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جامعه » پیام - صفحه 11

arrow right Rèformes nècessaires dans le système d’èducation et de formation

Rôle de la jeunesse dans la préparation de la Triennale 2012 Introduction La consultation de la jeunesse réunie à Rabat du 19-21 Octobre 2011 a été une étape préparatoire à la Triennale de Ouagadougou  dont le thème``Promouvoir les connaissances, compétences et qualification critique pour le développement durable de l’Afrique : comment édifier/concevoir une réponse efficace des systèmes d’éducation et de formation ?’’ Interpelle directement les jeunes[1] et les autres acteurs publics et privés. Le but premier de cette consultation était de fournir un cadre de réflexion à des jeunes d’origine socioculturelles et économiques diverses (jeunes à l’école, jeunes hors de l’école, jeunes travailleurs et jeunes entrepreneurs)  sur comment reformer les systèmes éducatifs et de formation existants pour répondre efficacement au problème d’emploi, de citoyenneté mais aussi pour en faire un levier de la croissance économique et du développement durable.

	Les problèmes des systèmes éducatifs sont indissociables des contextes historique, politique et socioéconomiques de l’Afrique. Ils se posent par rapport à la qualité de l’éducation, aux rendements interne et externe du système éducatif, à l’accès aux matériels didactiques, à la formation du personnel d’enseignement et d’encadrement, aux chances d’accès à la scolarisation, aux dispositions de pilotage stratégique et de gestion de l’éducation, et aux structures d’accueil. Il s’agit ainsi de problèmes qui gravitent autour de la question de la qualité de l’éducation et qui, en même temps, font de cette question un sujet central. De l’aptitude à résoudre ces problèmes dépend en vérité la pertinence des systèmes éducatifs.


	Le résultat  de la consultation sont des messages clés rédigés suite à des réflexions menées en groupes autour de trois sous thèmes (i) la culture et le développement durable, (ii)  l’intégration sociale, (iii) les reformes nécessaires dans le système d’éducation et de formation.

	La culture et le développement durable : rétablir le lien entre éducation et culture qui permettra de créer des synergies qui pourront accroitre les opportunités pour les individus et les sociétés pour relever les défis du millénaire et participer de façon effective à l’économie qui se veut de plus en plus globale. L’école doit être ouverte sur son milieu, intégrant l’apprentissage des langues nationales et le travail productif pour mieux sécuriser l’enfant en l’enracinant d’abord dans sa culture nationale.

	Message clés

		Les professionnels de l’éducation doivent intégrer l’histoire, les cultures et les langues africaines dans les programmes d’enseignement et de formation dans le but de mieux valoriser et de réaffirmer l’identité et la confiance en soi ;
		Dans le cadre de l’intégration et de la diversification des opportunités d’éducation et de formation, il est important de tenir compte et formaliser quand nécessaire les savoirs et les savoir-faire traditionnels, les écoles coraniques, qui peuvent contribuer au développement et à l’enrichissement de l’ensemble du système ;
		Intégrer l’éthique, la citoyenneté et l’éducation aux droits humains dans les curriculums, les enseigner de manière concrète et vivante en relation avec les problèmes rencontrés par les sociétés africaines comme la corruption ainsi que d’autres comportements à combattre ou à promouvoir ;


		Préparer les jeunes à trouver  leurs marques dans un monde globalise au moyen de système d’éducation et de formation adaptes au milieu en développement qui répondent aux besoins et exigences de nos sociétés, de l’économie locale et internationale. Etablir un dialogue constant sur les besoins et exigences entre les partenaires; le gouvernement, la jeunesse, les entreprises, les collectivités et la société civile…

	Intégration socio-économique des jeunes : Les conditions d'insertion économique des jeunes  revêt une grande importance, car sa problématique est centrale pour l’Afrique. La jeunesse attend des réponses à ses inquiétudes face aux difficultés qu’elle rencontre pour se projeter sereinement dans l’avenir et participer ainsi au développement de son pays.

	Messages clés

		Placer l’emploi des jeunes au centre de toutes les politiques sociales, économiques et culturelles et les impliquer directement dans la conception des politiques ;
		Les pouvoirs publics et le secteur public dans le cadre de politiques bien définies doivent  s’engager activement dans le développement de l’apprentissage ou de formation alternative parce qu’en combinant formation et expérience l’employabilité des jeunes se trouvera accrue ;
		Mettre en place un système de reconnaissance et de validation des acquis de compétences et de savoirs, formaliser au maximum le secteur informel grand employeur de nos économies pauvres et fragiles ;
		Pouvoirs publics, secteur privée et société civile doivent dans un effort conjoint mettre en place des structures d’accompagnement à l’entreprenariat et la création de projets, de conseils et d’orientation, des mécanismes de facilitation d’entrée dans le monde professionnelle ;
		Promouvoir et garantir le travail décent c’est-à-dire en considérant non pas seulement l’accès à un emploi en tant que source de revenu mais, plus largement,  l’accès à des emplois de qualité,  à la protection sociale, à la formation et à la capacité de défense des droits ;
		Continuer malgré les contraintes économiques à investir dans l’éducation sous toutes ses formes (formelle, non formelle et informelle) pour permettre au système d’éducation et de formation de s’aligner et de s’adapter aux évolutions économiques, technologiques et socioculturelles ;

	Les reformes nécessaires dans le système d’éducation et de formation : Le système d’éducation et de formation hérité du système colonial n’a pas enseigné à lire la réalité dynamique qui nous entoure. L’incitation à l’action transformatrice et à la manifestation de l’esprit de créativité fait défaut dans notre système éducatif, il est impératif de mettre en place un système d’éducation et de formation en accord avec les besoins des populations et suffisamment fort pour faire face aux défis de la mondialisation.


	Messages clés 

		Renforcer la gestion stratégique de l’éducation pour permettre au système d’éducation et de formation de s’orienter vers les réalités locales et les besoins des populations ;
		Doter le système éducatif et de formation de matériel didactique (manuels, laboratoires, ateliers technologiques) et garantir les stages d’apprentissage pour les apprenants ;
		Résorber le déficit numérique et qualitatif du personnel d’enseignement, d’encadrement pédagogique et administratif ;
		Garantir l’éducation pour tous et à tous les niveaux sans discrimination de genre, d’origine sociale et fournir une éducation de qualité qui inculque les compétences, les aptitudes et attitudes de base qui conduiront à une culture d’apprentissage tout au long de la vie ;
		Un système d’éducation et de formation faisant plus de place à la créativité, à l’imagination, au développement de l’autonomie de la réflexion au travers de méthodes plus actives et participatives ;
		Multiplier les projets pour former, réintégrer socialement et économiquement  pour les couches de la population défavorisées et victimes de marginalisation ;
		Mettre un accent sur les filières de science et technologie, l’entreprenariat/auto-emploi,  introduire les TIC à tous les niveaux du parcours académique ; 
		Système de gestion d’information de l’éducation pour inverser la tendance de d’absence de données et servir de base solide pour la planification et le suivi et évaluation pouvant faciliter l’intégration à l’échelle continentale ainsi que l’harmonisation des politiques ;

