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arrow right 7 Steps to Highly Relevant, Search Engine Friendly, and People Useful Web S

The task is to build a Content Rich Search Friendly and People Friendly Web Site Quickly. These 7 Steps will show you how with about 10 Hours work you can build over 50 pages of rich, Search Engine relevant content for your web SiteStep 1 - What is Your Web Site's Main  ThemeThis is a Fairly easy step. Most people know the main theme of there Web Site. Some Popular Themes are Health, Golf, Home Based Business, Weight Loss and CraftsStep 2 - Find Sub-Topics for your ThemeFind as Many sub-topics as you can pertaining to Your Theme. One good way to do this is grab a Pen and paper and write as many Sub-Topics as you can in Five Minutes. Write everything down no matter how silly it seems. You may not use every sub-topic Just write it down.Some Topics for Home Based Business: Email-Marketing, Ezine-Publishing, Ezine-Marketing, E-Books, Web-Design, Site-Promotion, Affiliate-Revenue, Auctions, SEO,Traffic-Building, PPC-Advertising, Internet-Marketing,Branding,Self-Improvement,Copywriting, Public speakingSome Topic for Golf Tiger Woods, PGA, LPGA, Masters, Majors, Michelle Wie, Golf Clubs, Golf Balls,Drivers, Short Game, Putting, Best Golf courses, Best Golf Cities,College GolfThe Reason we want to find lot's of sub-topics is we want a good variety of keywords for people to use to find you.Step 3 Rate Your Sub TopicsDetermine the Importance of all your Sub Topics. Rate the Sub Topics from 1 to 10 with 1 Lowest and 10 Highest. It is ok to give the same rating to more then 1 Sub-Topic. Try not to give all the sub Topics the same rating.(You will Repeat Steps 4 to 7 for as Many sub-topics as you can. Working from highest rated to lowest rated it is a good idea to completely finish 1 Sub Topic Before going on to the next sub topic)Step 4 Find Articles for Your Sub TopicIdeally your goal should be to find 10 or more Articles per Sub Topic. For Topics Rated 7 or Higher You may want to find 15-20 Articles. For Topics Rated less then 5 fewer Articles maybe 5-7 are ok. Topics Rated 1 or 2 may have even fewer Articles or none at All.Select a good mix of articles for your sub-topic. Keep in mind your goal to create web pages that people will find useful and the Search Engine Bots will want to Index HighlyI find most of my Articles Here http://ezinearticles.comIf you can't find what you need there here is a page with over 50 Article Resources http://ewguru.com/hbiz/article-submit.htmlStep 5 Create a Web Page with each article.This is Fairly simple to do just cut the Article into your Template. Fill out the Title and Description Meta Data and publish it to your web Site. This can be done in about 3-5 Minutes per Article with a Little Practice. For Details see this Article on instant content http://ewguru.com/hbiz/instant-content.htmlStep 6 Create an Article Table of contentsCreate an Article Table of contents for your Each Sub Topic. This Gives you instant Links. Simply Create a Link to each article on a Web Page. Here is a Sample Table of Contents Page (http://ewguru.com/hbiz/df-toc.html).Step 7 Write a Blog entryCreate a Blog Entry for your Table of contents for this Sub-Topic Be Sure and use Pingomatic to ping your Web PageSummaryThe Key is to build a Content Rich Web Page with many Keywords. By Finding 5 or more Sub topics and 10 Articles per Topic you would have 50 Different Web Pages. It is possible to create 10 Articles, a table of contents and do a Blog and a Ping in about 90 Minutes. If You do this 3 Times a Week in a less then weeks you will have over 50 pages of content.After you have Completed Steps 4-7 for all of your Subtopics add 3 or 4 Articles per week to keep your page Fresh.Mike Makler has been Marketing Online Since 2001. Subscribe to Mike's Newsletter here http://www.ewguru.com/hbiz/viraltraffic.html Get some useful Free Downloads Here http://trafficninja.com

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arrow right Search Engine Submission - What to Look for when Selecting an Australian SE

