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arrow right How To Write A Riveting Sales Letter That Closes Sales

How do you get people's attention and build their interest to take the time to read your sales letter? Let's face it. If you can't get the attention of prospects and keep their interest your sales letter will just fall flat on it's face and thus not make you much  money.Today, I'm going to show you how to take that limp sales letter and inject more money making power into it. How? You make your sales letter more riveting. And you do that by creating a thread of curiosity and or surprising information that keeps your prospects on the edge of their seats. There are various ways to do this, but today I'm going to show you three simple things you can do right away to make your sales letter more riveting.1) The 25% Rule: Simply stated, if the first quarter of your sales letter isn't absolutely compelling and interesting enough your sales letter will bomb. So here's what you do. You craft an irresistible benefit laden headline and subhead that pull people into the first sentence of your body copy. You write the copy in such a way that to complete the thought forces your audience into the next sentence. Next, your first paragraph will naturally flow into the second paragraph and then into the third and so on. The trick again, is to write the copy in such a way that you're using stories, case histories, testimonials news or even descriptions that take several paragraphs to write. Then you break this huge block of copy up into multiple paragraphs. As a result, the first 25% of your sales letter should become riveting.2) Sentence Enders: At the end of key paragraphs you can add a special sentence that beckons your prospects to read into the next paragraph. Here are several examples:

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   5 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Gic Number For Writing Sales Letters

When I write sales letters for my clients, one rule I always start with is The Rule of 7.I learned about The Rule of 7 from one of my good friends who once ran for political office. In his campaign, he made certain that his name appeared seven times in all of his radio  spots.Why? Because that's generally the number of times required before a name "magically" sticks in the mind of a prospect. The Rule of 7 is often used in radio and television advertising. But this isn't an isolated occurrence-the number seven seems to be a bit magical in other areas, like prospecting and linguistics.Do you know the average number of times experts say you need to make contact with a prospect before they will be ready to commit?Seven.Can you guess how many times linguists say a person must use a word before it becomes a true part of their vocabulary?That's right-seven.This "magic" is the reason I try to repeat my client's product name or business name seven times in the sales letters I write for them.The truth is, we're not really talking about magic, here. It's really about generating recognition for a name or a concept. It's about embedding something in a prospect's subconscious mind. It's about branding. I use The Rule of 7 to write sales letters, but the idea can be applied to other areas of marketing, too.Every person and every thing has an identity-and branding is about more than just a logo. A brand identity is about who you are, what you offer and the benefits of choosing you over the competition. The name you choose to operate under-whether your personal name, your business name, your product name, or your website address-is a link to all of that information. Repetition, which is what makes The Rule of 7 work, strengthens the recognition and recollection of your brand.Now, all the "experts" may come back later and say that "seven" isn't the right number after all. It's nine. Or it's five. Or it's eight-point-three. But it doesn't really matter, does it? Seven works well as a general rule. (Besides, it is a lucky number.)Of course, I know that fulfilling The Rule of 7 is no guarantee a prospect will accept an offer. But I know using the rule increases the chance that a prospect will see my name or the name of one of my websites and think, "Oh, yeah, I remember Seductive Sales Letters" or "I remember Matthew Cobb." Recognition and recollection-that's what The Rule of 7 is all about.One word of warning, though. Just because seven times is good doesn't mean that seventy times is even better. Repeating the same name over and over again can grow annoying and cause prospects to quit reading. And then, you may not even be able to fulfill The Rule of 1.About The AuthorMatthew Cobb is an independent copywriter/consultant who operates Seductive Sales Letters. Visit SeductiveSalesLetters.com and sign up for the official monthly publication, The Seductive Sales Letter Clinic.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   5 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Preventing Flooding on Individual Farmers Fields to Save Crops

I propose permits be given to farmers to they can set up along the edge of their fields a microwave array to burn a hole in the clouds when severe weather threatens their crops. I would propose that this concept be completely privately funded and be done in conjunction with  the FAA. As a wicked storm approaches the farmer can minimize his loses by slight overhead weather modification. The array can be pointed out at a forty-five degree angle to the approaching cloud until the width of the field is displayed on the bottom side of the cloud. As the cloud passes over it will begin to regroup and come back together without changing the over all regional weather.Here is a thought on weather manipulation, cloud modification and wind flow prediction.http://worldthinktank.net/wttbbs/index.php?showtopic=305http://worldthinktank.net/wttbbs/index.php?showtopic=225This can be done and save crops from ruin in the event of a huge storm which threatens to ruin the entire seasons crop. Permits can be given out to the operators of these units under an understanding that in the event our country is attacked that this piece of equipment is now to be used in the defense of our country or commandeered by the National Guard. Meanwhile the farmer cannot hire out the service unless certain severe or extremely untimely weather conditions exist during planting or potential flooding conditions.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   5 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right UAV Air-Breathing SAM Upgrade Recommendations

