, is that the computer connection is not working right so when you play reversi you do not have to win to get the information you want. All you need to do is start the game then end it or restart it and you will get the information.Docking BayWhen you first walk into the docking bay you need to walk to your right until you come to a big hanger door turn around then turn left there will be a pipe on the ground (you will need the pipe to turn the valve but give the pipe to William's). Turn around so your facing the hanger door and then open it. Look at the jeep on the left there is a piece of the x-scanner there. Then at the left corner of the room press the switch on the wall this will bring down the truck there is a piece of the x-scanner in the back of the truck. Go to the far right of the room and you will find a elevator go in it. On the second level, this is the room with bodies on the ground. You will see a door in the middle of the room with a red light on it press the light (the sky robot is behind the door). Go left and on the bench there is the red pass key. Go to the elevator door not close up to it, only until you can see the door and the wall to the right because there is a red box on the right wall that you need to press so that the red light turns on (this will let you access the white door in the docking bay). Go back to the docking bay and press the keypad at the terminal where the big SOS sign is, then turn around and the white door will be open. Use Lora to cut off the hand and take the CD-ROM from the other hand. Go back to the big SOS sign and turn right use the pipe on the valve (this will fill the fuel pump). Then go up the steps on the other side of the docking bay where the computer terminal is and use the sky robot on the network connection (this will repair the sky robot). Go back to where the jeep is and go to the elevator to the far right again and go up it back into where the dead bodies were. Use the sky robot on the door lever, inside you will find a piece of the x-scanner and a map (Make sure that all the pieces of the x-scanner and the sky robot are in William's inventory). Go back down to were the jeep is and on the right side of the jeep there is a another elevator, go up it and use the red pass key on the door. When you come to the first intersection open the door in front of you (exit SAS 6) this will be the control room. Look at the controls in front of you and on the ground is a piece of the x-scanner. Turn around and to the right of the door are a round green lighted objects these are mines (you can use these mines when you are fighting aliens). Go out of the control room (Exit SAS 6) and turn right. Open the door (Exit SAS 9) make a left at the intersection and open the door (Exit SAS 11) the second room on the right you should see a bad. By the bad is a CD-ROM and in the same room on the other side is a wall safe (you need to try to light up all the letters for the safe to open). Inside the safe is a battery key card and microchips. Go back to the intersection where you just came from and make a right open the door (Exit SAS 10) at the next intersection open door (Exit SAS 7) this is where the force field is, let Lora use the hand on the panel to the right of the force field (the force field will lower).LabFormula Formula Formula Royal JellyCO PAT FOR THINE BE DIL DE TE THINE BE PI NA NO NOH20 PI KU XI XI CL DILEGG SLIMEThe last formula I cannot find CL and FOR you can find in the freezer with a CD-ROM and a funny looking object. Two more of these objects are on the ground in the lab and one in one of the drug cases in the lab and another in the vent in the lab. The last of these objects you can find in the under zone down stairs on the second level also on the second level you will find a electronic card. Then down the stairs to the first level you find a cable. Once you have all six of these objects William's will create a alien protector.Egg SlimeThe battery key card can be used on the panel in the egg testing chamber , use the key card once to mount the system then click on the picture of the alien to the right (this will light up the room). Then look at the egg chamber, you can now get the egg slime WARNING if you do not take the egg slime right then you will be killed. Put the battery key card in the slot twice to get the print out, drag the print out to the face of the character holding the print out, to read it.. In the lab there is a door that leads to an office. In the office on the desk you will find a CD-ROM ,then turn to the door that you came in and on the right side you can use the panel which will open a secret door. In the secret room you can use the keypad on the middle chamber and the code is MYYRMIDON (the chamber will open and an alien will be placed in your inventory). go out the door on the other side of the room then turn around and on the ground to the right by the door is a pass key card for that door. Now go pass the dead alien and out that door you will be in a chamber with alien eggs look to your right there are grenades on the self take two of them. Backup then go to the room in front of you, you should be in a area where the eggs are in front of you do not backup or you will go up an elevator, go forward and you should be fighting alien facehuggers. Use the grenades on them. After that go back to the secret room there are tubes fill with drugs take one of each. Go to the white counter and on the left side you will see a vent, open it. After you open it then turn the valve by the alien facehuggers one will go in the vent the other is dead, take it. Passing the Dead AlienThere is another way to get past the dead alien in the secret room. Go back to where the force field is and go past it. Open the door at EXIT SAS 9 then open the big door and go down the corriders until you reach the fourth big door. Stop at the door and turn around use the x-scanner on the floor it will open a elevator that will take you to a secret room past the dead alien body.Alien CaveGo to the second level down the stairs in the under zone. Walk in the second level door, on the top left corner of the screen your cursors will look, then click. Now use the alien body then use the cable you will now climb down to the alien cave. This is the way out of the alien maze cave.F F L F F F R R F L F F L F R F L R F R F After you get out of the cave take the blue key card off the table (this will unlock the door in the corridorwere the lab is). then have Lora take the hand off the dead body (this will give you access to the truck).The truck will take you to a docking bay. End of game.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 03/01/2012 08:14   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Championship Manager 03/04 - PC

