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عشق » پیام - صفحه 6

arrow right SENEGAL :: Autoroute à pèage

Construction d’une autoroute à péage entre Dakar et Thiès. Le projet d’autoroute à péage Dakar-Diamniado participe au réaménagement du territoire et à l’érection de nouveaux pôles de  développement économique et d’habitat.
Objectif principal
Décongestionner Dakar en assurant un déplacement rapide des biens et des personnes pour sortir et entrer dans Dakar et améliorer la mobilité urbaine dans l’agglomération dakaroise.
Situation actuelle

     Dakar, c’est 30% de la population (2,5 millions d’habitants) sur 0,3% du territoire (550 km2).
     La région de Dakar abrite 80% de l’activité économique en plus des fonctions administratives et politiques.
     Des besoins accrus de logement.
     La ville accueille 100 000 à 125 000 nouveaux habitants par an.
     Une circulation presque impossible aux heures de pointe.
     Une circulation globalement difficile le reste de la journée.

Bénéfices du projet :

     Réduire considérablement le temps des déplacements entre le centre de Dakar, sa banlieue et les villes voisines de Rufisque et Diamniadio grâce à des infrastructures modernes, sécuritaires et hautement efficaces.
     Accroître la sécurité routière et le confort des usagers empruntant le réseau routier.
     Favoriser un étalement de l’habitat vers l’est afin de réduire la pression immobilière et les problèmes de saturation au centre de Dakar.

> L’ouverture à la circulation du tronçon Patte-d’Oie–Pikine de l’Autoroute 

Pour informations complémentaires :
Projet Autoroute à Peage Dakar-Diamniadio 
Tel : (221) 33 889 44 89   
Fax : (221) 33 823 63 70 
Email : apix@apix.sn 
 > www.autoroutedakardiamniadio.com 
 > www.apix.sn

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: عشق   »   76 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 28/01/2010 22:54   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Tips on Practising with WoW Beast

In WoW, this is a good opportunity to try attacking a few mobs using your new pet to see what this is like. Here you can the cheapest wow gold. You will select a pet to keep for a long period of time once having complete all three beast taming quests, so you may want to see  if one of these three is right for you. You have 15 minutes to practise with each pet you tame during this quest series.

After you complete this quest chain, you can also tame other critters you find wandering about. Indeed, you can tame most any beast you can find, assuming your level(WoW powerleveling) is high enough, but you can only have one pet at a time with you. Later on you will want to learn all about the stable masters and, essentially, boarding your pet there, so that you can own multiple pets. 

This is also a good time to find out how your pet reacts when you change his status from Passive to Defensive or Aggressive. There may be times when you want your pet to stay by your side and not attack while you pull mobs, or not pull aggro from a mob, etc. Note that you do not have any beast training skills such as Feed Pet, Call Pet, etc at this point. You will not be able to feed your beast, so he will be unhappy with you and will finally run away if you do not dismiss him. That is all, thanks for reading and have a good hunting in our website.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: عشق   »   75 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 27/03/2010 04:36   »   توسط: edgfx

arrow right SENEGAL :: Le Gouvernement

Le Gouvernement comprend le Premier ministre, chef du Gouvernement, et les ministres. Le Gouvernement conduit et coordonne la politique de la Nation sous la direction du Premier ministre. Il est responsable devant le président de la République et devant le  Parlement dans les conditions prévues par les articles 85 et 86 de la Constitution.
Premier ministre