Can a hybrid Surface to Air Missile, UAV loiter for hours and then become a missile to down an enemy aircraft?Small UAV surface to air missile (SAM), which is air-breathing is a good idea and yields many possibilities to the future of air  combat.http://www.shephard.co.uk/UVOnline/Default...6a-10526cb81f17Now we need to design a beyond line of sight (BLOS) radar single unit to work without any other help. A net-centric battlespace component, which can operate completely autonomously without the help of satellite communication, AWACS or any other source. This BLOS radar unit can be mounted on a ship for the Navy or trailer for Army or Marines, well then such a single mission UAV, or kill projectile would be one excellent tool. Shoot it, forget about it as it will find its target eventually, even if it has to dog fight it's intended victim.An incoming force of a hundred Chinese fighters would have to try and dog fight a hundred UAVs, which can pull 18g's as apposed to the manned modern fighter plane of 8-9 G's due to the weakness of the human pilot. Since these UAV SAMs are air breathing they will not run out of rocket fuel or be limited in range and therefore can be very small and stealthy and able to dodge air to air missile defenses of the incoming fighter planes or enemy threat. If the cost to build was high, perhaps we could even fly them back, disarm in the air and parachute them for later use if they did not find a target or if all targets were destroyed already?

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   5 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Small Attack Submarines, Which Turn Into Hydrofoils and Fly

We propose single man underwater vehicles (attack submarines), which have inflatable Airbags using CO2 cartridges for rapid ascent. The design of these vehicles will encompass bended material, which makes rings underneath resembling typical designs of small hydrofoils.  These rings will be attached at the body and extend down ward and be attached in the center to themselves. The vehicle will be propelled by an onboard that will distribute the energy to two propellers on above the vehicle and one below. The bottom propeller will be at the lower level of the connected rings. The motor will be at the feet of the laying down facing forward operator. The underwater vehicle will be shaped similar to a short winged manta ray. Once the mini submarine surfaces it will accelerate up onto the step. Like a single hulled floatplane as the speed increases it will raise up on the rings. The rings will have strakes as part of their structure throughout.When the mini sub is ready to rise it will deploy the CO2 lever, which will expand the leading edge of the front of the manta ray mini wings, thus thrusting it up to the surface. Once the sub is above water and up on the rings it will fly and use the ground cushion to accelerate and pick up speed. The rings will release the attachment at the bottom and become thin airfoils, the front will become a canard which will be facing slightly forward ahead of where the wings become one with the fuselage allowing airflow to meet the wing, think of what we had learned with NASA and the X-29. The rear ring will become a horizontal stabilizer and use laminar flow to guide the air to the propellers, which will be automatically spun from vertical alignment to a horizontal alignment.For a shape picture the Testor's Model of the much-mystified Roswell, NM UFO crashed ship.http://www.ehobbies.com/tes555.htmlhttp://www.alienufoart.com/RoswellUFO.htmWe propose this shape for it's obvious design which will work well underwater like a Manta Ray, but also perform well during the critical transition period from hydrofoil to ground cushion flight. Plus it just looks so cool? We believe that by adding controllable forward facing canard we can add accelerated airflow and controllability a low speed and high speed. We are also intrigued by the possibilities of stealth.Once the vehicle becomes airborne and up to speed the leading edge ballooned shape can retreat and the leading edge fall back into it's seam. We conceive this unit at flying near or faster than supersonic speeds. Once at it's destination the pilot soldier, can again slow the craft down and re-deploy the inflated leading edge for aerial surveying, loitering or to parachute into the area.The cargo, the human will be able to drop out the bottom, picture the B-2 bomb bay doors. The human will fall out the bottom, his gear below his feet and the pod and the parachute will deploy behind his neck, thus he will descend feet first to the ground. The Aircraft will become a UAV and from there be flown entirely by satellite back to the water to be picked up by ship or remain loitering until fuel is exhausted and then return.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   5 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Detect Spyware Online

You can detect spyware online using free spyware cleaners and by installing spyware protection software on your computer. Often it's best to start with free spyware cleaners because these free programs will remove any spyware programs currently running on your computer.It's  very important to detect spyware online and get rid of the malicious code in your computer files. This will protect your confidential data and the performance of your PC. Once you see how many of these programs are running silently on your computer you will probably be shocked.It should be a wake up call that spyware and adware is a major threat to your Internet security. You will probably wonder how this all happened without your knowledge. Spyware programs are designed to install and run silently so don't blame yourself or anyone else. If you have ever downloaded music, freeware or shareware that's probably how spyware got into your files.It doesn't matter if you get angry or how outrageous you think it is that someone did this to your computer. The important thing to know is these programs can send your passwords and credit card numbers into hacker's hands and you won't realize it happens until the damage is done.Spyware programs are designed to invisibly track the sites you surf, the products you buy, and the messages you send. They started out with advertisers gathering information about products bought and sold on the Internet. But hacker's found that they can use these programs to steal your personal information from your computer.It is estimated that 9 out of 10 computers have spyware, adware or both somewhere in the files. Even though this is a serious Internet privacy problem, you can do something about it.There are free spyware cleaners you can use to clean these malicious files out of your computer. If you use one of these free spyware cleaners, make sure after you download you update to the latest version so you can clean as much spyware out of your computer as possible.After you scan your computer with a free spyware cleaners it's recommended you purchase spyware software from a reputable manufacturer. The software puts up an anti spyware shield for your computer. Professional spyware software not only removes spyware but stops spyware from getting in your files in the first place.The best way to protect your personal information as well as your computer is to detect spyware online and use the best spyware protection software you can find because your Internet security is at stake.Copyright © 2005 Spyware Information.com All Rights Reserved.This article is provided by http://www.spyware-information.com where you will find free spyware cleaners, downloads, removal software, valuable tips and updated articles about adware and spyware removal programs to protect your identity. For other informative spyware and adware articles go to http://spyware-information.com/articles_1.html

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   5 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Owning Your Category Online - Is Our Website Broken?