Every business owner I've met has been encouraged at some point to invest in a website; often convinced with hype that if their business didn't have a website then they might as well pack their bags and retire to the social security queue.Hype aside, this statement is  basically true. Certainly, any business deemed suitable for online marketing will miss out on a flood of new business without the incorporation of a thorough online marketing strategy.In accepting this, you may choose to have a new website developed with all the bangs and whistles. But beware; unless your site can be found amongst the millions of web pages now shown on the Internet, your time and resources have been wasted.That's why a Search Engine Optimiser is essential in maximising your chances of online success. Search Engine Optimisation in it's simplest form is the practice of fine tuning your website to achieve the highest possible position in the search results when a person searches for information using a search engine.In this article I will highlight the does and don'ts of selecting a credible and effective SEO company. There are a number of points to be considered when making this decision.Including:Q. How can I judge if the SEO Company will produce what they say?A. In answering this question, be aware of the following when either talking to them or reading their sales pitches.1. No reputable SEO company will submit your website to more than 30 odd major search engines and indexes. These major search engines and directories feed their search results to the million or so other so called "search engines". Submissions to a greater number is quite unnecessary and a certain indicator of a lack of professionalism.2. Be wary of any claim that your site will be submitted to thousands of search engines. It is more than likely that these submissions will be made to what we call FFA websites. These are not search engines at all, but rather a kind of link exchange website. As a result, your email server may be flooded by huge amounts of unwanted email. In short, stay well away from any SEO making such claims.3. Ask any prospective SEO to detail the successes they have had with their previous clients submissions. In being aware of these successes, your confidence in the ability of the SEO to maximise your website effectiveness will increase.Q. How can I know if these website submissions are genuinely being done?A. Unfortunately, in reality, you can't. Be certain to ask for a list of search engines and directories where submissions will or have been made. Any reputable SEO company will supply you with a written monthly report highlighting the search engines to which your site has been submitted, the submission dates and progress of your website rankings. If, after 3 months, your website ranking hasn't improved then it is more than likely that optimisation isn't occurring and even doubtful whether the promised website submissions have even been made.Q. How long before I can reasonably expect my search engine ranking to improve?A. Usually, as a rule of thumb most of the major search engines will take up to 3 - 4 months before they will index your website. This is not always the case. Recently, I submitted my website to the Google Directory and indexation occurred the same day. The waiting time for indexation is unpredictable, but be prepared to allow 3-4 months.Q. Will my SEO Company notify me when a search engine has added me to their index?A. Yes. You should be notified within days of your website being indexed and at the very least at the end of each month.Q. How will my SEO company optimise my website for submission to the search engines and Directories?A. Basically, a good SEO will make your website as search engine friendly as possible. This will involve changing the text and html code behind your website. Simply, when the search engine robot enters your website it finds it very easy to determine what your website is about. The correct keywords and meta tags will have been placed within your site, to ensure that the robot is able to collect and pass off information with speed and accuracy. This results in a much improved rank for your site; higher than would ever have been achieved without optimisation.Your SEO will also optimise each page differently so that the robot will include more than one page in the search engine. For example, if the robot comes to your homepage and it has been optimised and your primary message and keywords on that page were for new tyres then you would hope that when someone uses a keyword search for "new tyres", your website would be within the first 30 results. But on the other hand, another page of your website may be about wheel alignments. You would certainly hope that another searcher using a search phrase

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   5 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Public Relations Going O.K?

Yes?Good!Still, as a business, non-profit or association manager, if you're not getting the behavior changes you paid for, you're wasting your money.Here's why I say that. People act on their perception of the facts, and those perceptions lead to certain behaviors. But  something can be done about those perceptions and behaviors that leads to achieving your organization's objectives.Which means you really CAN establish the behavior change you want, up front, then insist on getting that result before you pronounce the public relations effort a success.In other words, the way to increase your comfort level about your public relations investment, is to make certain that investment produces the behavior modification you said you wanted at the beginning of the program.That way, you KNOW you're getting your money's worth.Just what, you may ask, does your public relations team have to do to achieve that result?Here's one approach.Because public relations problems are usually defined by what people THINK about a set of facts, as opposed to the actual truth of the matter, it will be especially helpful if the public relations program is built upon the premise mentioned above and, for emphasis, again here:1. People act on their perception of the facts; 2. Those perceptions lead to certain behaviors; 3. Something can be done about those perceptions and behaviorsthat leads to achieving the organization's objectives.Now, Rank Your External AudiencesIdentifying key audiences and prioritizing them - a crucial step in any public relations action plan -- starts with a priority-ranking of those audiences with a clear interest in your organization, often described as

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   5 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Problems with the Lecture Format