Good Players ShortlistHere are a few of my players which have become world superstars:Supat Rungratsamee- portsmouthSteven Gillespie-liverpooltierney-man unitedchris oswell- man citypatricio perez-velezcarlos tevez - bocacesar carignano-colonboy boy mosai - chelseamike  duff-cheltenhamanthony le tallec - liverpoolarjen robben - psvrichard cotton- man cityjermaine pennant-arsenaljose antonio reyes - sevillaesteban cambiasso - real madridcristiano ronaldo - man unitedTaking Charge of a National TeamCreate a new game with the nation you're going to take control. After clicking ''find other'', find any team in the particular country. Click a player from the nation's country you want to manage and then his Nationality. Now take control by clicking at the bottom right of the screen.Immense PlayersPlayer - Clubjamie moore - aston villaant ingman - manchester unitedwilliam cook - crystal palaceThey are world superstars.How to win every gameTo win every game do this. Add manager of the team you are facing and put the  striker in goal and the rest in defence. Put the defence in midfield and 2 keepers in attack. Before you go to match go to the oppositions tactics and make a running line so their goalie [who is their  striker]in to the opposite box. Then go to match and when the opposition have a throw  in their half the keeper will run up to your box.Good PlayersSunday Oliseh - Dortmund (becomes a free agent after first season)Anitoli Todorov - LitexGeorgi Kakalov - LitexSmashing StarsIf you want to build a class team sign these players:Jairo Castillo (America de Cali)Riccardo Montolivo (Atalanta)Leider Preciado (Deportivo Cali)Stipe Pletikosa (Shaktar)Lucio (Leverkusen)Jesus Arellano (Monterrey)Kasey Wehrman (Lillestorm)Billy Jones (Crewe)Mohamed Zidan ( FC Midtjylland)Toledo (Cantanzaro)Evandro Roncatto (Guarani)Jose De La Cuesta (Atletico National)On the 31.12.2003 sign these players on freeEdgar DavidsEmreDaniele BoneraDejan StankovicSantiago CanizaresGood Young PlayersGKs:RubinhoChris KirklandAndreas IsakssonDefenders:Fabricio CollociniPhillipe MexesJohn WelshMicheal DawsonMids:Alexander FarnerudEl Hadji DioufKieron DyerSrikers:Freddy AduFernando TorresMilan BarosWayne RooneyRobinhoBest TeamI won the european cup with this team:GKM.HedmanDefenders(left) Ian murray [hibs](centre)Bobo Balde [celtic](centre)Paolo Maldini [Milan](Right)Jackie McNamara[Celtic]Midfield[Play 3 centres and the 2 outsiders running out the wings][leftcentre] Stephen Pearson[Motherwell][Centre] Stillian Petrov [Celtic][rightcentre]Jasper Gronkjaer[chelsea]And my attacking mid was Deco [Porto]ForwardsHenrik Larsson [celtic]Kaka [Milan]Dodgy TeamUnless you are Real Madrid do not put Zidane, Figo or Beckham etc. in one team; they fail to perform to their best ability.Best Striker In The GameI bought this really great striker his name is 'Carlos Tevez' you will need to put about 9 million pounds in for him  but it is worth every penny he scores every game!Best Young Player: Issah EliakwuIf you want to win you should buy Issah Eliakwu he is 18 and scores alot goals. When he plays with Henry they score at least 2 goals per game.Championship Manager 03/04 players Here is a list of the best youngsters available at the game (all the U20 that have a -2 potential ability!johan absalonsenadvaldoigor akinfeevrobert almertraquillo barnettaabudavaleri emilov bojinovalberto bola?osstephen brennanalex brosquejeremias caggianodarren campbellfranco cangelemichael chopralee croftjeppe lund curthmichael dawsonluigi della roccadin?lsoncarlos diogoevandro roncattofabio santosgastsn fernandezsantiago fernandezosmar ferreyrasimon francisyulian gunchevhiroyuki hayashigerman herreratom huddlestonerobert huthakin ibrahimandr?s iniestaj?(corinthians)jonan(athletic bilbao)georgi kakalovnaoya kikuchikim young-kwangfrancesco lodidamian lunaMalzoni(coritiba)javier mascheranomaxi lopezjames mceveleyalberto medinamourad meghnijuan carlos menseguezjames milnerriccardo montolivoluke mooreboy-boy mosairussell mwafulirwan?lio(flamengo)benjamin onwuachimario ortizpapa waigopatricio perez(velez)jorge pinaleonardo pisculichirenzo pozzirodrigo fernandes(botafogo)rodrigo tiui(fluminense)gonzalo rodriguez(san lorenzo)roger(ponte preta)mauricio romeroklaus salmutterjurgen saumelalessandro simonettajose sosajos? sotosteven tayloranatoli todorovjorge toralesyury tsigalkovagner leonardellicarlos villanuevaben watsonjohn welshwilson(corinthians)xisco(villareal)jose julian de la cuestaGreat teamI won the the premiership, FA cup,Champions Legue and the Legue cup with this teamGoalkeeperBuffonDefenderBernard(L)Cafu(R)Woodgate(RC)Rio Ferdinand(LC)MidfieldDyer(R)Joe Cole(L)Steven Gerrard(RC)Zidane(LC)ForwardSanta Cruz(L)Shearer(L)I won the world cup with this England squadTo win the world cup as england use all these players-that are englishGKPaul Robinson-LeedsDLWayne Bridge-ChelseaDCMichael Dawson(CAPTAIN)-Nottm ForestDCLedley King-Tottenham HotspurDR Glen Johnson-ChelseaMLAlan Thompson-Celtic (scotland)MCFrank Lampard-ChelseaMCKeiron Dyer-NewcastleMRDavid Beckham-Real Madrid (spain)STWayne Routledge-Crystal