"Owning your business category online is more than just a few keywords... Is your website broken?"Let's face it, the Internet is a crowded place... and it's becoming even more crowded as you read this. Your business can't stand still online, and you can't afford to look  backwards. Qualified, targeted traffic generation is what we all desire. Owning your category online goes a long way in providing just that.It's not about just looking forward, but moving forward and taking some ownership. Every business online today is worried about being found in the Top 10 Search Engines and Directories for their products or services - and they should be! Statistics still make them (search engines) the number one stop for all surfers.But, just for a moment let's imagine that these search engines and directories provide the most relevant results. That's right, let's just say for the sake of this article, that they all work extremely well. O.K?Now, since we believe that our products or services are way more relevant than those companies listed above us in (today's) search engines results - we have to admit something is wrong... but remember, the search engines are perfect.We all know you can buy your keywords in Google? and Overture? right? Does that make you the best? (not.) Do surfers know this? (Yes.) Does it make your business (your website) any more relevant? (No.) It does put businesses with a larger budget at the top of the pile again, that's all. Is this why many of us don't click on sponsored links? (Ahem...)If the search engines were (are) perfect, then let's get back to something else being wrong. Hmmm, my website must be broken! Wow, somebody is actually staying with me here.. My website must be broken?Why else would all those

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   5 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Use These 3 Editing Tips to Ensure Your Writing Hits the Bull?s-Eye

The first step in the writing process is to put your ideas down on paper. Once you have text to work with, the second step is to revise what you have written to make it as clear, accurate and powerful as you can. The final step is to edit your work carefully.Editing Tip #1:  Take a BreakWhen you have concentrated on your writing for long periods of time, there is a tendency to read what you think is there-not what you have actually written! By taking a break for a few hours (or even a few days), you will return to your work with a fresh mind and fresh eyes. Suddenly you will realize that: The rhythm of your sentences and paragraphs is off; either they are too short and choppy or too convoluted and long. Some of your ideas are out of place and belong in a different paragraph. One of your paragraphs doesn't make any sense! You forgot to address a crucial aspect of your topic. Some of your data is wrong or missing. You have misspelled several words and accidentally omitted others.  Editing Tip #2: Edit at Two Levels: Conceptual and Line-by-LineEditing is conducted at two levels. First concentrate on the conceptual, or substantive, level to ensure that your ideas are strong, logical and well-organized. Once this step is complete, go through your work line-by-line to check for small details such as spelling, grammar, word choice and punctuation.Conceptual EditingWhen you begin to edit at the conceptual level, try to approach your work as though you were the intended reader instead of the author. In your role as reader, look at the introduction. Is it compelling? Do you clearly understand what the topic, major points and slant of the communication will be?Then look at the body. Do the ideas flow well, or are they confusing? Are they presented in some kind of logical order? Do concrete details help to paint a clear picture? Are any stray ideas lurking in unrelated paragraphs?Does this communication seem to be written for you? In other words, do you feel like you are its intended audience, or does the writer fail to explain concepts, terms and acronyms you don't understand? Is the voice of this communication appropriate? Is it too formal? Too informal? Just right?Did the writer insult your intelligence by repeating the same ideas over and over? Or did the writer present a strong, clear, coherent argument that you understood immediately? Finally, what is your overall impression of this communication (and its writer)? Positive or negative?This technique of reading what you have written as though you were the intended audience will help you see your communications from a different perspective. Some of what you discover may surprise you. Make any changes that are necessary and then proceed to line editing.Line EditingThe final step in the editing process is to go through your document line-by-line to check for errors in mechanics (e.g., spelling, grammar, punctuation), word usage and format.If you included tables or figures, be sure to check that the captions are correct and that you entered the data correctly. Also be sure you have expressed your ideas as succinctly as possible. If you find your sentences are filled with empty, unnecessary words, delete them.Try This!If you are having problems "seeing" your errors at the line level, go to the end of your document and read the last sentence. Then read the second to last sentence. Continue working from the end to the beginning until you reach your opening line! This technique keeps your brain from automatically reading what you think you wrote and helps you see what is actually on the page.A Special Word About HomonymsThe English language has many words, called homonyms, that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings. The four most common sets are: their/they're/there, too/to/two, your/you're, and its/it's.These are FREQUENTLY used incorrectly! Even when you know the difference between them, it is easy to type the wrong word when you are concentrating on getting your ideas down on paper. Unfortunately, ordinary spell-check programs cannot distinguish between homonyms that are used correctly and those that are used incorrectly. Therefore, always pay special attention to these words when you are conducting a line edit.Editing Tip #3: Always Spell-Check Your WorkIt is amazing how often writers fail to perform this final edit--especially since it is so easy to do! I will agree that spell-check programs attached to word processing software cannot detect homonyms, that they highlight unfamiliar words that are actually spelled correctly, and that the grammar check is frequently just plain wrong.On the other hand, they do pick up incorrect spacing between words, highlight a few grammar problems correctly, and catch most of your misspelled words. The process doesn't take very long and is easy to perform. In the end, you have nothing to lose by taking this final step and potentially much to gain!Clarice Kyd Dankers, M.A., offers editing and coaching services to business and academic clients around the world. Her work incorporates eight years of experience in business communications with extensive experience in linguistics, publishing and university teaching. For more information about her services-or to sign up for her free monthly newsletter-go to http://www.PolishYourWriting.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   5 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Glutathione - Your Brains Master Antioxidant Defense

Free radicals and oxyradicals play an important role in the development and progression of many brain disorders such as brain injury, neurodegenerative disease, schizophrenia and Down syndrome.Glutathione is the brain's master antioxidant and plays an important protective  role in the brain.According to Dr. Jimmy Gutman,

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   5 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Are You a Project Manager Or a Project Mangler?