			[1] Tout individu âgé de 15-35 ans selon la Charte Africaine de la Jeunesse
			Rôle de la jeunesse dans la préparation de la Triennale 2012
			La consultation de la jeunesse réunie à Rabat du 19-21 Octobre 2011 a été une étape préparatoire à la Triennale de Ouagadougou dont le thème``Promouvoir les connaissances, compétences et qualification critique pour le développement durable de l’Afrique : comment édifier/concevoir une réponse efficace des systèmes d’éducation et de formation ?’’ Interpelle directement les jeunes[1] et les autres acteurs publics et privés. Le but premier de cette consultation était de fournir un cadre de réflexion à des jeunes d’origine socioculturelles et économiques diverses (jeunes à l’école, jeunes hors de l’école, jeunes travailleurs et jeunes entrepreneurs)  sur comment reformer les systèmes éducatifs et de formation existants pour répondre efficacement au problème d’emploi, de citoyenneté mais aussi pour en faire un levier de la croissance économique et du développement durable.
			Les problèmes des systèmes éducatifs sont indissociables des contextes historique, politique et socioéconomiques de l’Afrique. Ils se posent par rapport à la qualité de l’éducation, aux rendements interne et externe du système éducatif, à l’accès aux matériels didactiques, à la formation du personnel d’enseignement et d’encadrement, aux chances d’accès à la scolarisation, aux dispositions de pilotage stratégique et de gestion de l’éducation, et aux structures d’accueil. Il s’agit ainsi de problèmes qui gravitent autour de la question de la qualité de l’éducation et qui, en même temps, font de cette question un sujet central. De l’aptitude à résoudre ces problèmes dépend en vérité la pertinence des systèmes éducatifs.
			Le résultat  de la consultation sont des messages clés rédigés suite à des réflexions menées en groupes autour de trois sous thèmes (i) la culture et le développement durable, (ii)  l’intégration sociale, (iii) les reformes nécessaires dans le système d’éducation et de formation.
			La culture et le développement durable : rétablir le lien entre éducation et culture qui permettra de créer des synergies qui pourront accroitre les opportunités pour les individus et les sociétés pour relever les défis du millénaire et participer de façon effective à l’économie qui se veut de plus en plus globale. L’école doit être ouverte sur son milieu, intégrant l’apprentissage des langues nationales et le travail productif pour mieux sécuriser l’enfant en l’enracinant d’abord dans sa culture nationale.
			Message clés
				Les professionnels de l’éducation doivent intégrer l’histoire, les cultures et les langues africaines dans les programmes d’enseignement et de formation dans le but de mieux valoriser et de réaffirmer l’identité et la confiance en soi ;
				Dans le cadre de l’intégration et de la diversification des opportunités d’éducation et de formation, il est important de tenir compte et formaliser quand nécessaire les savoirs et les savoir-faire traditionnels, les écoles coraniques, qui peuvent contribuer au développement et à l’enrichissement de l’ensemble du système ;
				Intégrer l’éthique, la citoyenneté et l’éducation aux droits humains dans les curriculums, les enseigner de manière concrète et vivante en relation avec les problèmes rencontrés par les sociétés africaines comme la corruption ainsi que d’autres comportements à combattre ou à promouvoir ;
				Préparer les jeunes à trouver  leurs marques dans un monde globalise au moyen de système d’éducation et de formation adaptes au milieu en développement qui répondent aux besoins et exigences de nos sociétés, de l’économie locale et internationale. Etablir un dialogue constant sur les besoins et exigences entre les partenaires; le gouvernement, la jeunesse, les entreprises, les collectivités et la société civile…
			Intégration socio-économique des jeunes : Les conditions d'insertion économique des jeunes  revêt une grande importance, car sa problématique est centrale pour l’Afrique. La jeunesse attend des réponses à ses inquiétudes face aux difficultés qu’elle rencontre pour se projeter sereinement dans l’avenir et participer ainsi au développement de son pays.
			Messages clés
				Placer l’emploi des jeunes au centre de toutes les politiques sociales, économiques et culturelles et les impliquer directement dans la conception des politiques ;
				Les pouvoirs publics et le secteur public dans le cadre de politiques bien définies doivent  s’engager activement dans le développement de l’apprentissage ou de formation alternative parce qu’en combinant formation et expérience l’employabilité des jeunes se trouvera accrue ;
				Mettre en place un système de reconnaissance et de validation des acquis de compétences et de savoirs, formaliser au maximum le secteur informel grand employeur de nos économies pauvres et fragiles ;
				Pouvoirs publics, secteur privée et société civile doivent dans un effort conjoint mettre en place des structures d’accompagnement à l’entreprenariat et la création de projets, de conseils et d’orientation, des mécanismes de facilitation d’entrée dans le monde professionnelle ;
				Promouvoir et garantir le travail décent c’est-à-dire en considérant non pas seulement l’accès à un emploi en tant que source de revenu mais, plus largement,  l’accès à des emplois de qualité,  à la protection sociale, à la formation et à la capacité de défense des droits ;
				Continuer malgré les contraintes économiques à investir dans l’éducation sous toutes ses formes (formelle, non formelle et informelle) pour permettre au système d’éducation et de formation de s’aligner et de s’adapter aux évolutions économiques, technologiques et socioculturelles ;
			Les reformes nécessaires dans le système d’éducation et de formation : Le système d’éducation et de formation hérité du système colonial n’a pas enseigné à lire la réalité dynamique qui nous entoure. L’incitation à l’action transformatrice et à la manifestation de l’esprit de créativité fait défaut dans notre système éducatif, il est impératif de mettre en place un système d’éducation et de formation en accord avec les besoins des populations et suffisamment fort pour faire face aux défis de la mondialisation.
			Messages clés 
				Renforcer la gestion stratégique de l’éducation pour permettre au système d’éducation et de formation de s’orienter vers les réalités locales et les besoins des populations ;
				Doter le système éducatif et de formation de matériel didactique (manuels, laboratoires, ateliers technologiques) et garantir les stages d’apprentissage pour les apprenants ;
				Résorber le déficit numérique et qualitatif du personnel d’enseignement, d’encadrement pédagogique et administratif ;
				Garantir l’éducation pour tous et à tous les niveaux sans discrimination de genre, d’origine sociale et fournir une éducation de qualité qui inculque les compétences, les aptitudes et attitudes de base qui conduiront à une culture d’apprentissage tout au long de la vie ;
				Un système d’éducation et de formation faisant plus de place à la créativité, à l’imagination, au développement de l’autonomie de la réflexion au travers de méthodes plus actives et participatives ;
				Multiplier les projets pour former, réintégrer socialement et économiquement  pour les couches de la population défavorisées et victimes de marginalisation ;
				Mettre un accent sur les filières de science et technologie, l’entreprenariat/auto-emploi,  introduire les TIC à tous les niveaux du parcours académique ; 
				Système de gestion d’information de l’éducation pour inverser la tendance de d’absence de données et servir de base solide pour la planification et le suivi et évaluation pouvant faciliter l’intégration à l’échelle continentale ainsi que l’harmonisation des politiques ;
					[1] Tout individu âgé de 15-35 ans selon la Charte Africaine de la Jeunesse

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   8 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 05/05/2012 01:32   »   توسط: westafrica

arrow right James Bond 007 in Agent Under Fire - Playstation 2

Golden CH-6Beat level 2 with 50,000 or more points.Infinite missiles while in the carBeat level 3 with 70,000 or more points.Get Mp model - poseidon guardGet 130000 points and all 007 medallions for level 11.Get regenerative armorGet 130000 points for level 11.Get golden  bulletsGet 120000 points for level 10.Get golden armorGet 110000 points for level 9.Get MP weapon - calypsoGet 100000 points and all 007 medallions for level 8.Get rapid fireGet 100000 points for level 8.Get MP model - carrier guardGet 130000 points and all 007 medallions for level 12.Get unlimited ammo for golden gunGet 130000 points on level 12.Get Mp weapon - ViperGet 90000 points and all 007 medallions for level 6.Get Mp model - GuardGet 90000 points and all 007 medallions for level 5.Mp modifier - full arsenalGet 110000 points and all 007 medallions in level 9.Get golden clipGet 90000 points for level 5.Get MP power up - Gravity bootsGet 70000 points and all 007 medallions for level 4.Get golden accuracyGet 70000 points for level 4.Get mp model - Alpine GuardGet 100000 points and all gold medallions for level 7.Get ( SWEET ) car Lotus EspiritGet 100000 points for level 7.Get golden grenadesGet 90000 points for level 6.Get Mp model Stealth BondGet 70000 points and all gold medallions for level 3.Get Golden Gun mode for (MP)Get 50000 points and all 007 medallions for level 2.Get rocket manor ( MP )Get 50000 points and all gold 007 medalions on first level.Hidden RoomOn the level Bad Diplomacy get to the second floor and go right when you get off the lift. Go to the very end point and you will find a door. When you try to open it you should find it's locked. Put on your Q-Specs. Now look left and you'll find a hidden door open it and inside is Armour and Ammo. Various point multipliersTo get the most out of the points allocated at the end of the levels try usng these helpfull hints.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   8 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 03/01/2012 08:14   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Mortal Kombat: Deception - XBox