PalaceST Wayne Rooney-EvertonSubmit the squad as 4-4-2 but as the the LM in attacking position left and RM in defending rightLook at players hidden attributesIf there is a dash next to an attribute, then select Add Manager, go to the Competitions selection, select the league, then the team this player plays for, then select the player and you can see his hidden attributes, then select cancel.Decent PlayersThe best players areRobinho- SantosDiego- SantosTevez- BocaSarr- MilanNihat- SociedadAimar- ValenciaI am in 2014 and all these players are amazing especially Diego from Santos!Rich as can be!If you want to be rich, just go in as all the richest teams(e.g. Real Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Man Utd, Chelsea, Deportivo, Inter,) and buy a rubbish player from your side, with each of the rich ones, for all their transfer budget, then every player wants to go to a decent club so they will accept, especially if you offer them 100 grand a week or whatever! Your club will have earned over 150 mil by just selling terrible players!Found the Wandering Star?Tonton Zola Moukoko is pure football genius in the making, multiple Zidane's talent by 10 and u have got Moukoko. To find this player, go into options and select quick search. Make sure you are on search for a player. Then enter Tont in the player's name box, and Swedish in the nationallity box. He should be the only player what shows after you have clicked search. Tonton Zola Moukoko plays for the second division Sweedish club called Jonsered, he is valued at ?40,000. He does not take long to reply to your offer. Play him reguarly in the First team and he turns out to be a pure star. I am Man U in my  game he as played 27 games and scored 49 goals, all in league matches, Champion League, Fa Cup. Pure Genius...Amazing TeamBuy:Goalkeeper: Kasper SchemichelDefenders:LucioRio FerdinandWayne BridgeMidfielders:Xabi AlonsoArjen RobbenChristiano RonaldoRonaldinhoPatrick VieiraForwards:TevezHenry or Carlton ColePlay three centre backs and patrick Vieira as a defensive midfielder and have all the midfielders making forward runs.I won the premiership twice in 2 seasons plus the league cup twice fa cup twice and the champions leaugue twice.Wicked teamOne of the best teams on the game !GK - buffonDR - puyolDC - rio ferdinandDC - walter samuelDL - silvestreAMR - manciniAML - c.ronaldoMC - diegoMC - j.jenasSC - anelkaSC - MartinsOne wicked team mainly younger than 20 and I won premiership, europe etc for 5 years on going.Good PlayersThis is my team that I won the treble with and unbeaten with birmingham city.gk-Lobant (ajax)dl-asley cole (arsenal)dc-christian worns (dortmund)dc-sol campbell (arsenal)dr-lilian thuram (juventus)ml-julian gray (cristal palace)-very goodmc-robbie savage (birmingham)mc-thomas rosicky (dortmund)-hard to sighnmr-kaka (ac milan)fc-heskey (liverpool)end of season worth 35.5 mil fc-kezman (psv)at end of season he is worth 45.5 millionBest players of the gameSimonetta(Roma)Bodipo(racing Santander)Simon Davies(Totteham)John O'shea (Man Utd)Cavanagih(river plate)Kim Kallstrom(Sweden)Qvist(Denmark)Dagoberto(brazil U21)Great playersTo get a great team buy these payers. Jose julian de la cuesta from Atletico Nacional, Andres iniesta from barcelona, Joaquin from Betis, Jermaine Pennant from Arsenal, Daniele Bonera from Parma, Robert Huth, Jonathan woodgate, Lionel Morgan, Deco, Henry(he just can't stop scoring goals), Alex from Cruzeiro, John Carew from valencia and Roberto Montolivo from Atalanta. I won the la liga 7 times in a row ith the team. I had Real madrid so you should get Casillas and Raul to partner Henry as a striker if you are playing with another team.The best team there isI have won the la liga 4 times in a row with this team and the champions cup twice.GKIker casillasDefendersMichel Salgado(DR)Jonathan woodagte(DC)Daniele Bonera(DC)Roberto Carlos(DL)MidfieldAlex(ML) from cruzeiroZinedene Zidan(MC) make him run up between your two strikersDeco(MC)let him stay in the midfieldJoaquin(MR) StrikersHenryRaulYou should also buy Riccardo Montolivo from Atalanta because he is brilliant after he turns 23. He scored 20 times in 25 games and assisted 13 times in his first season i bought him and it hasnt stopped(he cost me 18.5 million ? but it was so worth it). Iniesta from barca, lionel Morgan wimbledon and Kasper Schmeichel all become exellent in there early 20. Jose julian de la cuesta from Atletico Nacional is also a good player if you need backup for your defence.Excellent PlayersGoalkeepers- Victor Valdes             Kasper ScmeichelDefenders- Wayne Bridge (Chelsea)           Gabriel Milito           Tieme Klompe (Heerenveren)           Mike Zonneveld (NEC)Midfielders- Toledo (Cantanzaro)             Rafael Arles Castillo (Bucamaranga)             Fredy William Thompson (Comunicones)             Daniel Carvalho             Thiago Motta ( Barcelona)             Ricardo Quaresma (Barcelona)Strikers - Georgi Kakalov (Litex)           Daniel Braathen (Skeid)- Best Player           Dagoberto (Athletico Pirenese)           Carlos Tevez (Boca)