ALTERNATIVES TO THE LECTURE FORMAT: How often do you use lectures as your sole training technique? Nearly always? Often? It's not unusual for trainers to use the lecture technique exclusively. After all, this is what we have all seen and are familiar with. The format is  easily mastered, and innovation may not seem necessary when the traditionally accepted technique garners no complaints. Unfortunately, while there are several conditions under which a lecture may be useful to the trainer, for several reasons it is not a very effective tool for changing behavior in trainees.PROBLEMS WITH THE LECTURE FORMAT: The format requires that trainees receive information passively, without reciprocal involvement. This tends to make trainees feel like children. In fact, this is the precise connotation that the word "lecture" calls up - an authority figure addressing children. The structure of the lesson is therefore instructor-centered rather than trainee-centered. The efficacy of the lecture also suffers from its long history-lectures are expected to be boring. Very few speakers have either training in public speech or theatre, and most lecturers, no matter how hard they try, move slowly toward either monotone or singsong patterns as they settle in. Hearing is a sense that seems to demand constant change - without it, any repetitive tone dissolves into background music. Even the addition of static visual aids helps very little-the human eye is capable of seeing, recognizing, processing, and ultimately tiring of simplistic visual stimulation with surprising speed.Unless the trainer can make his material unusually interesting, something that few of us accomplish consistently, the constant stream of words will become monotonous to trainees. When there is no room for active participation, it is very difficult for trainees to maintain an adequate attention level. Finally, just as the term "lecture" suggests, there is no room for "back talk." In a lecture format, any trainee's expression of a different point of view on a subject matter is simply seen as disruptive or rude. The more controversial (and therefore interesting) questions will be turned aside without adequate attention.Copyright AE Schwartz & Associates All rights reserved. For additional presentation materials and resources: ReadySetPresent and for a Free listing as a Trainer, Consultant, Speaker, Vendor/Organization: TrainingConsortiumCEO, A.E. Schwartz & Associates, Boston, MA., a comprehensive organization which offers over 40 skills based management training programs. Mr. Schwartz conducts over 150 programs annually for clients in industry, research, technology, government, Fortune 100/500 companies, and nonprofit organizations worldwide. He is often found at conferences as a key note presenter and/or facilitator. His style is fast-paced, participatory, practical, and humorous. He has authored over 65 books and products, and taught/lectured at over a dozen colleges and universities throughout the United States.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   5 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Right Brain, Left Brain

The right brain controls the left side of the body and the left brain controls the right side of the body. The right brain is the more creative or emotional hemisphere and the left brain is the analytical and judgmental hemisphere. Anything that is new or not familiar to an  individual is right brain dominant. Anything that is familiar is left brain dominant.Along with right and left brain there are different parts of the brain. The frontal lobe controls your personality, the temporal lobe deals with short and long term memory, the parietal lobe is the lobe of the hand, and the occipital lobe, the very back part of the head, controls vision.There are specific activities that may stimulate the right or left brain.Activities that stimulate the left brain are solving crossword or word search puzzles, performance of learned tasks, language usage, both comprehensive and expressive, analytical information, problem solving, and recalling new information. Geometric or spatial memory, hand gestures, writing one's name, classifications of pictures or words into categories, recalling complex narratives, recognizing someone you have met, and name recognition are also all left brain activities.Activities that stimulate the right brain are emotional issues, the creative process, recalling memorized lists, any unfamiliar event or activity, and holding the attention span. Seeing or feeling different sizes, seeing different colors, attention exercises involving timing, seeing unfamiliar faces, and meeting someone new also stimulate the right brain..You are not dead until your brain is dead. Your brain needs two things to survive: fuel and activation. Fuel comes in the form of oxygen and glucose. Glucose comes from the food you eat, and oxygen comes from the air you breathe. The normal inspiration/expiration ratio should be exhalation twice as long as inhalation. That is to say - breathe out twice as long as you breathe in.There are also specific treatment modalities that a clinician may utilize to increase function or activation of the right or left brain. One example is big letters made up of small letters. If you look at the small letters you will fire right cerebellum to left brain. If you look at the big letters you will fire left cerebellum to right brain.Auditory stimulation (listening to nature sounds, clicks of a metronome, or Mozart in a major key) in the left ear comes up through the brain stem over to the right brain and vice versa for the right ear.Visual stimulation from the left side in a checkerboard pattern using different colors comes up through the optic pathway to the brain stem and up to the right brain. The T.E.N.S. unit set at subthreshold stimulates large diameter nerves which fire up to the cerebellum and to the opposite brain.Dr. Michael L. Johnson is a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist, one of only 700 in the country, with over twenty years of experience in private practice. He has completed over 850 hours of neurological studies and 3800 hours of postgraduate education. His book

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   5 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Prime Rib Cooking Times