Easy KoinsIn Konquest mode, koins will always be appearing right infront of you. These are but the tip of the iceberg. Go into people's houses for masses of koins, like 50 or 60 at a time, as opposed to 10 or 12. Red Chests are an excellent source of koins. They hold no  less than 200 at a time, and are fairly common.Chess mode is an easy win, too.If you're good at Kombat, your chess skills are about as useful as a Lava Lamp to a republican. You can always beat your opponent, even if he hits you first. You just have slightly less health. Take the leader for a nice fatality demo.Easy VictoryIf you're in the arena that is just a stone platform, and is shaking, with the edges falling off, knock your opponent off the stage. Its very easy. Just keep hitting him with any attack that knocks him back. Soon, he will fly off the arena and be impaled on a spike at the bottom.KoffinsKoffin Effect Cost or location  AA Quan Chi Attack art  221 Sapphire  AB Golden Desert arena  E-2 Netherrealm AC 297 Gold Koins  63 Sapphire  AD Edenia Realm Map art  148 Platinum  AE Unknown amount Jade Koins  137 Platinum  AF Chou Jaio video  Punch Mokap at C-6 Orderrealm AG Puzzle Fighter Ladder art  121 Ruby  AH Torture concept art  159 Ruby  AI Kabal Storyboard art  201 Gold  AJ Sindel alternate biography  186 Sapphire  AK Konquest Layout art  127 Sapphire  AL Liu Kang Tomb Render art  227 Platinum  AM Nightwolf alternate costume  A-4 Netherrealm AN Noob Storyboard art  179 Sapphire  AO Scorpion Kata Test video  612 Onyx  AP MK4 Scorpion Render art  202 Platinum  AQ Jade alternate biography  352 Platinum  AR Ermac Early concept art  192 Ruby  AS Sub-Zero alternate biography  C-3 Earthrealm AT Sindel Storyboard art  155 Platinum  BA Kira Storyboard art  193 Sapphire  BB MK4 3D Test video  681 Platinum  BC Dragon King Render art  108 Sapphire  BD 602 Sapphire Koins  117 Gold  BE MK Chess concept art  213 Platinum  BF Scorpion vs Sub-Zero art  113 Onyx  BG 297 Sapphire Koins  352 Ruby  BH Liu Kang's Tomb arena  Bridge at H-6 Earthrealm BI Liu Kang biography  294 Platinum  BJ Chamber Death Trap concept art  198 Gold  BK 4 Player concept art  106 Platinum  BL Evil Yin Yang concept art  87 Jade  BM 659 Platinum Koins  97 Gold  BN Nightwolf concept art  88 Onyx  BO Bo' Rai Cho alternate biography  269 Ruby  BP Live at Kuatan music  E-5 Netherealm BQ Nethership Stern art  227 Sapphire  BR 461 Gold Koins  129 Ruby  BS Chess Kombat concept art  56 Jade  BT Arcade Select music  488 Onyx  CA 722 Ruby Koins  202 Gold  CB 374 Gold Koins  338 Platinum  CC Beetle Lair music  A-6 Earthrealm CD Beetle Lair concept art  212 Onyx  CE Dariou alternate biography  422 Jade  CF Weapon concept art  178 Platinum  CG Raiden Torpedo Shujinko's Move  E-5 Edenia CH 254 Sapphire Koins  154 Gold  CI Li Mei concept art  210 Sapphire  CJ Falling Cliffs concept art  135 Gold  CK Chamber of Artifacts Lower Level art  101 Jade  CL Raiden Lightning Test art  1004 Jade  CM Undead General art  177 Platinum  CN Havik alternate costume  1114 Onyx  CO Dragon King's Throne art  256 Platinum  CP Carlos Pesina photo  267 Jade  CQ Ermac Storyboard art  255 Gold  CR Unknown   CS Martial Arts Moifah video  521 Platinum  CT Jim Terdina photo  781 Gold  DA Kabal alternate costume  Fight Kabal at B-1 Chaosrealm DB Shujinko biography  331 Onyx  DC Havik concept art  176 Ruby  DD Unknown   DE Ermac alternate concept art  207 Sapphire  DF Falling Cliffs concept art  205 Ruby  DG Danny Guitierrez photo  111 Platinum  DH Chaos Realm concept art  143 Ruby  DI Tanya unlocked  A-3 Outworld DJ Sub-Zero Promotional Render art  185 Jade  DK Outworld Guard House art  137 Sapphire  DL Shang Tsung's Destroyed Palace art  255 Onyx  DM Noob-Smoke unlocked  3643 Onyx  DN Li Mei Storyboard art  177 Gold  DO Dragon Mountain arena  H-8 Outworld DP Tanya biography  306 Platinum  DQ Slaughterhouse Sketch art  66 Onyx  DR Marketing and Media Team photo  601 Platinum  DS Living Forest arena  1694 Sapphire  DT Cinematic Scorpion art  301 Sapphire  EA Ermac Masked concept art  207 Platinum  EB Ed Boon photo  144 Sapphire  EC Portal Arena music  871 Jade  ED Order Realm City Center art  215 Platinum  EE Ashrah alternate costume  H-4 Netherealm EF Shujinko Promo Render art  236 Platinum  EG Thank You! art  291 Ruby  EH Nethership Interior map  245 Onyx  EI Nethership Hanging Bodies art  165 Sapphire  EJ Noob-Smoke alternate costume  1494 Platinum  EK Slaughterhouse Death Trap art  288 Gold  EL Dairou Storyboard art  199 Jade  EM Unknown   EN Falling Cliffs Fatality art  294 Onyx  EO Opening Movie Animatic video  793 Platinum  EP Falling Cliffs Fatality art  227 Sapphire  EQ Voice Actors photo  316 Onyx  ER Unknown   ES Sektor and Smoke art  234 Onyx  ET Mileena concept art  141 Jade  FA Hotaru Character Sketch art  206 Ruby  FB Martial Arts Monkey video  565 Onyx  FC Old Shujinko concept art  217 Onyx  FD MK Mythologies video  628 Ruby  FE Liu Kang's Tombs concept art  301 Sapphire  FF Raiden Character Studies art  116 Ruby  FG Outworld Chess concept art  222 Gold  FH Game Balance Testers photo  138 Platinum  FI Martial Arts Zha Chuan video  596 Gold  FJ Red Dragon Sword art  153 Sapphire  FK Cliffhanger concept art  293 Platinum  FL Player Capture concept art  126 Jade  FM Cinematic Team photo  154 Sapphire  FN Hua Chuan video  E-2 Earthrealm FO Sky Temple concept art  456 Jade  FP 378 Ruby Koins  107 Sapphire  FQ Quan Chi's Realm Detail art  198 Gold  FR Double Character concept art  288 Onyx  FS Slaughterhouse concept art  122 Ruby  FT 418 Platinum Koins  224 Jade  GA Baraka alternate biography  A-3 Earthrealm GB Noob-Smoke alternate biography  390 Sapphire  GC Jade alternate costume  G-4 Outworld GD Mileena Storyboard art  133 Ruby  GE Jon Vogel Painting art  216 Gold  GF Kuatan Palace arena  In a house at A-4 Orderrealm GG Quan Chi' Skull Wall video  610 Ruby  GH Raiden Promotional Render art  299 Sapphire  GI Kira concept art  182 Ruby  CJ San Diego Creative Team photo  251 Ruby  GK Hotaru's alternate biography  267 Gold  GL Darrius concept art  99 Sapphire  GM Mileena (Puzzle Fighter) unlocked  C-6 Netherrealm GN Chaos Realm Water Center art  217 Ruby  GO Jade (Puzzle Fighter) unlocked  2911 Ruby  GP Portal arena  G-5 Earthrealm GQ MK4 Sonya art  154 Sapphire  GR Jon Greenberg photo  209 Gold  GS Kira biography  202 Sapphire  GT Sexy Mileena art  217 sapphire  HA Adisak Pochanayon photo  186 Onyx  HB Yin Yang (Puzzle) arena  D-1 Earthrealm HC Yin Yang Statue art  111 Gold  HD Jennifer Hedrick photo  168 Ruby  HE 434 Gold Koins  173 Onyx  HF Shujinko Sword concept art  183 Gold  HG 434 Jade Koins  317 Gold  HH Sareena Render art  54 Jade Konis HI Noob-Smoke biography  312 Gold  HJ Tiles of Death and Whimsy music  In a house A-9 Outworld  HK Sub-Zero Render art  668 Jade  HL Mileena alternate costume  From 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at F-7 Earthrealm HM Scorpion concept art  136 Ruby  HN Tanya Character Studies art  194 Jade  HO Scorpion wire frame from MK4 art  172 Ruby  HP Sindel Character Study art  156 Platinum  HQ Liu Kang's Tomb (Puzzle) arena  1515 Jade  HR Outworld Cottage art  401 Onyx  HS Herman Sanchez photo  213 Platinum  HT 361 Jade Koins  324 Sapphire  IA MKGold Baraka and Mileena art  144 Jade  IB Bo' Rai Cho alternate costume  2086 Onyx  IC Animation Sketches art  243 Sapphire  ID Unknown   IE Darrius Promo Render art  216 Sapphire  IF User Interface Team photo  682 Ruby  IG Mian Chuan video  E-8 Netherrealm IH MK Deception Teaser Trailer video  556 Jade  II Konquest Production art  200 Sapphire  IJ Quan Chi's Realm Portal art  144 Sapphire  IK Arena Weapon concept art  224 Platinum KOins IL Slaughterhouse concept art  199 Ruby  IM 286 Ruby Koins  133 Platinum  IN Shujinko's Ice Blast  In a building at A-9 Edenia IO Good Yin Yang concept art  194 Platinum  IP Kobra alternate costume  Fight Kobra at G-2 Earthrealm IQ Dragon King Ending Part 2 art  139 Onyx  IR Jade Storyboard art  256 Jade  IS Raiden Solid Model art  164 Gold  IT Information Technology photo  189 Sapphire  JA Jim Bulvan photo  324 Onyx  JB Jay Biondo photo  29 Ruby  JC Nethership Fight Intro art  376 Sapphire  JD Nightwolf Storyboard art  186 Ruby  JE Mythologies Bloopers video  793 Sapphire  JF Noob alternateernate concept art  217 Platinum  JG 357 Onyx Koins  175 Ruby  JH Baraka Render art  235 Platinum  JI Dead Pool arena  2191 Ruby  JJ Early Promo art  200 Platinum  JK Kenshi alternate biography  245 Jade  JL Tanya from MK4 art  63 Onyx  JM Baraka vs Mileena Animatic video  640 Jade  JN John Nocher photo  159 Sapphire  JO Unknown   JP Scorpion Storyboard art  134 Jade  JQ Nexus arena  A-4 Chaosrealm JR Deadly Alliance Exhibit art  187 Ruby  JS Havik unlocked  In a house at H-4 Chaosrealm JT MK Mythologies Sub Zero Dies video  804 Gold  KA Tanya alternate biography  253 Jade  KB Noob concept art  225 Sapphire  KC Unknown   KD Art Crew photo  212 Onyx  KE Sindel Promo Render art  178 Sapphire  KF Quan Chi Realm Approach art  260 Gold  KG Raiden alternate biography  287 Gold  KH Liu Kang's Tomb concept art  273 Onyx  KI Scorpion alternate costume  In the town at B-6 Earthrealm  KJ 477 Sapphire Koins  161 Onyx  KK Unknown   KL Shang Tsung Attack art  200 Gold  KM 242 Platinum Koins  145 Ruby  KN Shujinko