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 03/01/2012 08:14   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Dust: A Tale Of The Wired West - PC

Infinite MoneyInstead of trying to win money at the Hard Drive Saloon, there's an easier way to get money. First go to the bank (you can only go during the daytime) and deposit all of your money. Next go to Help (the Asian guy) and he will say "You out of money? Here's 5  bucks as a loan.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 03/01/2012 08:14   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Super Mario Land 1 - GameBoy

CheatBeat the game 2 times,you get stage select.Expert LevelAfter you finish the game once, press any button on the Title screen and the cursor will change from a mushroom to a Mario face. Press Start to begin the expert level. You can play through again having more  enemies, harder enemies, and enemies in different places.Extra Coins and Part of Level SkipOn the third level, at the very beginning, there is a wall and a small

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 03/01/2012 08:14   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right SFI Affiliates

SFI (Strong Future International) je Marketinska Grupa osnovana 1998 koja je startala samo sa jednim proizvodom koji je prodan u USA. Danas je SFI narastao na milione artikala i usluga koji se prodaju ili suradjuju sa vise od 190 drzava diljem svijeta. SFI je kreiran bas  da dospusti svim vlasnicima racunala na internetu da imaju pristup i mogucnost kreirati svoju e-komercijalnu karijeru. Sve punoljetne osobe u svojoj drzavi mogu postati SFI predstavnici besplatno kreirajuci svoj registracijski list i tako pokrenuti svoju e-komercijalnu zaradu. Nikakve kupovine nisu potrebne.

Jednom kad se registrirate postajete SFI partner putem WEB marketinga sa SFI proizvodima na internetu. SFI takodjer pruza sve potrebne usluge prodaje kao sto su usluga korsnicima, platni promet, dostava bez ikakve provizije svojim suradnicima. Pomocu svake prodaje, SFI placa svojim referentima neku odredjenu proviziju. Odredjene provizije se mogu zaraditi gradeci svoju marketinsku ekipu te postati njihvom marketinski voditelj.

Ja sam jedan od SFI marketinskih voditelja i kao takav predstavljam Vam Internet kompaniju koja se bavi Internet prodajom. Ono sto krasi ovu kompaniju nadasve je NE KORISTENJE nikakvih kartica te mogucnost zarade. Znam da je mnogo ljudi skepticno gledajuci ovaj sistem Internet zarade ali ako nista mozete se posvetiti samo prodajom svojih primjeraka koje Vam vise nisu potrebne.

U samom uvodu ovog programa stavio sam Vam pred oci ono sto ova kompanija pruza te vam mogu ponuditi priliku da se kroz sam program ove kompanije probijete i dostignete odredjenu svotu novaca. Nemojte misliti da je ovo brza i jednostavna zarada jer je potrebanodredjeni vremenski period kroz svoj trnovit put do slave i zarade. Takodjer nemojte misliti da je jednostavna zarada jer trebate ulagati u sebe kao pocetnika, sebe kao voditelja te usavrsavati se svaki dan.

Na samom SITEu ponudjeni su mnogi materijali u tekstualnom obliku nebi li vam olaksali sam rad u izvrsnom okruzenju.

Postoje mnoge psihicke blokade koje ce stariji ljudi ili mladji ljudi sa ne znanjem Engleskog jezika odbiti ali i za to postoji rjesenje. U sljedecem postu prikazat cu vam klasican tutorial za podesavanje svega sto vam je potrebno nebi li si olaksali rad na ovom projektu.