As you look over a couple of prime rib recipes you'll notice a wide range of prime rib cooking times. Some recipes call for a cooking time of one hour and some recipes say that the roast should be cooked for six hours. Very confusing! Well, there's a reason for this  discrepancy -- prime rib cooking times depend a lot on the cooking temperature and the size of the roast.There are two basic methods for cooking prime rib roasts -- high temperature and low temperature. Each method has its advantages and there are people who swear by a one cooking process or the other. Prime rib cooking times are mostly determined by whether you are cooking the meat at high temperatures or low temperatures.Some people love the slow cooking methods that is used in smoker barbecues. It can't be denied that smoking brings out wonderful flavors in the prime rib and produces some of the juiciest roasts imaginable. The low temperature of smoker barbecues means that prime rib cooking times can be extended to five or six hours.On the other hand, there are those who swear by cooking the prime rib in a hot oven. This method reduces prime rib cooking times to the minimum while searing the exterior of the meat so that it contains the juices. When placed in a 500° oven, a 12 pound roast will cook in less than an hour.This fast cooking method, however, depends on the roast staying in the warm oven for at least one more hour after the heat is turned off. During this time, the meat is still cooking, so you could say that this method requires prime rib cooking times of three hours.No matter which way you cook the meat, you have to check the interior temperature to make sure that it is cooked all the way through. A good-quality meat thermometer will tell you the temperature of the roast and you might have to extend the prime rib cooking times by an hour or two.Hans is author of Steaks, Seafood and Barbeque guide at Steaks-Guide.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   5 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Are Single Black Women Too Independent?

Are single black women too independent? Too sure of themselves, too eager to express their opinion (and dis yours), too unwilling to listen and be submissive? Are today's black women even capable of 'following' a strong black man? For all my single brothers out there who  have asked me these questions many times - this article is for you.First, let's deal with the first question - Are single black women too independent? My answer to this might surprise you - I think, in many ways, black women are too independent, but with good reason. To understand this dichotomy, you have to understand something about most single black women. Most single black women have a history of supporting themselves, holding down a job (or two), possibly raising children, attending school, taking care of household bills (probably with a house of their own) and helping out with other family responsibilities involving parents, grandparents and siblings. In many cases they have handled these responsibilities without a strong or consistent male influence in their lives. Through miscommunication, death, neglect or abuse, many father-daughter, sister-brother, boyfriend-girlfriend relationships have gone astray, oftentimes leaving women to form a support network among themselves in order to get things done, bring order to their lives and accomplish those tasks that were once upon a time more evenly split between the two genders.This has caused an epidemic of sorts in the single black community. Black women learned that in order to get things done, they had to rely upon themselves and began to do so with increasing success. As a result of this, black women learned that they didn't really 'need' black men the way they thought they did - for companionship, for leadership or for money and support. They learned to work and earn money for themselves, raise their children single-handedly, pay their bills, and get their own education, but these lessons came at a cost. And that cost was the sacrifice of a healthy relationship with their future spouses, boyfriends or lovers. So, yes, black women are sometimes too independent, but only because they had to be. In order to survive, in order for their children to survive and in order to make their lives work.Are single black women then too sure of themselves, too eager to express their opinions, unwilling to listen or be submissive? Again the answer is - sometimes yes, sometimes no. Sometimes yes because single black women are usually pretty confident, pretty self-assured and pretty sure of who they are - especially once they've reached a certain age. And sometimes yes because I have seen a sister 'go off' on a brother for pretty much no reason at all, just to establish her dominance or control. And I have known many a good man who was being 'dogged' by his woman because he wouldn't stand up to her. But, sometimes no because most single black women are just waiting to meet a man strong enough to deal with them in the entirety of their character. A man who can admire her strength while adding his own. A man who is not intimidated by a woman who has just as valid an opinion as his. And this single black woman can and will willingly listen to this man because he values and listens to her.But it has to be a relationship of equals. Equal respect, equal power and equal say. Because black women are often so strong, it can often hinder the development and growth of a good relationship. Just as no man wants someone to tell him how to live his life, neither do most women. Strength plus strength should be a potent combination, but all too often the strength in women and the strength in men becomes a power struggle and then a wedge that drives them apart.And, finally, are single black women even capable of 'following' a good man? Of course - as long as their definitions of 'following' are the same. 'Following' does not mean 'blindly obeying in the absence of all common sense.' 'Following' means following your husband as the church 'follows' Christ (Note I say 'husband' and not 'boyfriends' - these same rights do not apply to boyfriend-girlfriend relationships). True marriage between a man and and woman should reflect the love that Christ has for the church. In the bible, a woman is asked to respect and submit to her husband, but a husband is asked to lay down his life for his wife. Most men and women, husbands and wives, do not have that kind of relationship. Most relationships are a reflection of 'what's in it for me?' and when that runs dry, the relationship runs dry as well. A successful relationship can occur between a single black man and a single black woman when true respect and love are founded in a committed relationship leading to marriage.So, are single black women too independent? Sometimes yes and sometimes no - but relationships between men and black women can still work. With a little compromise on both sides, a clear understanding of what a Godly, bible-based relationship is, and with a love that lasts longer than who gets the last word, independence can become interdependence (being independent but dependent on one another and God) and the too-independent black woman will be no more!Sonya C. Triggs is a contributing author to Urban Christianz Ministries, which can be found at http://www.urbanchristianz.com.Visit this website to get practical advice about relationships, dating, and every day spirituality.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   5 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Breaking Your Relationship Pattern, Part 4