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   8 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 03/01/2012 08:14   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 3 Steps to Manifesting Your Ideal Life

Over the past several weeks I've received dozens of email solicitations for books, CDs and videos that promise to reveal newly discovered techniques to improve my life. These emails promise a wide variety of benefits: how to get rich, lose weight, meet the woman of my  dreams and buy a million dollar mansion with no money down. In some cases the salesman will throw in a "Ginzu knife" or "pocket fisherman" if I order immediately!While some of these marketers may actually believe they've invented a whole new system of creating a life anyone would want, the truth is "there is nothing new under the sun." Mystics have studied the underlying principles that manifest reality for centuries. These same principles existed in the time of Socrates and they existed before the establishment of many of today's religions.Whether it's money, love, health, or anything else, the principles are the same. In mystical terms, the Law of Attraction specifies that you will attract to yourself those experiences that match your beliefs. In the words of quantum physics, the observer affects that which is observed. Since you are the observer, it's you who affects your life, that is, it's you who creates your experience of reality.You create your experience via your underlying beliefs-whether they are conscious or unconscious. If you're not conscious of your beliefs then you must make them conscious. As Carl Jung said, "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." Or, as mystics will say, "Know thyself." This includes your beliefs.Before you begin to manifest your ideal life, you must get clear on exactly what you want. Examine your desire from a mystic perspective. Is it something that would be of benefit to many people or is it a purely selfish desire? If you are attempting to manifest your desire at the expense of someone else, there will be a steep price to pay in the future. Remember, "As ye sow, so shall ye reap," so why saddle yourself with additional burdens? If your desire seems selfish, reframe it so that it's of benefit to others.Once you are clear on exactly what you want, then it is a straightforward matter to manifest your desire. There are three steps:Step 1. Visualize exactly what you want for 5 minutes per day. Let's say you want to go sightseeing in Paris. You may want to visualize the Eiffel Tower. Why 5 minutes? Because any longer and your mind will wander. Any shorter and you may not be fully fleshing out your vision.Step 2. Put yourself in the picture, with detail and emotion. You have a clear view of the Eiffel Tower. But, if you don't visualize yourself in the picture, the universe will manifest your desire, but perhaps not in the format you anticipated. For example, you might get a postcard of the Paris skyline in the mail. To avoid any misunderstandings, picture yourself standing in front of the tower. What are you wearing? Are you there with your spouse or some new love interest? Add details, employing all your sensory data. You're eating a delicious croissant. The wind is blowing gently on a beautiful, sunny spring afternoon. You hear conversations en français and you smell the perfume of the petite jeune fille standing near you.Don't forget to add emotion. Are you enjoying the taste of your croissant? Do you feel the joy of exploring a new country? Are you reveling in the sense of freedom as you travel the world? The more realistic you make it, the better.Step 3. At this stage, focus only on the end result. This is very important. Don't worry about how you get there. You can't possibly imagine all the ways that your goal might manifest, so don't limit yourself to people you know or the most obvious avenues to attain your goal. Let the universe worry about the details.When you are done with your meditation, release it to the universe. Continuing to hold it in your mind will prevent its manifestation. You have to let go. To ensure you've let go, occupy yourself with a completely unrelated activity after you complete your meditation.You're ready to go; but first, a brief note of caution. This is an extremely powerful technique, so keep in mind the old adage, "be careful what you wish for, you just might get it." An example, an acquaintance of mine was remarking on how lucky a friend of hers was to receive a $100,000 settlement for a personal injury she suffered. Within two weeks, my friend was involved in a moderately serious auto accident that left her with a bad back and a subsequent $50,000 settlement. Was it worth it? I don't think so.To ensure that you don't manifest something similar, I recommend you close each meditation by saying, "If it pleases God, then so be it," or "If this is for my highest good, then so be it." This is an extra form of protection that will help you avoid needless headache.Lastly, don't think that because you're busy visualizing you don't have to take any action on the physical plane. For example, if you're looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend, you can't just sit inside and visualize your ideal mate, you still need to get out. You must go about your business, but be alert to opportunities that the universe is presenting to you.The Law of Attraction is the basic underlying principle at work here. If you're not manifesting what you desire then there are two possibilities: you aren't clear on exactly what you want or you're not aware of a certain belief, probably unconscious, that is contradicting your conscious desire.So, manifest your dreams, the mystic's way!Edwin Harkness Spina is the author of the award-winning spiritual novel Mystic Warrior. Receive a free copy of Mystic Secrets Revealed when you sign up for the Mystic Warrior Newsletter with mystical techniques to improve your life and expand your mind.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   8 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 7 Simple Ways To Boost Your E-Book Sales