Do tada prepustam Vam da pritiskom na slicicu ispod ovog teksta ubrzate proces i registrirate se da vidite mogucnosti i info sucelje koje ce Vas malo poblize upoznati sa samim radom ove kompanije. Ne brinite se cim se registrirate bit ce vam dodjeljen voditelj koji ce vas prvih par dana voditi i prikazati vam sto vam je najbitnije za pocetak nebi li sto prije dosli do svoga mjesta voditelja i dobivanja prvih manjih provizija.


Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 15/03/2010 22:34   »   توسط: iglocsfi

arrow right Advertisement

SFI (Strong Future International) je Marketinska Grupa osnovana 1998 koja je startala samo sa jednim proizvodom koji je prodan u USA. Danas je SFI narastao na milione artikala i usluga koji se prodaju ili suradjuju sa vise od 190 drzava diljem svijeta. SFI je kreiran bas  da dospusti svim vlasnicima racunala na internetu da imaju pristup i mogucnost kreirati svoju e-komercijalnu karijeru. Sve punoljetne osobe u svojoj drzavi mogu postati SFI predstavnici besplatno kreirajuci svoj registracijski list i tako pokrenuti svoju e-komercijalnu zaradu. Nikakve kupovine nisu potrebne.

Jednom kad se registrirate postajete SFI partner putem WEB marketinga sa SFI proizvodima na internetu. SFI takodjer pruza sve potrebne usluge prodaje kao sto su usluga korsnicima, platni promet, dostava bez ikakve provizije svojim suradnicima. Pomocu svake prodaje, SFI placa svojim referentima neku odredjenu proviziju. Odredjene provizije se mogu zaraditi gradeci svoju marketinsku ekipu te postati njihvom marketinski voditelj.

Ja sam jedan od SFI marketinskih voditelja i kao takav predstavljam Vam Internet kompaniju koja se bavi Internet prodajom. Ono sto krasi ovu kompaniju nadasve je NE KORISTENJE nikakvih kartica te mogucnost zarade. Znam da je mnogo ljudi skepticno gledajuci ovaj sistem Internet zarade ali ako nista mozete se posvetiti samo prodajom svojih primjeraka koje Vam vise nisu potrebne.

U samom uvodu ovog programa stavio sam Vam pred oci ono sto ova kompanija pruza te vam mogu ponuditi priliku da se kroz sam program ove kompanije probijete i dostignete odredjenu svotu novaca. Nemojte misliti da je ovo brza i jednostavna zarada jer je potrebanodredjeni vremenski period kroz svoj trnovit put do slave i zarade. Takodjer nemojte misliti da je jednostavna zarada jer trebate ulagati u sebe kao pocetnika, sebe kao voditelja te usavrsavati se svaki dan.

Na samom SITEu ponudjeni su mnogi materijali u tekstualnom obliku nebi li vam olaksali sam rad u izvrsnom okruzenju.

Postoje mnoge psihicke blokade koje ce stariji ljudi ili mladji ljudi sa ne znanjem Engleskog jezika odbiti ali i za to postoji rjesenje. U sljedecem postu prikazat cu vam klasican tutorial za podesavanje svega sto vam je potrebno nebi li si olaksali rad na ovom projektu.

Do tada prepustam Vam da pritiskom na slicicu ispod ovog teksta ubrzate proces i registrirate se da vidite mogucnosti i info sucelje koje ce Vas malo poblize upoznati sa samim radom ove kompanije. Ne brinite se cim se registrirate bit ce vam dodjeljen voditelj koji ce vas prvih par dana voditi i prikazati vam sto vam je najbitnije za pocetak nebi li sto prije dosli do svoga mjesta voditelja i dobivanja prvih manjih provizija.


Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 15/03/2010 22:35   »   توسط: iglocsfi

arrow right Fat: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

When it comes to planning a healthy diet, fat is a complex subject. It's useful to understand some basic information.There are 4 types of fat: Monounsaturated, Polyunsaturated, Saturated and Trans fat.MonounsaturatedMonounsaturated fats are considered good fats and are said  to help reduce cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure and to help control diabetes.These fats are found in food like; olive oil, peanut oil, cashews, canola oil, hazelnuts, peanuts, macadamia nuts, pistachios, pine nuts and chicken fat.PolyunsaturatedPolyunsaturated fats are also considered good fats and are said to reduce triglycerides, inflammations and tumor growth. They also help to improve immune function and help protect against sudden death from heart disease.Polyunsaturated fats can be broken down into two categories: Omega 3 and Omega 6Omega 3 is found in foods like Canola oil, walnuts, flaxseeds, hempseeds, salmon, mackerel, trout, tuna, sardines, and herring.Omega 6 is found in foods like safflower oil, sunflower oil, sesame oil, nuts, beans and soft margarine.SaturatedSaturated fats are bad fats, they raise cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. In fact they are twice as potent at raising your bad cholesterol levels as polyunsaturated fats are at lowering them. It is difficult to eliminate these fats from your diet but one way to reduce them is to choose fat free milk and other dairy products.Saturated fats can be found in foods such as meats, whole milk, cheese, palm and coconut oil.TransTrans fats are the ugly fats, they raise bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower good cholesterol (HDL). They increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.Trans fats can be found in foods like crackers, cookies, shortening, stick margarine, hydrogenated oils and vegetable oils that have been subjected to heat-damage during cooking.In summary, some fats are essential for a healthy diet. However, the quantity of even the good fats you consume is important.For more information, including how much fat you should be eating, visit www.heartandstroke.ca/ or www.americanheart.orgVisit http://www.fatfreebutdelicious.com for low fat dessert, treats and snack recipes.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Aspartame -More Dangerous Than High Fructose Corn Syrup