Which one are you? An effective IT project manager, able to deliver software on time, according to specs, and within budget, or someone referred to by your peers as a project mangler? Find out with these Top 10 Signs You're a Project Mangler.10. Your .mpp attachments are  considered to be more harmful than the Netsky virus.9. You think your job description is limited to running around and asking people

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   5 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Mortal Kombat: Deception - Playstation 2

Finishing MovesBarak's Decapitation Hara-Kiri (Suicide): Down, Up, Away, Attack4Jade's Spear Fatality: Away, Toward, Up, Toward, Attack1Kobra's Rip-Your-Heart-Out Fatality: Down, Away, Toward, Down, Attack4Nightwolf's Axe-Throw Fatality (must be standing well away from  target): Away, Toward, Away, Toward, Attack1 Subzero's Head-Bowling Fatality: Toward, Away, Down, Toward, Attack2FatalitiesASHRAHHeavenly Light: DOWN, BACK + SQUARELightning Blast: DOWN, FORWARD + SQUARESpin Cycle: DOWN, UP + XNature's Torpedo: FORWARD, FORWARD + CIRCLE{Finishers}Fatality 1: DOWN, DOWN, UP, UP, TRIANGLE (Close) Fatality 2: FORWARD, DOWN, FORWARD, DOWN, TRIANGLE (Sweep) Hara Kiri: UP, DOWN, UP, UP, TRIANGLEBARAKA Flying Shard: DOWN, BACK + SQUAREMutant Blades: FORWARD, FORWARD + X{Finishers}Fatality 1: FORWARD, UP, DOWN, TRIANGLE (Close) Fatality 2: FORWARD, DOWN, BACK, FORWARD, TRIANGLE (Sweep) Hara Kiri: DOWN, BACK, UP, BACK, CIRCLEBO' RAI CHO Puke: BACK, F + TRIANGLEMonkey Flips: DOWN, BACK + SQUAREBelly Bash: FORWARD, FORWARD + CIRCLEEarthquake: FORWARD, BACK + X{Finishers}Fatality 1: DOWN, UP, FORWARD, FORWARD, TRIANGLE (Sweep) Fatality 2: UP, BACK, FORWARD, X (Sweep) Hara Kiri: BACK, BACK, FORWARD, FORWARD, TRIANGLEDAIROUTombstone Drop: FORWARD, BACK, DOWN + SQUAREStealthy Shadows: DOWN, UP + XIron Leg: DOWN, BACK + TRIANGLE{Finishers}Fatality 1: DOWN, UP, BACK, BACK, SQUARE (Sweep) Fatality 2: DOWN, DOWN, A, CIRCLE (Close) Hara Kiri: BACK, BACK, BACK, DOWN, SQUAREDARRIUSTricky Blast: BACK, FORWARD + TRIANGLETwisty Kick: DOWN, BACK + CIRCLEChest Cruncher: BACK, FORWARD + SQUARETarget Practice: DOWN, FORWARD + X{Finishers}Fatality 1: UP, DOWN, BACK, FORWARD, X (Sweep) Fatality 2: DOWN, DOWN, BACK, X (Close) Hara Kiri: BACK, FORWARD, FORWARD, TRIANGLEERMAC Mystic Float: DOWN, UP + XMystic Bomb (Only during Mystic Float): DOWN + XDive Kick (Only during Mystic Float): FORWARD + XTelekinetic Throw: FORWARD, BACK + TRIANGLETelekinetic Slam: BACK, DOWN, BACK + CIRCLEHado-Energy: DOWN, BACK + SQUARE{Finishers}Fatality 1: DOWN, BACK, BACK, DOWN, X (Sweep) Fatality 2: BACK, DOWN, BACK, DOWN, CIRCLE (Sweep) Hara Kiri: DOWN, UP, UP, DOWN, X HAVIK Torso Spin: DOWN, BACK + SQUAREDiving Corpse: DOWN, FORWARD + SQUARECrackling Legs Projectile: BACK, FORWARD + TRIANGLEHead Snap: BACK, FORWARD + TRIANGLECorpse Taunt: FORWARD, BACK + CIRCLE{Finishers} Fatality 1: DOWN, FORWARD, FORWARD, UP, CIRCLE (Close) Fatality 2: FORWARD, FORWARD, FORWARD, BACK, TRIANGLE (Sweep) Hara Kiri: FORWARD, UP, UP, UP, TRIANGLEHOTARUGrasshopper: DOWN, FORWARD + CIRCLELava Burst: DOWN, BACK + SQUARE{Finishers} Fatality 1: FORWARD, BACK, UP, DOWN, SQUARE (Sweep) Fatality 2: DOWN, FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, TRIANGLE (Close) Hara Kiri: UP, BACK, BACK, BACK, TRIANGLE JADEVanishing Winds: BACK, FORWARD + SQUAREBlazing Nitro Kick: BACK, FORWARD + CIRCLERazor-Rang: DOWN, BACK + XDodging Shadows: BACK, FORWARD + TRIANGLE{Finishers}Fatality 1: BACK, FORWARD, UP, FORWARD, SQUARE (Sweep) Fatality 2: BACK, FORWARD, FORWARD, FORWARD, TRIANGLE (Close) Hara Kiri: FORWARD, FORWARD, FORWARD, BACK, TRIANGLE KABALRaging Flash: BACK, FORWARD + CIRCLEPlasma Blast: DOWN, FORWARD + SQUAREMomad's Touch: DOWN, BACK + TRIANGLE{Finishers} Fatality 1: FORWARD, UP, UP, UP, X (Close) Fatality 2: UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, TRIANGLE (Close) Hara Kiri: FORWARD, UP, UP, DOWN, TRIANGLE KENSHITelekinetic Slam: BACK, DOWN, BACK + SQUARETelekinetic Toss: DOWN, BACK + CIRCLETelekinetic Push: FORWARD, FORWARD + TRIANGLETele-Flurry: BACK, FORWARD + XMind Warp: DOWN, BACK + X{Finishers} Fatality 1: FORWARD, FORWARD, BACK, BACK, TRIANGLE (Sweep) Fatality 2: BACK, FORWARD, FORWARD, BACK, TRIANGLE (Sweep) Hara Kiri: DOWN, BACK, BACK, FORWARD, CIRCLE (Sweep) KIRABlack Dragon Ball: BACK, FORWARD + CIRCLEKiss Of Death: FORWARD, DOWN, BACK + SQUARENight Shade: DOWN, FORWARD + SQUARE{Finishers} Fatality 1: BACK, FORWARD, FORWARD, BACK, CIRCLE (Far) Fatality 2: UP, FORWARD, DOWN, BACK, X (Sweep) Hara Kiri: FORWARD, BACK, UP, BACK, X KOBRAWindmill Kick: FORWARD, DOWN, BACK + CIRCLEBurning Fist: DOWN, FORWARD + TRIANGLETele-Punch: DOWN, BACK + TRIANGLEChi-Blast: DOWN, FORWARD + SQUARECrouching Chi-Blast: DOWN, BACK + SQUARE{Finishers}Heart Rip Fatality: DOWN, BACK, FORWARD, DOWN, CIRCLE LI MEINova Blast: DOWN, BACK + SQUARECarnival Spin: FORWARD, DOWN + XFlying Flurry: FORWARD, FORWARD + TRIANGLEFlipping Heel Kick: DOWN, BACK + CIRCLE{Finishers}Fatality 1: FORWARD, FORWARD, FORWARD, FORWARD, SQUARE (Sweep) Fatality 2: UP, BACK, FORWARD, FORWARD, CIRCLE (Sweep) Hara Kiri: UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, X MILEENARolling Thunder: DOWN, BACK + CIRCLESoaring Sai: DOWN, FORWARD + TRIANGLEKick From Above: FORWARD, FORWARD + CIRCLE{Finishers}Fatality 1: FORWARD, DOWN, DOWN, SQUARE (Sweep) Fatality 2: UP, UP, FORWARD, FORWARD, X (Far) Hara Kiri: BACK, DOWN, FORWARD, DOWN, SQUARENIGHTWOLF Spirit Arrow: DOWN, B + SQUARERhino Charge: FORWARD, F + CIRCLELighting From Above: DOWN, UP + SQUAREReflector: BACK, FORWARD + TRIANGLE{Finishers} Fatality 1: BACK, FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, SQUARE (Far) Fatality 2: DOWN, FORWARD, DOWN, UP, TRIANGLE (Sweep) Hara Kiri: UP, UP, UP, UP, X SCORPION Bloody Spear: BACK, F + SQUAREHellfire: DOWN, B + TRIANGLEBackflip Kick: FORWARD, B + TRIANGLETeleport Attack: DOWN, B + X{Finishers}Fatality 1: FORWARD, DOWN, FORWARD, FORWARD, SQUARE (Close) Fatality 2: FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, BACK, SQUARE (Close) Hara Kiri: FORWARD, UP, UP, BACK, SQUARESHUJINKOIcy Breeze: DOWN, FORWARD + SQUAREFlaming Fist: DOWN, FORWARD + TRIANGLEFlying Jinko: FORWARD, FORWARD + TRIANGLEFlip Scissor Kick: DOWN, B + X{Finishers}Fatality 1: UP, DOWN, DOWN, FORWARD, TRIANGLE (Close) Fatality 2: BACK, UP, FORWARD, FORWARD, SQUARE (Close) Hara Kiri: DOWN, BACK, DOWN, BACK, X(Note: Fatalities must be unlocked to perform them) SINDEL Banshee Scream: FORWARD, FORWARD + SQUAREStar Screamer: FORWARD, FORWARD + XSliding Foot Grab: BACK, FORWARD + SQUARE{Finishers}Fatality 1: BACK, FORWARD, FORWARD, BACK, SQUARE (Sweep) Fatality 2: UP, UP, BACK, FORWARD, X (Sweep) Hara Kiri: FORWARD, UP, UP, DOWN, CIRCLE NOOB-SMOKESmokeycut: FORWARD, FORWARD + CIRCLEStinky Cloud: UP, DOWN + SQUAREDark Assassin: DOWN, BACK + TRIANGLEDeath From Above: FORWARD, FORWARD + XDark Shadows: DOWN, BACK + XWe Live: DOWN, BACK + TRIANGLEDarkness: UP, DOWN + SQUARE{Finishers}Fatality 1: BACK, FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, SQUARE (Far) Fatality 2: UP, DOWN, DOWN, FORWARD (Sweep) Hara Kiri: DOWN, UP, UP, DOWN, TRIANGLE SUB-ZEROIce Clone: DOWN, BACK + SQUAREFreeze Ball: DOWN, FORWARD + XFatality 1: FORWARD, BACK, DOWN, FORWARD, TRIANGLE (Close) Fatality 2: BACK, DOWN, BACK, DOWN, SQUARE (Sweep) Hara Kiri: DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP, TRIANGLE TANYAHuman Cannon Drill: FORWARD, FORWARD + XAir Fire Blast: DOWN, FORWARD + TRIANGLESurging Blast: DOWN, BACK + TRIANGLESplit Flip Kick: DOWN, BACK + CIRCLEFind Me: UP, DOWN + SQUAREFatality 1: FORWARD, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, SQUARE (Close) Fatality 2: UP, BACK, FORWARD, UP, TRIANGLE (Close) Hara Kiri: DOWN, DOWN, FORWARD, UPGet Arena Liu Kang's TombAt the end of the bridge in earthrealm after fighting Jax (Area H-6).Golden DesertTreasure chest in neatherrealm (area E-2).Living ForestOpen Koffin DS with 1694 Sapphire Koins.PortalTreasure chest in earthrealm (area G-5).Dead PoolOpen Koffin JI with 2191 Ruby Koins.NexusTreasure chest in choasrealm (Area A-4).CourtyardTreasure chest in netherrealm (Area A-1).Beetle LairFound in a treasure chest at point A-6 in Earthrealm after finishing Konquest.Shang Tsung's CourtyardFound in a treasure chest at point A-1 in Neatherrealm.Dragon MountainFound in a treasure chest at point H-8 in Outworld.Kuatan PalaceFound in a treasure chest at point A-4 in Orderrealm.Quan Chi's FortressFound in a treasure chest at point H-5 in Orderrealm.Scorpion CostumeFound in a treasure chest in the first city in Konquest.Kira CostumeOpen Koffin SG with 990 Sapphire Koins.Baraka CostumeOpen Koffin SR with 2252 Gold Koins.Bo Rai Cho CostumeOpen Koffin IB with 2086 Onyx Koins.Havik CostumeOpen Koffin CN with 1114 Onyx Koins.Hotaru CostumeOpen Koffin QT with 1064 Ruby Koins.Noob - Smoke CostumeOpen Koffin EJ with 1494 Platinum Koins.Mileena CostumeFound in a treasure chest at point F-7 in earthrealm after 7pm behind a tent.Lui Kang CostumeFound in a treasure chest at point H-5 on the first day of any month at 12-1 pm.Darrius CostumeF-8 in Outworld, in the shack near the ocean/cliff.Kobra CostumeH-2 Earthrealm after 7 PM.Kenshi CostumeA-6 Earthrealm after 11 AM.Ashrah CostumeFound in a chest H-4 Netherrealm.Ermac CostumeFound in a chest A-8 Netherrealm.Jade CostumeFound in a chest G-4 Outworld.Kabal CostumeFound in a chest B-1 Chaosrealm (Fight Kabal).Nightwolf CostumeFound in a chest A-4 Netherrealm.Raiden CostumeFound in a chest F-3 Edenia (Fight Raiden).Shujinko CostumeFound in a chest F-1 Edenia.Sindel CostumeFound in a chest H-6 Outworld.Sub-Zero CostumeFound in a chest F-8 Earthrealm.Tanya CostumeFound in a chest C-2 Outworld (Fight Tanya).Dairou CostumeD8 Chaosrealm inside a hut around 10:20P.M.Li Mei CostumeA-5 Orderrealm (Fight Li Mei).Unlimited Platinum KoinsThere's an old man in Edenia (Coordinates E-8, inside a house) that wil give you 500 Platinum koins if you bring him a necklace found from a dead body in G1. (Outside of the castle)You can keep getting a necklace and giving it to the old man and he will keep rewarding you.Walking on AirIn Konquest Mode, The