You can often dramatically increase your E-Book salesby making a few minor adjustments to your sales page.Here are 7 ways to increase your E-Book sales:(1) Make sure your 'Order' link appears at least 3times on your sales page.(2) If your link currently says 'Order!',  change itto 'Order via Secure SSL Server' (if that is thecase). I made this change about a month ago, and Inoticed an immediate increase in sales.(3) Offer a money-back guarantee that makes it clearthat you don't mind refunding purchases.(4) Add a 'guarantee' logo or icon to your salespage. You can find a variety 'guarantee' graphics atAltaVista's MediaSearch: http://web.altavista.com/cgi-bin/query?cn=medClick on the 'radio button' that says 'Images' andthen type 'guarantee' into the search box. AltaVistawill return 20 pages of 'guarantee icons'.(Before placing one of these graphics on yourwebsite, make sure it is not covered by copyright).(5) Offer 2 or 3 chapters of your book free (in theform of a downloadable Trial version of your E-Book).You could also allow people to read those samechapters online.(6) Include a 'Table of Contents' so that yourvisitors can see what your E-Book contains.(7) Keep your sales copy to one page. People arespending less and less time surfing the Web - if yoursales message is more than one page, your visitorswill probably move on before reaching the end.------------------------------------------------------------ Michael Southon has been writing for the Internet for over 3 years. He has shown hundreds of webmasters how to use this simple technique to build a successful online business. Click here to find out more: http://ezine-writer.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   8 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Hearing Our Seriously Distressed Children

How do we deal with our seriously distressed children and adolescents?Adolescents are in a period of seeking autonomy and self-determination. These qualities can aid them in becoming agents of active transformation in their own lives. For one to recover from distress they  are in need of being able to regain hope and to have an effective exercise of their free will. (Breggin, 1996). Adolescents based on their experiences formulate thoughts and feelings and begin to create values and meanings for themselves.Those adolescents who are suffering from serious emotional distress have become lost on this path to finding meaning in their lives. Once this occurs, they begin to develop anguish and self-defeating responses to life. This creates in them anxiety and despair leading towards what some would call 'madness' (Breggin, 1991). These adolescents must learn to feel empowered once again, and not to feel labeled as an 'it', not to be viewed through the lens of their particular diagnosis and categorization they have been ascribed. These adolescents need coaches and individuals who will aid them compassionately and empathetically in navigating and negotiating through life's stresses.The therapist and others must look upon the distressed adolescent with dignity. To look upon the adolescent through 'scientific' or 'objective' means leads us to the tendency to diagnosis and control the person, to impose our own abstract and potentially oppressive category upon them and to manipulate the outcome.Physical interventions, such as psychotropic drugs, restraints, and enforced confinement to mental hospitals or residential treatment facilities are a part of this desire to control rather than truly aid and come to an understanding of the distress the adolescent is experiencing (Breggin and Breggin, 1993, a&b). Psychotropic medications with these seriously distressed individuals only deal with symptoms, they blunt certain functions to make the person more tolerable and amenable to societal expectations. Psychotherapy, on the other hand, focuses on the subjective changes in patient's feelings and on actual changes in lifestyle or conduct of life (Fisher & Greenberg, 1989).Based on the viewpoints of biopsychiatry, adolescents who are medicated and placed in mental hospitals are labeled as improved when they conform to hospital demands or receive discharge. However, what is not examined is, how do the patients themselves actually feel? An estimated 180,000 to 300,000 young people a year are placed in private psychiatric facilities. These children and adolescents often feel powerless in these placements. But as mentioned above, it is the need for feelings of empowerment and hope that will lead to a genuine recovery from distress. Psychologist D.L. Rosenhan lead a study where 'pseudopatients' had themselves admitted to psychiatric hospitals to experience them first hand and report on this experience. Rosenhan reported in an article appearing in the January 19, 1973 issue of Science, "Powerlessness was evident everywhere?He is shorn of credibility by virtue of his psychiatric label.His freedom of movement is restricted. He cannot initiate contact with staff, but may only respond to overtures as they make. Personal privacy is minimal?" With children and adolescents it is easier to rationalize away their rights and control becomes more arbitrary and complete (Breggin, 1991). Psychiatrist Peter Breggin states that in such an environment 'it is hard for a child to resist feeling spiritually crushed, abandoned, and worthless under such conditions. With a less formed sense of self than an adult has, a child is less able to resist the shame attached to being diagnosed and labeled a 'mental patient'. Children may also find it much harder to conform to institutional life.They are naturally energetic, rambunctious, at times strident, often noisy, and resistant to control. If a boy doesn't conform, he is considered 'ill' and can be subjected to physical restraints, solitary confinement, and toxic drugs. (Breggin, 1991). It should be mentioned that the drugs commonly used for severely distressed adolescents are the same as those used for adults, most frequently the neuroleptics. These medications are reported to cause lack of energy, painful emotions, motor impairment, cognitive dysfunction and tend to 'blunt; the personality of the treated patients as well as having a risk for the development of tardive dyskinesia, a permanent and debilitating neurological problem (Gualteri and Barnhill, 1988).These drugs subdue the adolescent into conformity by blunting the brain, but never do they teach the child how to develop meaning, how to cope, nor do they allow the adolescent to express his pain and emotional distress that is within. The adolescent is merely sedated to make his behaviors more manageable to adults. The adolescent learns nothing. The adolescents who are suffering from severe emotional distress are in conflict. They have internalized feelings of guilt, shame, anger, anxiety, and numbing. These adolescents instead of coercive and intrusive 'treatments' need the ability to find a safe place where coercive power is replaced by reason, love, and mutual attempts to satisfy their basic needs. These adolescents because of their distress have broken away from the accepted realities, they have sought to recreate their existence, for some a more primitive existence (Schilder, 1952). The feelings of anxiety that an adolescent may experience are linked to a fear of being and belonging (Stern, 1996, pg. 12) Depression, mania, and anxiety are all linked together and are indicative of trauma.The adolescent being a shattered person seeks an escape by altered perception. We must begin to realize that all behaviors and experiences have meaning, even those things that may appear the most 'odd' to us. The symptoms labeled to be schizophrenic exhibited by certain adolescents in distress 'may be understood as manifestations of chronic terror or defense against the terror (Karon, 1996). This is often expressed as anger, loneliness, and humiliation. The therapist and others must convey to the adolescent that he wants to understand, that the client is helpable, but it will take hard work (Karon, 1996). The therapist must forge an alliance with the adolescent, aiding them to understand the real dangers and to be able to develop appropriate coping mechanisms. These adolescents are often viewed as dangerous themselves but the majority are not. They need to be hard, and forging this alliance will give them the needed voice leading to their recovery.Hallucinations that are experienced by the seriously distressed adolescent are actually repressed thoughts and feelings coming outward, the unconscious into the conscious. Delusions are the adolescent transferring experiences from their past without having the awareness that it is past (Karon, 1996, pg. 36). The therapist can guide in interpreting the meaning of these hallucinations and delusions and once the adolescent is gently approached with their underlying meaning, these events can dissipate. Delusions are also connected with an attempt to find a systematic explanation of our world, to find meaning. A person who has experienced severe distress has lost this meaning and thus develops unusual ways of seeking to make sense of their experiences and the world around them (Karon, 1996, pg. 38).The therapist can gently call the adolescent's attention to inconsistencies but at the same time respect their vision. The results of a psychosocial approach to those with severe emotional distress has been proven to be more effective than the current biopsychiatric methods as evidenced by a study by Loren Mosher, MD where he took schizophrenic adults who were on either very low doses or no medication, and offered them a 'safe place' with non professional staff residing with them and sharing in their daily experiences.A 2 year follow up of these patients noted higher levels of success and progress than their counterparts who were subjected to neuroleptics and psychiatric hospitalization (Mosher, 1996, pg. 53) The model known as the Soteria project was based on principles of growth, development, and learning. All facets of the distressed person's experience were treated by the staff as 'real' (Mosher, 1996, pg. 49)Limits were set and mutual agreements made with the patients if they presented as a danger to themselves or others. Such a model could be adapted to use with adolescents, offering them the need for compassion, empathy, and finding that 'safe' place, restoring within themselves a feeling of worth and dignity, that will lead to their ability to address the issues of their distress and traverse towards recovery.Dan L. Edmunds is a graduate of the University of Florida. he completed his graduate studies at the University of Scranton. He is currently pursuing Doctoral level studies at Argosy University with concentration in Pastoral Community Counseling. Dan is employed as a Behavioral Specialist Consultant and Mobile Therapist for a private agency in Northeastern Pennsylvania and is President of the Rose Garden Children's Foundation, a non profit 501 (c)(3) organization.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   8 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right A Simple 4 Step Approach To Have Google Crawl Your Site Today Guaranteed!