Finally, after all of the hard work you have done completing your past, here is a way to break your relationship pattern.Relationship choices are often based on patterns created in our childhood. These patterns are automatic and subliminal. We believe ours is the way  relationships ought to be.There is no problem having a pattern that leads you to loving, satisfying, long-term relationships. However, many people have patterns that cause them nothing but the heartache of unsuccessful relationships.There is a way out, a way for you to be free of your particular pattern and to be free to make your relationship choices based on what you need and want. The best way is to understand where your relationship pattern comes from. Then you can consciously choose what works for you and what doesn't, what you want to continue and what you want to stop, and how you want your next relationship to be.Below is a powerful exercise. In doing this exercise, you will discover information about your relationships and yourself. Knowledge of yourself is freedom to choose, freedom to act differently, freedom to have what you want.Pattern Tracker©Section 1. Instructions: Answer the following question for all of your significant past relationships. Significant means you had or still have strong feelings about the person. Go backwards in your history, starting with the most recent relationship. Write down your answers.What hurtful things did your partner do in your last relationship?What hurtful things did your partner do in the relationship before that?What about the relationship before that?Section 2. Instructions: Answer the following questions and write down your answers.What hurtful things did your parent of the opposite sex do to his/her partner?What hurtful things did your parent of the same sex do to his/her partner?What hurtful things did your parent of the opposite sex do to you?What hurtful things did your parent of the same sex do to you?Section 3. Instructions: You will need to refer to your responses from the previous two sections. To make answering the following questions easier, you may want to copy out those responses. Write down your answers.What are the similarities between the hurtful behaviors of your parents and your past partners?Are the behaviors opposite?Section 4. Instructions: Answer the following questions, writing down your answers.Your parents' relationship with each other and with you is the basis for your relationship pattern. What kinds of pattern were you programmed to have in your intimate relationship?Are you repeating your parents' relationship pattern in your own relationships?Are you reacting to your parents' relationship by doing the opposite of their pattern?Example: (Names and details changed to preserve privacy)When my client Sonya did this exercise, she filled out Section 1 by listing all three of her significant relationship partners as unavailable and uninterested. Her most recent partner, Jeff, lives in New York, while she lives in Boston. He was barely making time for her. They were only seeing each other once a month and even then he would find reasons to be away from her. He was very argumentative and would never be the one to say he was sorry.Her previous partner, Ronald, simply did not want to continue in their relationship. Every time something would go wrong, he would back away a little bit more until there was no longer a relationship. Sonya wrote down that Ronald was unavailable because he was unable to be emotionally close. He was also uninterested -- he did eventually walk away from the relationship. This man was not argumentative, instead avoiding arguments at all cost.Sonya's very first significant partner, Rob, was the love of her life. They loved each other deeply, but even that did not keep them together or prevent him from doing hurtful things. As the relationship progressed he started to withdraw more and more. Eventually he lost interest in her physically. They tried to work it out, but he would shy away from confrontation and nothing ever got resolved.Here is Sonya's Section 1:Jeff was unavailable, uninterested and argumentative.Ronald was unavailable and uninterested, and avoided confrontation.Rob was withdrawn, uninterested, and avoided confrontation.Sonya had to think hard about Section 2. She did not want to blame her parents or make them look bad. But as she thought about their relationship with each other and with her, she began to see some patterns.She remembered her parents arguing often. Her mother felt the father did not care, did not want her, and did not participate in the relationship or the family. Sonya also remembered that her mother was the one who started these arguments and did the yelling, while her father first listened and then walked away.Sonya's father did not spend much time with her, but was a good financial support. When her father eventually left, he did not stay in touch. Her mother told her over and over how all men eventually lose interest and leave.Here is what Sonya wrote for section 2:Father unavailable, uninterested and avoided confrontation.Mother argumentative and blaming.Father not around for me, not wanting me, leaving eventually.Mother told me all men lose interest and leave.When it came to Section 3, Sonya copied out the responses from the previous sections. She came up with the following list:Jeff was unavailable, uninterested and argumentative.Ronald was unavailable and uninterested, and avoided confrontation.Rob was withdrawn, uninterested, and avoided confrontation.Father unavailable, uninterested and avoided confrontation.Mother argumentative and blaming.Father not around for me, not wanting me, leaving eventually.Mother told me all men lose interest and leave.In answering the question,