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   5 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 03/01/2012 08:14   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Whats Your Clients Style?

When it comes to effective selling, one simple fact never changes: Selling is a relationship business. You already know all about your company's products and services ? and you've learned the fundamental aspects of the sales cycle.But have you ever asked yourself ? What  helps one salesperson develop immediate rapport with prospects, and not others? What is he or she doing that is leading to long-term client relationships? How can I learn to do the same thing? Research shows that prospects are more likely to buy when they unconsciously trust, and feel at ease with, the salesperson. They are more willing to open up and provide information critical to closing the sale. It appears that they are almost "helping" you make the sale, as opposed to fighting you in the process.So how do you build this rapport?AND YOU ARE...The first key is to recognize that different behavioral styles do exist among prospects. You've probably seen from your own experience how one sales approach worked great with one person, yet you got a very different reaction from someone else.Behavioral styles impact:1. How a prospect wants you to sell to them. 2. How a prospect wants you to present information. 3. How much information you present. 4. How a prospect makes buying decisions.The same approach won't work with everyone. As you learn to adapt your approach to make the customer feel more at ease, the relationship will improve and more sales will eventually result.You can identify an individual's behavioral style preference by using the Personal Profile System® developed by Carlson Learning Company. It classifies behavior into four styles: "D", "I", "S", and "C".HOW DO YOU LIKE MY STYLE?"D" STYLEYour ID, please? You can recognize these individuals as being fast-paced and direct when speaking ? they're more interested in telling you information than in asking your opinion. They tend to think in terms of the bottom line. These individuals may have more formal, "can't read" facial expressions than other styles.Sign here, please. When selling to the "D" style, don't bog them down with excessive socializing or details ? get to the point quickly. Directly focus on how your product or service can help them achieve their goals. Emphasize the results you can help them obtain, while always letting them feel they're in charge. In other words, don't waste their time. Make your sales presentation direct and meaningful toward helping them achieve their objectives."I" STYLEYour ID, please?  "Influence," or "I" behavioral-style individuals are frequently thought of as "people persons." They're enthusiastic and upbeat ? enjoying the interaction with others in a humorous, lighthearted way. These individuals can appear to be the eternal optimists, usually seeing the glass as half-full rather than half-empty, and can be quite persuasive about things they're passionate about.You can identify them as being outgoing and direct, very talkative and interactive. These people tend to speak quickly, use animated expressions, and express their feelings freely. They can appear to be casual and friendly in their interactions with others and love to express themselves in a jovial, humorous way. Sometimes you'll notice trinkets or fun gadgets in their office ? it's their way of adding levity to the work environment.Sign here, please. When selling to the "I" style, match your pace and presentation to their energetic approach. Be friendly and sociable ? let them know you like them personally. Where appropriate, take them to lunch. You need to provide testimonials and personal stories on how other people have responded to your company's product or service. Show enthusiasm for the benefits your product or service can provide. Also, make sure you support the individuals by providing whatever detailed follow-up work is necessary; don't ask them to do it. Make it easy for them to buy from you."S" STYLEYour ID, please?  The "Steadiness," or "S" behavioral style, is also people-oriented ? but at a much slower pace than the "I" style. The "S" person doesn't like to be forced into making changes or quick decisions. They're patient, loyal, and calm, making them excellent listeners and "peacekeepers" when conflict breaks out. Their focus is on cooperating with people.You can identify these individuals by their reserved, indirect, but people-oriented approach to others. Their speech may appear softer, with an open posture. They will have relaxed, warm facial expressions and prefer a casual approach.Sign here, please. When selling to the "S" style, it's important that you listen to them. They need to feel you understand their needs. Assure the individuals that you and your organization are customer- and service-oriented. Just don't push them into quick buying decisions. Show how you're interested in a long-term relationship with their company, and that they can depend on you whenever necessary. The "S" style customers are more loyal to you when other vendors come knocking on their door."C" STYLEYour ID, please?  The "Conscientiousness," or "C" behavioral style, is quality-focused, slow-paced, methodical, and task-oriented. They focus on the details and are primarily concerned about doing things the "right" or "correct way." These individuals are analytical and frequently set higher standards for themselves than others.You can recognize them as being reserved and more indirect than other styles. These people are formal, with a closed posture and "can't read" facial expressions. They don't like to express their feelings readily.Sign here, please. When selling to the "C" style, make sure you have your facts straight. You'll need to answer analytical questions, showing references where possible. These individuals don't need you to socialize with them ? they really don't want you to. These people want you to provide detailed information in order to make a correct buying decision. Then they will thoroughly assess your information before coming to a conclusion. Be slow-paced and formal in your approach with them ? don't become overly enthusiastic or animated. Focus instead on facts, logic, and detailed analysis.SCHIZOSAlthough individuals have the ability to behave within all four styles, they tend to use one or two most often. There is no right or wrong style. Each has its own strengths and limitations. However, there are three key steps when applying the knowledge of behavioral styles to a sales situation:1. Understand your own behavioral style in the sales environment. 2. Identify the prospect's behavioral style. 3. Adapt your approach to best fit the prospect's behavioral style needs.DO's & DON'TSMost salespeople tend to sell to others the way they would like someone to sell to them. That's not going to work!"D" for DominantDo * Focus on "what" * Provide options * Be efficient * Focus on resultsDon't * Assume without getting an opinion * Over socialize * Emphasize unnecessary details * Waste time"I" for InfluenceDo * Focus on "who" * Provide testimonials * Be upbeat and friendly * Handle details when possibleDon't  * Emphasize technicalities of product * Be overly formal or reserved * Add to client's workload * Leave decisions unclearIn sales it's important to remember this rule: "Do unto others as they would have you do unto them.""S" for SteadinessDo * Focus on "how" * Assure client's buying decision * Provide excellent attention and service * Patiently listen to needsDon't * Rush client into quick buying decisions * Forget to regularly follow up * Have an "I don't care" attitude * Be abrupt or fast"C" for ConscientiousnessDo * Focus on "why" * Use a logical approach * Answer questions accurately * Provide evidence of qualityDon't * Be overly enthusiastic or social * Be unprepared or lack product knowledge * Appear disorganized * Rush decision-makingSusan Cullen is President of Quantum Learning Solutions, Inc., based in New Jersey (609) 683-9218. She speaks on the topic of "People Literacy" and is a distributor for Inscape Publishing, publishers of the Personal Profile System®. She has over 15 years experience in Organizational Development and is considered an expert in the use of blended learning methodologies for lasting organizational change. For more information go to http://www.quantumlearn.com or you can reach us at (800) 683-0681.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 9 Packaging Problems That Lose Sales