Extra, Extra Google Now Gives you feedback. By Creating a Google Sitemap using free online tools you can get Google to crawl your site within 24 Hours. As an Added bonus after Google Crawls your site they give you feedback about any problems they encountered. To take  advantage of this amazing service from yahoo just follow these 4 simple steps.Step 1 Get a Google Site Map AccountIn order to create a Google Sitemap account just cut and paste the below URL in your browser and follow the simple directionshttps://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/login)Step 2 Create Your Site map You can create your Sitemap either as an XML file or a TXT file. XML is the PPreferred method since you can give Google more information about your Web Site. You do not need to know XML to create a Google Sitemap. Not with this free web based tool. Simply go to the below web site type in your domain and it will automatically spider your site and create a Google Site Map for you. http://www.sitemapspal.com/If You prefer to use a text file simply following the below direction taken directly from the Google Help File (https://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/docs/en/other.html)Google accepts simple text files that list URLs. As the text files contain only a list of URLs, Google prefers that you use the Sitemap protocol so you can provide additional information about your URLs. The text file must follow these guidelines:  The text file must have one URL per line. The URLs cannot contain embedded new lines. You must fully specify URLs as Google attempts to crawl them exactly as provided. Each text file can contain a maximum of 50,000 URLs. If you site includes more than 50,000 URLs, you can separate the list into multiple text files and submit each one separately. The text file must use UTF-8 encoding. You can specify this when you save the file (for instance, in Notepad, this is listed in the Encoding menu of the Save As dialog box). The text file should contain no information other than the list of URLs. The text file should contain no header or footer information. You can name the text file anything you wish. Google recommends giving the file a .text extension to identify it as a text file (for instance, sitemap.txt). You should upload the text file to the highest-level directory you want search engines to crawl and make sure that you don't list URLs in the text file that are located in a higher-level directory. Step 3 Upload your Site Map File To Your Web PageOnce you have created an XML or TXT Sitemap using the instructions in Step 2 you would just upload it to your web page either by FTP or by using the Cpanel from your Web Host.Step 4 Tell GoogleThe last step in this process is to tell Google about your Sitemap. You simply Log In to your Google site map account and add the URL of you Site Map. Be sure and check back a few hours later to make sure it uploaded correctly. https://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/loginNow be sure and repeat the above 4 Steps whenever you change your website Bonus Step 5 After Google has read your Sitemap and crawled your site (usually 12-24 Hours) you will see a verify link next to your Sitemap name. Click the link and Google will instruct you to create a blank file and place it on your Web Page, Once you have done that Google will tell you any problems it encountered crawling your PageAbout The Author: Mike Makler has been Marketing Online Since 2001 When he Built an Organization of over 100,000 Members  Get Mike's Newsletter: http://ewguru.com/newsletter  More Articles by Mike: http://ewguru.com/tips  Permission Based E_Mail Marketing Methods http://ewguru.com/hbiz/amazingoffer.html  Copyright © 2005-2006 Mike Makler the Coolest Guy in the Universe

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   8 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Sex, Lies, & Videotape; Part 3

ConclusionVideotape in todays world is based on these three things that we have been discussing. Sex has an overwhelming effect upon what gets taped and what gets cut. Even in the news the old saying, "Sex Sells" applies in todays society. The movies that you  rent, watch on television and even cartoons are now unfit for christians and children to watch. Lies are being broadcast every single day over the airways.A politician was interviewed a few days ago and was asked about lies , his response, " Its all part of the game." Some lies are the cause of many deaths in the world. Shiite Clerics, in Iraq and Iran, use videotape and lies and sex to incite the populace to revolt and kill the innocent. How do they use sex? In the muslim world, the clerics tell younger men,

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   8 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Clutter Campaign - Select Your Tools

Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful. William MorrisWhat you love, you preserve There are so many tools available to support your Clutter Campaign. And what works best for someone you know may not work for you at all. This  is the time to discover exactly the right items and equipment to match your style of thinking and operating. Once you have the perfect match of tool for each task you are more likely to continue your Campaign. There is, of course, no magic system or product that is right for every home or office. Devise a system you can love and you'll reduce clutter enormously. This magic comes not because you have increased the efficiency of the system, but because you have decreased your resistance to preserving, protecting, and maintaining it. You have made yourself an offer you don't want to refuse!Here are six options for you to explore:? Select what you need every day. Anything you use often should be within an arm's reach of where you need that item. Imagine that there's a video camera in the corner of each of your rooms and review your activities for a day. Identify 2-5 items that need to be moved to make your day flow more smoothly and conveniently. These items could be as small as your stamps, or as large as your desk.? Contain those items efficiently and aesthetically. What storage item would best suit your way of arranging things? Do you prefer baskets, files, drawers, doors, canisters, open shelves? Look through some magazines or tour an office or organizing store and select the items you like to use. Picture, describe or sketch a few of them on this page.? Arrange elements in a system that works for you. How do you like to arrange the storage pieces you like to use? What would your ideal garage storage area look like, your ideal closet, your ideal pantry? Pick one area and create your preferred system.? Support your system with technology. Identify and list below 3-5 sources of Clutter Campaign frustration. Ask people you know if they have discovered any solutions. Take your list to one of the technology stores and see if they can offer solutions. Find your best way to keep an address book, a household inventory, children's school and health records. The best solution for you can range from simple to sophisticated. Just be sure it's right for YOU.? Find tools you enjoy using. Add sleek styling or playful zest to the tools you select. If they make you smile or glow inside, it is more likely you will use them regularly. List below three of the most helpful tools you are using currently and three you have appreciated for many years. Remember tools can include methods, systems, bribes, motivation and support that help you get started and keep you on track.? Let go of anything that fails the three-question test. Remember again the three-question test for any item in your life:? Is it useful?? Is it beautiful?? Do you love it? List 2-3 items in your surroundings that meet each of the above tests.Unless an item meets one of those standards, get rid of it. If it meets two of them, take good care of it. If it meets all three, treasure it, and appreciate it as a gift of good fortune.© Barbara Hemphill is the author of Kiplinger's Taming the Paper Tiger at Work and Taming the Paper Tiger at Home and co-author of Love It or Lose It: Living Clutter-Free Forever. The mission of Hemphill Productivity Institute is to help individuals and organizations create and sustain a productive environment so they can accomplish their work and enjoy their lives. We do this by organizing space, information, and time. We can be reached at 800-427-0237 or at www.ProductiveEnvironment.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   7 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Shark Attacks! How Common are They? Where do They Occur?