     Monsieur Souleymane Ndéné Ndiaye

Secrétaire général du Gouvernement

     Monsieur Papa Ousmane Gueye

 Ministres d’Etat

      Maître Madické Niang, Ministre d’Etat, Ministre des Affaires étrangères ; 
     Monsieur Bécaye Diop, Ministre d’Etat, Ministre de l’Intérieur ;
     Monsieur Abdoulaye Diop, Ministre d’Etat, Ministre de l’Economie et des Finances ; 
     Maître El Hadj Amadou Sall, Ministre d’Etat, Garde des Sceaux, Ministre de la Justice ; 
     Monsieur Abdoulaye Baldé, Ministre d’Etat, Ministre des Forces armées ; 
     Monsieur Djibo Leyti Kâ, Ministre d’Etat, Ministre de l’Environnement, de la Protection de la nature, des Bassins de rétention et des Lacs artificiels ; 
     Monsieur Karim Wade, Ministre d’Etat, Ministre de la Coopération internationale, de l’Aménagement du territoire, des Transports aériens et des Infrastructures ; 
     Monsieur Oumar Sarr, Ministre d’Etat, Ministre de l’Urbanisme, de l’Habitat, de la Construction et de l’Hydraulique ; 
     Maître Ousmane Ngom, Ministre des Mines, de l’Industrie, de la Transformation alimentaire des produits agricoles et des PME ; 
     Monsieur Diakaria Diaw, Ministre d’Etat, Ministre de la Fonction publique, du Travail, de l’Emploi et des Organisations professionnelles ; 
     Madame Ndèye Khady Diop, Ministre d’Etat, Ministre de la Famille, de la Sécurité alimentaire, de l’Entreprenariat féminin, de la Microfinance et de la Petite enfance.


     Monsieur Abdourahim Agne, Ministre des Télécommunications, des TIC, des Transports terrestres et des Transports ferroviaires ; 
     Professeur Amadou Tidiane Bâ, Ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur, des Universités et des Centres universitaires Régionaux et de la Recherche scientifique ;
     Monsieur Kalidou Diallo, Ministre de l’Enseignement préscolaire, de l’Elémentaire, du moyen secondaire et des Langues nationales ; 
     Monsieur Samuel Amete Sarr, Ministre de l’Energie ; 
     Monsieur Khouraïchi Thiam, Ministre de l’Economie maritime, de la Pêche et des Transports maritimes ;
     Monsieur Aliou Sow, Ministre de la Décentralisation et des Collectivités locales ; 
     Monsieur Thierno Lô, Ministre de l’Artisanat, du Tourisme et des Relations avec le secteur privé et le secteur informel ; 
     Monsieur Modou Diagne Fada, Ministre de la Santé et de la Prévention ; 
     Madame Thérèse Coumba Diop, Ministre des Biocarburants et de la Pisciculture ;
     Madame Fatou Gaye Sarr, Ministre de l’Agriculture ; 
     Madame Oumou Khairy Guèye Seck, Ministre de l’Elevage ; 
     Monsieur Serigne Mamadou Bousso Lèye, Ministre de la Culture ; 
     Monsieur Moussa Sakho, Ministre de l’Enseignement technique et de la formation professionnelle ; 
     Monsieur Mamadou Lamine Keita, Ministre de la Jeunesse, des Sports et des Loisirs ; 
     Monsieur Faustin Diatta, Ministre des Affaires sociales et des Relations avec les Institutions ; 
     Monsieur Sada Ndiaye, Ministre des Sénégalais de l’Extérieur ; 
     Monsieur Adama Sall, Ministre de l’Assainissement et de l’Hygiène publique ;
     Monsieur Moustapha Guirassy, Ministre de la Communication et porte-parole du gouvernement ; 
     Monsieur Amadou Niang, Ministre du Commerce.

Ministres délégués

     Monsieur Abdoulaye Diop, Ministre délégué auprès du Ministre de l’Economie et des Finances, chargé du Budget ; 
     Monsieur Khadim Guèye, Ministre délégué auprès du Ministre de l’Agriculture, chargé des relations avec les Organisations paysannes et de la Syndicalisation des agriculteurs.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: عشق   »   74 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 28/01/2010 22:47   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right je recherche une femme

Je suis très heureux de votre connaissance et je voudrais que vous Tbadelane le même sentiment à mon père que je fais et je suis heureux de savoir et je vous remercie pour votre message et je vous souhaite de prendre connaissance de ma lettre  à ce sujet et je vous promets que vous ne manquerez pas notre amitié ensemble convivial m'a promis de vous ... Mon site est (djilali140@yahoo.fr) ...