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   5 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Follow-Up Marketing: How to Win More Sales with Less Effort

A study done by the Association of Sales Executives revealed that 81% of all sales happens on or after the fifth contact. If you're a small business owner and you're only doing one or two follow-ups imagine all the business you're losing.Not following up with your prospects  and customers is the same as filling up your bathtub without first putting the stopper in the drain!But don't be disheartened if you're among the 90% of business owners I talk to that don't do any follow up. The good news is you have ample room for profitable improvement.Consistent follow-up creates a predictable and profitable stream of prospects and customers that buy. Small businesses that capture leads and follow-up with them enjoy higher conversion rates and a higher percentage of referrals than those that don't.After asking many small business owners the reason they don't follow up I often hear responses such as,

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   5 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Secret Of The Ebay Money Machine And How To Get Your Share

If you have all the money you need, then this information wont be of much use to you!If however, like most of us, there are times when you could do with a little more, read on.At times we all come across circumstances where we could do with some extra income, be it that  extra special present we need to buy, that unexpected bill that needs paying or just to make ends meet.The standard answer to the above would be to get a part-time job, but if you're already working full time or you need to stay at home to look after the kids or perhaps an elderly relative, working extra hours can be easier said than done.There has to be an easier way.And there is.It's time to put your Computer and Internet connection to work.There are many ways that you can earn an income via your computer; however, in this report we will be specifically talking about earning an income via eBay.Not a few pennies here or there but a meaningful part-time income.At the last count eBay had more than 100 million members worldwide and were carrying out tens of millions of simultaneous auctions each day.Mind-boggling isn't it? Yet approximately only 1% of those 100 million plus members are selling on eBay.The rest are buying.So how would you like to be selling in a marketplace of almost 100 million buyers?But

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   5 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Game Theory, Nobel Prize, & Auctions - Auction Primer Series ? Part 1

William Vickrey, highly regarded as the founder of auction theory, was an economics professor at Columbia University when he published two papers outlining his views on auctions:"Counterspeculation, Auctions, and Competitive Sealed Tenders", 1961, Journal of Finance"Auction  and Bidding Games

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   5 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Why I Hate Flash Audio and What I Did About It

I love spoken-word audio. I've been listening to seminars, lectures, and books on tape for years.I love downloadable audio. Missed that teleseminar you signed up for? Just download the MP3 (or Real Media, or Windows Media, or QuickTime) file and it's almost as good as being  there--maybe better.But I really dislike streaming audio of the kind you can't download, and I find the new trend to use Macromedia Flash to provide audio clips online particularly irritating.Why? Because I don't want to have to sit in front of my computer screen to listen to something. The only time I might want to do that would be if I were taking notes, or if the recording were a set of instructions on how to do something with a computer program. When I'm at my computer, I'm usually busy doing something that requires concentration (like writing).I want to do my listening when I'm away from my computer and doing something that occupies my hands but not my full attention. In my case, that's primarily when I'm driving and when I'm cooking. And while I could theoretically prop my laptop on the passenger seat while I drive, I can't (yet, anyway) get a connection to the Internet while going 65 miles an hour. Besides, the car stereo has much better speakers than the laptop does.The whole point of podcasting, after all, is to allow people to download and listen at their leisure, the same way RSS news aggregators let you collect blog headlines and other news at your own convenience. These streaming-only audio clips (.ram as well as Flash) don't give you that option. And that snarks me off.And yes, I do realize that people want to protect their intellectual property and that's one reason they use non-downloadable streaming audio. I respect that. But I don't want to sell or otherwise redistribute their material. I just want to listen to it on my time. To users of streaming audio I pose the question: would you rather I just didn't listen? Would you really prefer that I just miss your marketing message altogether?Because that's what was happening before I thought of a way around the Flash barrier.In May I made one of my best investments of 2005 and bought a $10 mini-stereo audio cable. I plug one end into the laptop's headphone socket and one end into the cassette recorder's microphone port. Or I plug the other end of the cable into the microphone port on the laptop and record it onto my computer to play on my new MP3 player. (My current preferred recording software is the freeware program Audacity, available at http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/ in versions for Windows, Mac, and Linux.)It works like a charm. I now have access to all kinds of things I never would have listened to before, all thanks to a simple cable.Now all I need is one of those car stereos with an MP3 player built in.(c) 2005 Sallie Goetsch