It's really hard to believe that something could be worse than the intense sugar loads from high fructose corn syrup and sucrose. But, Aspartame ( Equal, Nutrasweet, Equal Measure, Spoonful, Canderal) is even more dangerous to your health.Aspartame, was first discovered in  1965 when Searle chemist Jim Schlatter, who was developing this drug for another purpose, accidentally licked some from his finger and found it to be sweet tasting. The ingredients in aspartame are phenylalanine(50%), aspartic acid (40%) and methyl alcohol(10%).Aspartame Approved by the FDA in January 1981Even after about eight years of steadfast refusal by the FDA to approve this dangerous drug for human consumption, Searle tried one more time, the day after the inauguration of the President in 1981. The previous commissioner of the FDA had been

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Do You Eat Breakfast?

It is not a myth. Eating breakfast is an important part of attaining and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The morning meal enables your body to refuel itself after enduring a nightlong fast or 10 hours or more. It assists in re-energising your body's metabolism and  providing sufficient amounts of energy and nutrients for you to survive the earliest part of the day. Remember breakfast is the first opportunity for you to replenish your body's exhausted energy reserves. Whatever you do don't waste this opportunity. While breaking the nocturnal fast is important, eating appropriately is just as essential. Eating a good breakfast, low in fat, and rich in dietary fibre and micronutrients will mentally and physically set you up for anything the day may throw at you.Why Breakfast is Important.By choosing not to eat a well-balanced breakfast you may be putting your health in danger. Studies have shown that people who regularly skip breakfast are more likely to be overweight and have less energy than those who always eat breakfast.The consumption of a healthy breakfast has been shown to improve short-term memory. People who regularly eat breakfast have less fatigue and lower cholesterol level than those who skip breakfast. Research has demonstrated that children who eat correctly at breakfast perform better in class and produce higher marks than those who do not. If you want to have an improved, healthy body then it is vital to eat a nourishing breakfast. Research has shown that skipping breakfast causes a lowered metabolic rate, which means fewer calories burned throughout the day. Over time this has the potential to lead to an unhealthy Body Mass Index.What is a healthy breakfast?Choose foods that are natural and unprocessed. Eat whole fruit rather than fruit juice. Whole fruits provide extra fibre. Vary the colour of the fruits you eat. Different coloured fruits and vegetables contain different nutrients.Yogurt, wholegrain dark bread, high fibre cereal with soy or low fat milk, are excellent choices. Try making your own delicious museli, (email me for a recipe). Three to six servings of protein a day is recommended. Protein sources include eggs, tofu, fish, lean meat and nuts. Mix and match from the above items or add your own healthy favorites.If your excuse is that you don't have time for breakfast, here is your answer. Herbalife has a product called Formula 1. It is a scientifically formulated dietary food that contains an exclusive blend of select proteins, vitamins and minerals. It is low in fat, cholesterol free and an excellent source of dietary fibre and essential amino acids. A Herbalife breakfast is made in a minute and fuels your body right through the morning. It is the ultimate fast food and so good for you. Find more information on this product at www.uloseweight.net/shoponlineStart The Day RightDon't fool yourself "Fuel" yourself. Build breakfast into your basic routein every morning. You will soon notice a great improvement in your energy and well-being. A great morning leads to a great day.Cheryl Haining is a skin care, body shape and nutrition coach. She has her own successful business. Her mission statement is to ensure everyone reaches his or her optimum body shape, size and condition. Contact Cheryl at http://www.uloseweight.net or To learn how to create an income stream from home visit http://www.keybusinesstips.info

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Art of the Recording Engineer: From Michael Jackson to Mutant Radio, Matt F

Interviewed by Scott G (The G-Man)G-Man: When people think of Matt Forger, they usually think of your work with Michael Jackson, Quincy Jones, Bruce Springsteen, Paul McCartney, Glen Ballard, and Bruce Swedien, yet when you hand out a CD with examples of your producing,  engineering or mixing, it almost always has new and emerging artists, people like Mutant Radio, Laughing With Lulu, The Dharma Bomb, or Fjaere. What's your thinking behind the choice of avoiding the big names?Forger: While my association with those big names was a wonderful experience, it's also in the past.G-Man: But you work with artists at every level, including

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 8 Simple Steps for Treating Adult Acne