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: عشق   »   73 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 19/02/2010 22:20   »   توسط: djilalii140

arrow right Details on Atlantica Barracuda and Snapper

Here are some details on Atlantica Barracuda and Snapper: Barracuda Barracuda is known as Tiger of the Sea. Here you can get the cheapest Atlantica Gold. It feeds of silversides, needle fish, jacks, filefish, etc. Barracuda fish lives in reefs, wrecks of the Atlantic  Zone. The Barracuda body has a silver color and along of it's back has a dark green-gray color. They are predators because they feed of small fishes and some other food. They can weight around 9 pounds and 6 feet. They are found during the year in the warm water of the Caribbean zone as the Tortuguero Channel, Barra del Colorado, Parismina Beach, etc. Barracuda lives in reefs, wrecks of the Atlantic Zone. The Barracuda body has a silver color and along of it's back has a dark green-gray color.

Snapper Fish is generally a fish red with yellowish caudal, and a prominent and distinctive dark comma-shaped blotch which offers, it is simple name. By the way, if you want to buy professional Atlantica powerleveling, please go to our site and have a look, we have enough stock anytime. There are a variety of colors and shapes in this kind of fish. In Costa Rica, you'll find a lot of them. You can fish it around the country but in the Atlantic Zone, you'll find it easier. You can find the snapper on Tortuguero Channel or the Parismina Beach on the caribbean zone. However, Snapper Fishing has been controlled in the last few years. Hope it could help you more or less.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: عشق   »   73 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 15/03/2010 03:53   »   توسط: aass

arrow right Assassin Information In Last Chaos(part two)

Go on reading Assassin Information In Last Chaos: Skills/Passives The attack skills of the beginning can be maxed, you will forget those skills(Last Chaos Gold) in a few levels. Later, they become quite useless. It's important to max all your passives skills. Before lvl  31, it will take you 4,063 SP to max everything. The total amount to have a maxed Assassin is 28,986SP and is that you want all the production skills too, it's 32,787 SP.
Attack skills Advice!
Confusion and Dire Strike can be maxed too, but it's not all the rogues who use these. It's useful in party with other rogues, you can attack together and make great damages, but you won't use it a lot in solo. And since the mana cost is higher, you could keep your mana for better skills.
Double strike and Hyde Step are main attack skills. Hyde Step is more PvP based, because you need to be invisible to do it. Later, at lvl 102(Last Chaos powerleveling), you can get Fatal Blow, and it's quite deadly. 
Poison in PvE kills the hp regeneration of the mob. Your snare is more effective then the knight stun, but it seems to miss less then. You are trying to get a longer poison or snare lvl 6, like the others class, let's get across your fingers!

How to use your skills! 
The big difference you have with ranger is a skills that everybody would love to have. Death Motion!
Death motion is your life saver with the lvl 70 skill. Death Motion aka DM is a lvl 38 skills. Congratz, you can now solo what you want. Always put it on your hotbar. 400 Hp left? While you look at the beautiful sky, you can heal back, use minerals, all you want. Someone is calling you! Go answer to the phone. And remove your pet, or you'll come back with a dead pet to renew! You can stay in Dm for more than 1 hour of real time. Thanks for reading and have a good time.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: عشق   »   72 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 27/03/2010 03:48   »   توسط: aakk

arrow right Go on reading some NPC Lists details in Metin2: Stable Boy- He manages hors

Go on reading some NPC Lists details in Metin2: Stable Boy- He manages horses. Located in towns of Argos, Longdon, Netha, Maadi, Corinth, and Aswan Octavio- He owns a restaurant. Located in towns of Argos, Longdon, and Netha. Here you can get the cheapest Metin2 gold in  our website.
Fishermen- These guys are located throughout the towns of Argos, Longdon, and Netha. Go to them for information on fishing. They also sell fishing supplies.
Mirine- Her brother was killed while collecting herbs in Nula Valley. Located in towns of Argos, Longdon, and Netha
Ann- Buck's Wife. Located in towns of Argos, Longdon, and Netha.
Buck- Ann's Husband. Always reading books. Located in towns of Argos, Longdon, and Netha
Helen- Alice's Friend. Husband dead. Located in towns of Argos, Longdon, and Netha
Lin- Sage's student. Located in towns of Argos, Longdon, and Netha
Sage- Wise guy. Studying an ancient diary; manages OX event. Located in towns of Argos, Longdon, and Netha
Doctor Raphchel A doctor; manages alchemy. Located in towns of Argos, Longdon, and Netha
Scott- A potter. Located in towns of Argos, Longdon, and Netha
Beserk- Manages wars; unfortunately does not give out free beserk skillbooks. Located in towns of Argos, Longdon, Netha, Maadi, Corinth, and Aswan