You have a great product, but it's not flying off the shelf. Is one of these packaging problems turning sales away?1) You don't understand your market.There are so many new markets and retail outlets out there. Don't forget Internet marketing too. The question is can one  package service them all? The answer is no. There are features that work to your benefit in all types of packaging, but in general attributes that appeal to one audience won't appeal to another.What to do:Refine your niche attributes. Is your product broad based? Does it appeal to a special target audience? Do you understand what this group is looking for in product packaging? I have several research studies that focus on packaging that appeals to niches: Women and Boomers (to order these special reports return the word

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Making the Sale When the Customer Wont Buy

Ever had a party online or offline, and had guests say "I love that item, but I can't afford it right now", or "It's so hard to decide, I want all of this!". This is a perfect time to sell all those items to your customer without them having to pay a dime.If you aren't  using this idea already, make sure to put it into action immediately. Have a gift registry form ready to point those customers to should they want extra items they simply can not buy right now.What they do is fill out their information, special dates (Birthdays, Anniversary, etc), and the products they want. Then, they fill out names and contact information of relatives and friends they know they will be receiving gifts from. You contact the relatives, stating where you received their information and what's on the wish list you hold. Ask them if they would like a reminder before the special date, and which item they will be purchasing.Simple eh? It's a win-win situation for everyone! You make the extra sale, the gift-giver knows they are buying a gift the other person wants (no guess work or wandering around a mall!), and the one receiving the gift is getting exactly what they wanted but couldn't afford.This idea works easily both online and offline. Keep several forms handy if you are offline, so you can pass them out at parties or events (Pre-made forms available with the Direct Sales Success Kit). Online you will want to set up a page with an automatic form for your guest to fill out. For an example of an online form, visit: http://www.soy-wax-candles.com/gift-registry.html------------------------ About the Authors: Kara Kelso & Anita DeFrank are two busy wahms, and the owners of Direct Sales Helpers. For more Direct Sales Success Tips, visit: http://www.directsaleshelpers.com/newsletter.html

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Creating Artificial Time in a Vacuum With Pulsed Lasers

Keying off a very interesting concept confined within Static Quantum Theory and looking for the edge of time or the end of energy or the Quantum Borderline or virtual boarder of nothing. One might use the idea of pulsed lasers created in a defined confined area of a vacuum  to create a singularity of a pulsed laser, whose immediate disruption pulses of the singularity which would follow would reach the end of the confinement area faster than the light which would in fact be created and then this traveling disruption would trigger another pulsed laser reciprocal event on the far side of the confinement whose pulsed laser would send it's disruption of the event to occur to the original point of the first singularity of the original laser or starting point, which would trigger the turning off of the first laser before it created the event of singularity or light.But at which point would trigger another reciprocal event, which would send the disruptions to the first reciprocal event and turn it off before it occurred. Thus there would only be pure energy in the confined area and no light. The event making machines would be outside the confinement vacuum and therefore nothing would be in the confinement except the energy, all else remains static, everything else would be chaos or disruptions. Thus you have created a biosphere of time or an additional dimension of energy and perhaps we can study the essence of time and the end of time or the beginning of time depending on the needed perception of those performing this experiment. This in fact could be the beginning of studying a way to travel within the space through what we perceive as time. By creating from static, energy and chaos we can evaluate many of the theories of what we call time as we observe the differences between now and ..... now and.... now which we interpret as time. Because we will be creating 'nows' within a confined environment.We can see what now really is compared to what it was and we may find it is all the same only our interpretation of such is what we call past, present and future. By making events occur and using the disruptions of events to prevent events from occurring before they occur and then triggering additional events to occur, time as we know it (perceive it to be) will be created in nothingness. I need not go into all the relevant applications of time control, but by sending in data into the confinement area, we may find we can control time from afar or from outside of time. Which means the next logical step would be to master time from within, the area in which we have been observing and studying laws of physics, natural laws and living our linear lives.You could clean a make a hamburger in no time and therefore you would have exponential profits in a fiscal period of time. Interesting, it does not work that way, but it is the reason we had decided to explore time. As our company becomes more efficient we need to get an edge on time. Since what appeared to be a constant (time) may actually be a variable and the constant would be change, for instance the car getting cleaned and the perception of time, is irrelevant, since it is not real. Which means if we are paying people in time (labor) then we will or should be paying them for change or as Friedrich Winslow Taylor would say we would pay them by unit of change or unit of work, not per time.For that may not be the actual nature of things or even the natural order of the (game) life itself. Perhaps we have an entire economy and structure set around time, when in reality it should be based on change since that is where we are operating in reality, if that is how you describe it. Have fun with these ideas and thoughts. When physics, philosophy and science theory collide so too will the thought in chaos.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   4 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...