The number people over 30 needing acne treatments has climbed to the extent that a report published in Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology recommends raising the age for insurance coverage of the acne drug tretinoin to at least 40. The authors of the report, Drs.  Steven Feldman and Alan Fleischer, dermatologists at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, add that many insurance companies refuse to pay for tretinoin prescriptions for patients older than 25.Even if your insurance company leaves you to fend for yourself, you still have options for freeing yourself from acne and wrinkles. At first, coping with acne and wrinkles may seem like a cosmetic catch 22. Do you dry your skin with acne cleansers containing benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, and worsen your wrinkles? Or, do you smear on the moisturizer to smooth the wrinkles, but cope with the zits brought on by the extra oil?Before you get frantic, ask yourself a series of questions. Adult acne may be the result of hormonal flunctuations triggers by diet, stress or your environment.1. Are you regular? About 70% of your immune system is located in your intestines. If this area is blocked with waste, your immuno-defenses are down. So, instead of waste leaving your body via the rectum, it chooses to leave through the skin. Waste leaving the skin can cause an infection that presents itself as acne.2. Are you tense?Tension likewise reduces the vigor of the immune system. Take a few deep breaths throughout the day to calm your body. Take a long walk in the fresh air to wind down.3. Are you eating all the nutrients you need?Cases of acne have been improved with consuming foods containing zinc, essential fatty acids, vitamin A and a host of other nutrients. All of these vital nutrients are available in leafy green vegetables, fruits and olive oil.4. Are you constantly thinking about a personal issue that you have not addressed?Not resolving personal issues creates conflict and tension in the body. Again, these issues most be addressed to avoid undue stress within the body.5. Are you exercising everyday?Exercise reduces stress and gives you an opportunity to subconsciously contemplate challenges that you may be facing. Physical activity also keeps your muscles and intestines toned, which keeps encourages regularity.6. Are you changing your pillowcase frequently?Using a dirty pillowcase aggravates an acne condition. Your face naturally secretes oils during the night. These oils are sticky. So if you pillowcase if dirty, you are allowing your face to collect extra waste during the night, which could further clog your pores.7. Have you moved recently or are you changing your job/career?New demands or feelings of lose can sometimes accompany change. Transfer these emotions into something constructive by writing in a journal or envisioning how these changes are going to benefit you. Find comfort in these changes and opportunities for new beginnings.8. (Women) Do you also experience excessive facial hair growth and erratic periods?Conditions such as acne, excessive facial hair, and erratic periods could indicate an androgen disorder or other underlying hormonal imbalances. Your doctor can provide you with a series of endocrine tests to ascertain your hormone levels and what corrective actions you should take. Ricardo Azziz, M.D, who serves as Chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Director of the Center for Androgen-Related Disorders at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, estimates that 80 percent of women with excessive androgen levels suffer from an endocrine disorder called polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Dr. Azziz adds that women with PCOS often have insulin resistance and are at increased risk for developing Type II diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.Health author and Stanford University graduate Naweko San-Joyz lovingly writes from her home in San Diego. Her works include "Acne Messages: Crack the code of your zits and say goodbye to acne" (ISBN: 0974912204) and the upcoming work "Skinny Fat Chicks, Why we're still not getting this dieting thing" (ISBN: 0974912212) for release in June of 2005. For useful acne self-help articles visit http://www.Noixia.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Pain Relief: Is There an Alternative?