Last week in Australia, one man's day at beach could have turned into a disaster: He was attacked by a seven-foot bronze whaler shark while surfing about 100 yards out from Sydney's Bronte Beach.Fortunately, the man, Simon Letch, stayed calm and "shoved the board at [the  shark] like a barge pole.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   7 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How Much Should You Pay for a Click

You have a web site ready for action. Your product catalog, order tracking, credit card payment system, and fulfillment process are all in place. Now all you need is traffic! Many web entrepreneurs have learned that the magic nut to crack is attraction: get a steady flow of  customers who explore your site and eventually purchase goods. The overhead costs of most web businesses are minimal relative to brick and mortar stores. However, the variable marketing costs can over shadow sales revenues by orders of magnitudes. Unfortunately, unlike the saying in the movie Field of Dreams,

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   7 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Sex, Lies, & Videotape; Part 1

1 Corinthians 7:5-7:5 Sex ,Lies and Videotape. Part 1. Looking at the state of the world and the Biblical response. Intended for mature audience.1. Sex. The Bible tells us about the union between a man and a woman. How it was created by God to populate the world. The Bible  states that a man shall leave his Mother and Father and cleave to his wife. Noticing the phrasing in scripture on this subject, we see that the status of marriage and sex between man and woman, is proper in the eyes of God. Sex in marriage is honorable and righteous and the scripture states that the bed is un-defiled. A husband and wife are required by God to have a sexual relationship for this cause.1st Cor. 7:5, "Defraud ye not one the other,except it be with consent for a time,that ye may give yourselves-to fasting and prayer, and come together again, that Satan tempt ye not for your incontinency." This is to be observed unless the woman is in an unclean state. But that whores and whore mongers will be judged.Rightiouness is based on Gods word and not on the law of man. The physical makeup of man and woman was designed by God to reproduce mankind not for the pleasure of man himself. Man has tried to ruin the concept of sex using unnatural means to gain pleasure in his members. Man with man, woman with woman, and in some cases human with animal. The Bible speaks of sex in many ways, righteous and unrighteous. Adultery, Fornication, Incest, Rape, sodomy, Homo-sexuality, and Heterosexual. The scriptures state, that the wages of sin is death, and that's true.Male prostitutes were noted in scripture and every type of sexual sin resulted in destruction. Sodom, Gomorah, even in the temple of Jerusalem. 1Kings cpts 4-24, 2nd kings cpts 23-27, Det cpts 17,18,23. judges 19-22. If you notice in scripture God, not once ever stated that homo-sexuality, sex between man and man or woman with woman, was ever called good or acceptable. Can you ever imagine a world made up of same sex individuals? I can't, the concept or practice of such unions would eliminate mankind in one generation.We read of King David and his price for adultery, we read of Rape and incest, we read of Lot and his two daughters, even thou these were Heterosexual acts, they were also condemned by God. Sex or should I say a sexual union between man and woman, husband and wife, has been under attack, by the liberal side of society. Even cases of animal husbandry has been reported as far back as the 1500s. The Bible states that this type of behavior is damn-able.Same sex unions of any kind in scripture was condemned and the participants were put to death. Desiese is spread by unnatural unions and it seems that the world has forgotten the out break of A.I.D.S. in the United States and the death toll of those in Africa, which continues to mount. Not only does this type of union cause death in the body, it causes death in the soul of mankind. It a type of cancer that we can see and prevent, but states and even the national Government are trying to leagleise the sinful nature of man as he walks down the road to Hell. The Bible states that if a man does not take care, especially those of his own house hold, he has denighed the faith and is worse than an infidel. So what does this have to do with sex? The union of husband and wife, generally produces children and is a by product of sexual intercourse.When sex becomes more important that the children produced, it becomes sin, in the eyes of God. How can we say this, imagine the welfare state in the United States today. Imagine a married couple having 5 or 6 children and not being able to even feed themselves, none the less, the children that they keep producing. Africa and China are a good example. Thousand upon thousand of children are born each year and thousands die each day of starvation and desiese. This is against the law of God. Someone will answer to God for the innocent blood that is being shed each and every day, because of un-thoughtful sexual activity. Sex and marriage are ordained by God, if it coincides with the will of God.1st Tim 5:8 "And if any provide not for his own, especially those of his own household, he has denighed the faith and is worse than an infidel." This proves in scripture that we who have a sexual relationship with their spouse and produce children are held accountable by God to provide for them. This series of sermons are designed to get the church to acknowledge the word of God as the Ultimate source of Law in our members. No other law will ever overturn the law of Scripture.The Bible tells us to obey the law but it doesn't state that we must follow it, if it contradicts the word of God. Part 2 will be concerning, Lies and part 3 will touch on videotape in the lives of christian and non-christian people, and the results. By no means does this sermon cover all aspects of sex in christian lives but its a point where discussions always arise. And isn't that the best way for christians to learn, asking questions.Temple of Spirit & Truth Ministries A.R.Smith Sermons International http://www.ourchurch.com/member/a/arsmithsermons/

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   7 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right You?ve Created a Business Website: So Now What?

Congratulations! You and your designer have just finished creating your business website. It's live on the Internet, waiting for all of those hot prospects to visit and hire you.But, you hate just sitting around, waiting for things to happen. You feel like you should be  working on convincing potential clients to visit your site, but you're not sure what to do. We've developed a the following 5 strategies to get the word out about your website in a big way:1. Submit your site to the major search engines. If you tell them about you, they will come! Yahoo, Google and MSN are the most- used search engines, and submitting your site to these search engines is easy. You can even do a free, basic-level submission in many cases.Visit the following pages to submit your site:? Yahoo: Visit http://search.yahoo.com/info/submit.html? Google: Follow the instructions at http://dmoz.org/add.html to suggest your site? MSN: Visit http://search.msn.com/docs/submit.aspx?FORM=WSDD22. Exchange or establish links with other sites.Establishing a larger presence in the online community is the next step toward growing your brand online. Submit your website to professional organizations to which you belong, directories of the area where your business is located, business directories, and other sites, as appropriate.Links from outside sites to your own site are one of the elements that search engines look at when ranking your site. The general rule of thumb is that if high- quality, well ranked sites link to you, your site will be better ranked in return.If you have control over the text that is highlighted in your link, keep in mind that the search engines give extra weight to this text when ranking your site.So, embedding your keyword phrases into this part of the link would be to your advantage. Read more about this in our article about Search Engine Optimization.And, no discussion of linking would be complete without a final note on avoiding "link farms," which are sites that just include large directories of links. Link farms are viewed as spam sites by the search engines. Potential clients will be more likely to click through to your site from high-quality, individual sites and legitimate directories than from a link farm.3. Write articles about your area of expertise and post them to your website.Content is king when it comes to websites. It's been shown that more people will repeatedly visit your website if you have fresh content available. Adding an "Articles" section to your website and writing an article every month or every other month is a great way to entice visitors to return regularly. It's also a great way to naturally raise the keyword phrase count on your site, which can improve your Search Engine ranking. ? if you write articles about your area of expertise, you're bound to naturally use keywords and keyword phrases that would be a good match for your services.If you can't think of topics for your articles, a good way to start is to address some of your clients' most frequently asked questions. Create a list of those questions that your clients and potential clients always ask, and create articles that answer those questions. The added bonus in this is that you'll have ready-made answers to those questions, and you can just point clients to the article when those questions arise in the future.One important aspect of the article-publishing strategy is to create a compelling, keyword-filled "About the Author" section to include with all of your article publications. I suggest that you vary the text of this section from article to article, to make it relate to the article's content. I also recommend that you create "About the Author" sections of varying lengths ? when you submit your articles to other websites (see strategy 4), you may be able to submit longer "About the Author" sections to some websites or publications. Be sure to include a link back to your website in this section as well.Finally, be sure to have your articles proofread! Ensuring that your articles are grammatically correct is an incredibly important step towards extending a professional brand image online.4. Submit your articles to other websites for additional promotion.There are many sites online that specialize in listing directories of articles. If you include a link back to your website in your author's bio, publishing your articles on these sites is a great way to establish some links back to your website. And, other sites and eZines for publication may even publish your article!Many article directories will allow free listings under a basic membership, but you may consider upgrading your membership once you have published several articles.We recommend that you submit your articles to the following sites:? http://www.ideamarketers.com ? http://www.ezinearticles.com ? http://www.goarticles.com/ ? http://www.topica.com/ ? http://www.impactarticles.com ? http://www.amazines.com ? http://www.articlecity.com/If you don't have time to submit your articles to other websites, there are a few options to consider. To automatically submit to many article directories, you can use an Article Distribution Service, such as the one available at http:// www.virtualizeyourbiz.com. At $25 per article, it's quite affordable. The other option is to hire a helper or virtual assistant to do the submissions for you. Either way, submitting your article to several article directories will help to get the word out about your website.5. Create an email newsletter.Sending an email newsletter (or eZine) out to your database once a month or every other month is the best way to keep in touch with your potential clients and to keep your business brand at the top of their minds. It's best to send out is a newsletter that gives away a bit of free consulting ? some information about your area of expertise. This will earn you more respect than sending out a "fluffy" newsletter that is primarily trying to sell your prospects something. If you include information that your subscribers can implement by themselves, your subscribers will hold you in even higher regard.A newsletter also is a great way to gather prospects' names and grow a loyal "fan" base. Put a newsletter subscription box on your website. It's great to add the subscription box to every page if possible! Also include a note about your eZine in your email signature file, and in the "About the Author" section with all of the articles you send out when using Strategy 4.Many entrepreneurs insist that they don't have the time to write a newsletter. But, if you're already writing the articles we recommend in Strategy 3, then most of the work is done for you. Your newsletter is another great place for you to publish your articles ? with an article, and a bit of extra sidebar information and promotional copy, you've got yourself a complete newsletter.These five steps will expand your business's reach exponentially. Consistently use them over a period of time, and they will increase your credibility, leads and sales generated online.About the AuthorErin Ferree, Founder and Lead Designer of elf design, is a brand identity and graphic design expert. She has been helping small businesses grow with bold, clean and effective logo and marketing material designs for over a decade. elf design offers the comprehensive graphic and web design services of a large agency, with the one- on-one, personalized attention of an independent design specialist. Erin works closely in partnership with her clients to create designs that are visible, credible and memorable ? and that tell their unique business stories in a clear and consistent way. For more information about elf design, please visit: Logo design at http://www.elf-design.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   7 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Top 10 Myths About the Sales Profession