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   5 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Oh Baby! Choosing the Right Baby Name

Naming a baby is no easy task. However, the following tips will help you give your baby his or her very first gift.1. Religion. For some parents, religion plays a major role in choosing a baby name. Roman Catholics traditionally choose saints names. Jews traditionally  choose Old Testament names. Names of deceased relatives are often chosen. Protestants often choose both Old and New Testament names.Interesting Fact! : The majority of the people in the Western hemisphere have names from the Bible. The New Testament is a more popular source of names than the Old Testament.2. Number of Names. You have many options when it comes to the number of names you choose for your baby. It is very common for a baby to be given three names, however, this is not mandatory. You may choose a first and last name; a first and last name and only a middle initial; initials for both first and middle names; or several middle names. Keep in mind, though, that several middle names will cause space problems for your child any time he or she fills out a form.3. Sounds. Names are easy or hard to say depending upon the combination of letters used. A name such as Harry Berry invites potential teasing. Try this to create a nice effect: choose a first name that has the same amount of syllables as the last name. Whoopi Goldberg is a good example.Interesting Fact! : Whoopi Goldbergâ??s original name is Caryn Johnson.4. Pronunciation. Nobody likes to have their name mis-pronounced. This is an important factor to keep in mind with unique names.5. Popularity. Choosing a popular name increases the likelihood that there will be other children in your childâ??s school with the same name. This may make him or her not feel as unique. However, a child with a popular name may be perceived better by peers than a child with a unique name.6. Stereotypes. Many names create a positive or negative image. A name is often a personâ??s first introduction to others. Therefore, you must make careful considerations when choosing a name to fit your new baby.7. Initials. Initials of a personâ??s name often spell words. If you choose to take this route, be sure that it will be a word you son or daughter will be happy with.8. Meanings. Almost every name has a meaning. However, most people donâ??t know the meaning of their names. This may help in deciding between some of your favorite baby name choices.9. Family History. Family History often comes into play when naming a baby. If you have to use a family name that you aren't happy with, consider using it as a middle name.10. Celebrity Names. A common source of today's baby names comes from the names of celebrities and from the names that celebrities choose for their children. Characters from TV and movies are another popular source.11. Make sure that the name you choose is one that your child will be able to grow with. Keep in mind that it should be applicable for all ages. Many names come with stereotypes.12. It is important for both parents to compromise when selecting a name for your baby. However, keep in mind that you can always use two names, using one as a middle name.Good Luck! A new baby is one of the most rewarding experiences of a lifetime.Alli Ross is the webmaster at the Baby Names Box - Where you can explore over 6,000 baby names and their meanings. Sub-categories include Disney ,J.R. Tolkien names, Fantasy and Folklore names, and many names from the literary classics. Read articles ranging from parenting and family to home and gardening. Be sure to say hi to GranMamma!

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   5 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Cellulite Clinical Study results

A clinical study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and benefits of Vital Science's Cellu-System products which consist of the following four items:Cellu-System Toning Tea Cellu-System Toning Capsules Cellu-System Toning Cream The study looked for effectiveness of  these products in reducing the visible appearance of cellulite over an eight week trial period.Selection of Participants34 participants were recruited through a community posting. Criteria for participation in the study was as follows:FemaleOver eighteen (18) years of ageNo chronic or severe medical conditions that could affect results of the studyNot pregnant or nursingNo significant changes in lifestyle (diet and exercise) during the studyObvious cellulite skin conditionAge ranges of participants who have completed is as follows:Between 18 and 24 = 1  Between 25 and 30 = 5  Between 31 and 40 = 14  Between 41 and 50 = 5  From 51 and over = 9  Evaluation Tools:Subjective evaluation by the participantsProfessional evaluation by the practitioner through assessment of skin tone, hydration and appearanceParticipants degree of satisfaction with their condition, both before and after the trialParticipants opinion of the products for: their effects, their ease of use, and side effects or benefitsMonitoring of weightThigh measurementsBefore and after photosInstructionsParticipants were asked to attend the study clinic for a ½ hour assessment at the beginning and at the end of the study period. During the eight week period, the instruction was as follows:TEA - drink 1 cupful, one hour before retiring at night.CREAM - apply to cellulite areas twice daily, once in the morning, once in the eveningCAPSULES - take two capsules in the morning.For more information on Dermaglow telephone +44(0)800 328 7612, or e-mail info@dermaglow.co.uk; web site http://www.dermaglow.co.uk