Do you rely on Vioxx, Celebrex or Aleve (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs) to ease pain? If you suffer from inflammatory arthritis or pain due to injuries, you probably are familiar with one of these drugs. No doubt you have also heard recent reports linking  some NSAIDs with an increased risk of heart attack or stroke. Belonging to a class called Cox-2 inhibitors, the drugs in question work by reducing inflammation and pain, while having a minimal effect on stomach bleeding and ulcers. But several studies have raised questions as to the long-term consequences of using Vioxx, Celebrex, Aleve and, possibly, other drugs in this classification. What are the facts and do you have an alternative for pain relief?According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration:- "FDA is issuing an advisory because of recently released data from controlled clinical trials showing that the COX-2 selective agents (Vioxx, Celebrex, and Bextra) may be associated with an increased risk of serious cardiovascular events (heart attack and stroke) especially when they are used for long periods of time or in very high risk settings (immediately after heart surgery)." Dec. 23, 2004- "Also, as FDA announced earlier this week, preliminary results from a long-term clinical trial (up to three years) suggest that long-term use of a non-selective NSAID, naproxen (sold as Aleve, Naprosyn and other trade name and generic products), may be associated with an increased cardiovascular (CV) risk compared to placebo." Dec. 23, 2004The Results:- Vioxx was voluntarily pulled from the market September 30, 2004.- The FDA notified healthcare professionals to consider the risk that cardiovascular events may be increased in patients receiving Celebrex.- The FDA urged consumers buying over-the-counter medications such as Aleve, to strictly follow label directions.- The FDA is analyzing all available information from recent studies to determine whether additional regulatory action is needed.Ice Therapy: A Pain Relief AlternativeIn this day and age when taking a pill might seem like the easiest solution, it's not always the best. Is there an alternative to medication for pain relief? Yes! One of the oldest and safest methods of controlling pain and inflammation is ice therapy. Proven to be effective at reducing swelling, numbing pain and decreasing muscle spasms, ice therapy is an easy self-care technique. Compared to the medications discussed, ice therapy has no side effects, including the fear of heart complications.Most doctors and therapists recommend using an ice pack to treat acute and chronic pain, as well as help with joint inflammation.* Using an ice pack immediately after an injury occurs can dramatically reduce recovery time. Every runner knows that icing sore knees after a long run will get them back in the race faster. Ice is also one of the best ways to reduce swelling and bruising after surgery.What is the best type of ice therapy to use? The easiest is a plastic bag filled with ice and water. But this can be a messy method that does not conform to joints. Some people use a bag of frozen peas. Better -- but not reusable. Plus frozen peas defrost quickly, leaving a soggy mush. A more reliable ice therapy is a commercial cold pack. There are many available with each brand having its own range of features.If you have decided to decrease your use of pain medication and want a reliable method of ice therapy, look for a commercial cold pack with the following benefits:- Stays cold for 1 to 2 hours. This allows you to have several icing sessions without wasting time returning it to the freezer.- Molds flexibly to help you ice rounded areas of the body such as knees and elbows.- Can be reused many times, which saves you money and offers peace of mind that your ice therapy will be there when you need it.- Melts like ice. A cold pack that lasts a long time will numb your pain and protect your skin against frostbite better than one that lasts only 30 minutes. Short-lasting ice packs deliver a hard hit of cold with a dramatic drop in temperature, which can hurt your skin.- Is non-toxic (free of chemicals and dyes) and latex-free to keep you safe from poisoning and skin irritation.- Has a versatile cover to protect your skin from too much cold.- Easy to use on any part of the body, again saving you money because there is no need to buy different ice pack sizes or covers to fit different body parts.Next time you feel a knee twinge or your lower back pain is acting up, reach for an ice pack instead of pain medication. It may save your life!Ruling from the FDA: http://www.fda.gov/For more information on using ice therapy: http://www.snowpackusa.com/BeInformed.html/*Special Note: if you have problems with circulation or diabetes, you should consult with your doctor before applying ice therapy.Disclaimer: This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical treatment or consultation. Always consult with your physician in the event of a serious injury.About the Author: Louise Roach: health and fitness editor, marketing specialist, and product development consultant. She helps others find pain relief through the use of SnowPack Cold Therapy products. Learn more about the benefits of cold therapy at http://www.snowpackusa.com/. Sign up for *free* health/fitness e-newsletter at: http://home.netcom.com/~newsflash/

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Alternative Approaches to Pain Relief

Pain. The great leveler. The rich feel it. So do the poor, the happy, the sad, tall, and short. And, of course, article writers, too. It's therefore not surprising to note that since the dawn of time, humans have attempted to discover ways to reduce pain. In some respect,  our ability to experience pain, and seek ways to solve it, connects us more than anything else. But what exactly is pain and how do we deal with it?Pain is a message sent by the body to the brain, signaling the presence of disease, injury or strain. Without pain, you would be unaware of many problems - from torn ligaments to appendicitis. Pain is simply, Mother Nature's way of telling you something is wrong.Many of us kill the messenger with narcotics, anti-depressants and tranquilizers that take care of the symptoms, but not the cause of the pain. This kind of treatment cannot only mask symptoms of serious disease, but can also create a cycle of chronic pain.Not all pain though, serves a useful function. While acute pain, as described above can alert us to a serious problem, chronic pain can linger long after an ailment or injury has healed in the body. Examples of chronic pain include backache, migraines and arthritis. In these cases, pain management, as opposed to a cure, may become the goal of treatment.The psychological effects that accompany recovery from a disease or injury heighten chronic pain. A loss of confidence is often triggered by prolonged periods of rest and inactivity that cause a loss of physical strength, endurance and flexibility. If the injury has prevented you from performing your usual duties, you may succumb to frustration and depression. Impatience is chronic pain's best friend as many individuals overexert themselves before they have completely healed, thus triggering more pain.Various treatments can help alleviate chronic pain. Some treatments do so on a purely physical level by interfering with signals from the nerves to the brain or desensitizing the nerves. The following sections are meant to introduce you to some of the ways of dealing with pain without relying on non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, narcotics, tranquilizers or anti-depressants.For many people, particularly those in the western world, pain relief solutions such as acupuncture, and herbal medicine are novel concepts. However, the rest of the world is probably wondering what the fuss is about, because these traditional approaches to pain relief have been around for thousands of years; Traditional Chinese Medicine, which relies on various techniques and herbs in order to balance the body's internal energy, is over 5,000 years old.Acupuncture: the ancient Chinese Practice of acupuncture is based on the belief that health is determined by the level of chi (vital life energy) that is in t he body. This energy is thought to move through the body through pathways called meridians, which connect to specific organs in the body. Acupuncturists insert needles into points on the body that connect to these channels to release blocked

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...