Myth 1: Sales People are all Shady!In the Broadway play "Death of a Salesman" Willy Loman was a down and out emotionally spent Salesman trying to understand his life after 34 years of traveling up and down the roads selling his products. The negative stereotype of a  Salesman is rooted deep into the subconscious of society. Images of the fast talking, scheming, shady, over-the-top, and high-pressure Salesperson make you feel uncomfortable. You definitely would never trust or make this dishonorable person your friend.I have personally seen salespeople portrayed negatively on children's cartoons such as Jimmy Neutron and Spongebob Squarepants! Evidence to support this negative stereotype continues to today and some sales professionals harbor these feelings restricting their ability to become stellar performers and have fun doing it. They mask this repressed feeling of choosing a

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   7 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Launching 400 UAVs from a Transport Plane

How to launch hundreds of UAVs for an autonomous mission from a transport plane. As we watched the MOAB parachute bomb drop out of a C-130 onto the desert and above the tunnels below into Afghanistan, it left the world in awe. Now then this parachute concept has another  idea. Launching UAVs, hundreds of them in swarms of 25 to 50, to overwhelm the opponent.Here is how it is done, the little cute UAVs are put into a bread rack type configuration but like a box made of plastic or composite. It is thrown out the back of the aircraft, okay see ya. Then the parachute opens. The UAVs are launched by relative wind as they dive down after release. Large propellers to start the motors since the motors would have high compression. Or the propellers would spin and break the small cellophane wall separating the chemicals in a little bag allowing them to combine and become a battery.As the box slows down and the parachute deploys air pressure from under the box would cause the bottom to fall out since it would be on a spring and simply pop off and fall to Earth or it could hang there in an open vertical position until the launching device hit the ground and the door hitting first would trigger and explosion destroying any un-launched aircraft and the box it self, if made of composite it would of course burn cyanide gas so no one would attempt to go near it until it was finally all burned up. As each floor released its aircraft then the next floor would spring back since all the weight of the UAV were gone and the relative air pressure from the slowly dropping parachute started the next set of UAVs on that floor.The falling UAVs would have some stability and of course dihedral and would simply start flying and the satellite would ping them to keep them flying where ever they were to go. Once in real close; each UAV would go to its exact target, usually five to six per target to be sure, low cost allows for this.Once the aircraft were dropped out the bottom their higher rate of speed and lower drag than the parachute would easily clear them and the lift from the wing would allow them lateral separation. A small tooth pick could have the horizontal stabilizer in the up position as a temporary trim tab which would come off as the aircraft increased its speed, but stay on long enough to clear the chute. This set up could be used in a C-130, C-5, C-141, C-17 with such ease it would not even be funny.You could even fly these UAVs in all directions and put flairs on them so they would have a big heat signature or pop out a piece of tin foil or drag a large metallic piece of crumpled aluminum to attract a radar and lock for anti-aircraft or SAM missiles and thus draw fire while AWACs watched pin-point targets and launched against all known radar sites, All because the enemy was fooled by model aircraft.There are hundreds of types of scenarios and uses for these devices. The cool thing is they do not even have to be viable, work or be operational. It simply sends your opponent in so many misdirectional scenarios it overwhelms them and makes them hesitate to act, thus not commit and gives you the superior edge to make your opponent question themselves.By flying UAVs with quarter mile spacing launched separately and turning them on in sequence you could mimic a flight speed of an F-18 and they would assume the incoming is a stealth which is remotely showing up occasionally or an F-18 coming in fast. Thus such a threat looks real and they have to turn on their systems to fire upon it. But it does not exist and all they will get after firing the SAM is a model airplane and have given away their position or possibly not even get the UAV, the one in the lead. Then you kill the SAM sight and turn the UAVs in another direction and keep going, they will never figure out what you are doing. Each time they simply at maximum get the lead UAV, which is relatively cheap considering you scored a SAM sight and will soon have air superiority for free basically.By launching UAVs in all directions with different signatures you could mimic an all out attack from the wrong location, while your enemy sends resources to fight the diversion you are attacking key targets within other territories. A few times of this and they will stop chasing ghosts and then you arm the little UAVs and use them. Or use a stealth with the similar mimicking signature and they think it is simply a dud crying wolf.You have to value the UAV scenarios. A weapon to prevent war, by eliminating threats which kill people on your team, making it easy to go in to get your exact target to serve your political will with no worries of reciprocal responses which will cost lives on your side. This is most perfect for regime change. No collateral damage and you do not even need a bunch of military lawyers deciding what a proper target is against an enemy who most likely would cut off the balls of one of your captured infantry and shove them in their mouth cut off the head and parade it around town. We are so polite in warfare yet our opponents so barbaric. War is hell and you must bring hell to you enemy.If your real enemy is the regime leaders, you must eliminate defenses and go get them ASAP, that is the best for all concerned and in that sense if war can ever be humane, as we kill members of our own species and continue this notion of war, then this must be the way it is done. Some day there will not be wars, although a man who would not be willing to fight for what they believe in is not a man, and therefore we must evolve into something else or all believe in the same thing. That same thing could be a religion if you will, a sense of Earth pride, World Nationalism provided we are all of one nation, or admit to ourselves we are all together and we are all of planet Earth. Or we need to unite the world as one and possibly all have a common enemy such as

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   7 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...