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   5 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Article Syndication - A New Vehicle for King Content

Creating ContentNew websites are being launched daily. In order to compete, webmasters need to find alternative ways of producing themed websites. Highly focused articles are often sought by wembasters. Why? Because content on the web is still king! In order to attract  search engines and site visitors, webmasters rely heavily on providing new, innovative and fresh content. If the web site content is rich, visitors will come. If the website content is updated regularly, visitors will return. When evaluating a website's traffic it is easy to see that the low cost of syndicated content can increase a website's value. Sites that contain multiple pages related to a specific topic increase the likelihood of being 'found' when a variety of search phrases are used for that topic.By creating a niche resource, webmasters are viewed as industry experts and their websites are more likely to receive incoming directory links. A number of publishers provide free content, the only stipulation being that the webmaster serving the content must include the author resource box. Webmasters utilizing free content can easily create portals teeming with themed content.Unlocking the Key to RSSMany webmasters are struggling to find fresh, innovative content while other savvy webmasters have realized the potential hidden within RSS and are adopting the technology at a maddening pace. By utilizing RSS, webmasters can tap numerous free content sources with very little effort. RSS truly is a webmaster's key to free content.Webmasters interested in taking advantage of RSS have a number of resources available to them:GoArticles is a free content article directory with more than 20,000 articles available for syndication. Recently GoArticles added a feature that will allow webmasters and site owners to add dynamically updated article headlines to their sites by simply adding a single line of java script into their webpage. More than 100 articles are added daily to GoArticles. The content is refreshed and indexed every 3 hours, so new articles are updated on the site 8 times a day. Webmasters looking for content can include theme-based RSS feeds into their site, using java script supplied by GoArticles. The java script accesses an RSS feed that contains the article headlines on the GoArticles site.GoArticles has 64 article categories, making it easy for webmasters to find content that suits their interest. Webmasters can select either the most recent articles in a specific category or the most popular articles in a specific category. As new articles are added to the GoArticles directory, the content on the websites using the java script will dynamically update.Additional details at: http://www.goarticles.comExample of a site using GoArticle's feed - http://www.small-business-software.net/goa-seo-headlines.htmAnother article resource webmasters may find useful is Article Central's tracker script. Webmasters can easily insert java script into their website to list all of Article Central's new articles or site owners can customize the tracker code to list only those articles chosen from the article repository's article category list. Articles relate to web development, design and technology-related issues and are updated daily.Additional details at: http://thewhir.com/find/articlecentral/tracker.aspExample of a site using Article Central's feed - - http://www.softwaremarketingresource.com/articledirectory-headlines.htmContent syndication is a win-win for both the publisher and the webmaster. As a result of these new distribution opportunities provided by GoArticles and Article Central, publishers will receive increasingly more exposure for their articles and webmasters will have a new source for fresh content.Webmasters interested in creating dynamic content from other free sources can use the free service provided by Feed2JS. All webmasters need to do in order to display the RSS feed on a website is enter the URL of the RSS source. Feed2JS creates java script that can be inserted into the HTML of the site owner's webpage. Webmasters are also given control over how their content is served, meaning they can customize the look and appearance of the headlines.Additional details at: http://jade.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/feed/index.php?s=buildExample of site using Feed2JS - http://www.feedforall.com/rss2java-rssblog.htmSearch engines are increasingly looking for theme-based portals by having specific targeted content where Webmasters are likely to be defined as industry experts. RSS is a free and easy way to promote a site and its content without the need to advertise. RSS is defined specifically for syndication; in fact the acronym RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. This means that webmasters serving RSS content do not need to negotiate complicated content sharing partnerships in order to use content contained within an RSS feed.In order to completely understand the power and potential of RSS, webmasters may want to visit the following resources:RSS Specifications - everything you need to know about RSS - http://www.rss-specifications.comFeedster - locate RSS feeds that are topic specific http://www.feedster.comFeedForAll - create RSS feeds from your own content http://www.feedforall.comRSS4U - free online RSS reader http://www.rss4u.comFeedDemon - desktop RSS reader - http://www.feeddemon.comCopyright 2004 Sharon HousleyAbout The AuthorSharon Housley manages marketing for the NotePage http://www.notepage.net and FeedForAll http://www.feedforall.com product lines. Other sites by Sharon can be found at http://www.softwaremarketingresource.com, and http://www.small-business-software.net

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   5 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...