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: عشق   »   70 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 27/03/2010 04:00   »   توسط: aaff

arrow right A Beautiful Day...

I'm dropping by because I wanted to say, "I hope you have a beautiful day," a day where hope and rainbows meet, and true love sweeps you off your feet; where all is sunny, and all is bright, with rays to fill your heart with light; a day that  brings
good things to you...
inspiration, and love,
and a dream come true!

Wishing you a beautiful day!

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: عشق   »   68 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 06/03/2010 01:45   »   توسط: Johanne

arrow right SENEGAL :: Le Conseil èconomique et social

Le Conseil économique et social (CES) constitue, auprès des pouvoirs publics, une assemblée consultative disposant d’une expertise dans les domaines économique, social et culturel. Le Conseil économique et social (CES) constitue,  auprès des pouvoirs publics, une assemblée consultative disposant d’une expertise dans les domaines économique, social et culturel.
Il est consulté par le Président de la République, le Gouvernement, l’Assemblée nationale et le Sénat. Il peut aussi, de sa propre initiative, émettre un avis sur l’ensemble des questions d’ordre économique, social et culturel intéressant les différents secteurs d’activités de la Nation.
Le Conseil économique et social favorise par son activité, une collaboration harmonieuse entre les différentes communautés et les différentes catégories sociales et professionnelles du Sénégal.
Il est un médiateur dans les conflits sociaux.
Une loi organique détermine le mode de désignation des membres du Conseil économique et social ainsi que les conditions d’organisation et de fonctionnement de l’Institution.

Président : Ousmane Masseck Ndiaye 
Adresse : 25, Avenue Pasteur, BP : 6100  DAKAR 
Téléphone : (221) 33 829 63 91

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: عشق   »   67 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 28/01/2010 22:47   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Guide for Archlord Accounts

We have seen a few threads over time where folks ask or want to know a member's Xfire account. So to consolidate all of that together, you can post your account here. Mine is zyriel - nickname is Vars. Feel free to send us invites. In terms of GameSpy Arcade, for example,  which is GameSpy's main feature, that finds servers for players in various games and connects the players to them, along with providing a huge online game(Archlord Gold) community. GameSpy is owned by IGN and a huge download service, Fileplanet.

Xfire's main feature is an in-game(Archlord powerleveling), another words, no minimizing the game's window instant messenger service for players in Archlord, some support for voice chat, along with providing a game time counter, while its forums and download service are just minor things. Only some little advertisments in the actual Xfire client. We just keep mine running all the time minimized.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: عشق   »   53 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 15/03/2010 03:50   »   توسط: aahh

arrow right quelle q\'un me repons svp

comment je peux efacè une photo dans ce site  svp...............................................................................................................................................................*************************************************/////////////////////////////////////////////////  

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: عشق   »   52 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 20/02/2010 23:58   »   توسط: Zikou

arrow right Part One: Archlord Guide for Point Gonglue

From receiving the activation code to play the ultimate Neice, and we feel really excited. To play a full class(Archlord Gold) DNF machinery, but also played 50 G CD, the three made me feel very fresh, and bang, full level 50, and now it anyone to the. Here I am referring  to the next experience in this job too.

Overlord characteristics: slow speed (clothing reduction, even if the wear is not too slow, do not have to get professional again acceleration, speed, or slow), attack speed slow (taking giant fist), physical defense is very high (all the same magic), weapons, physical attacks on high-skilled one, and evenstrokes gorgeous is limited. Famous three characteristics(Archlord powerleveling): Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku normal attack speed fast.

PK in the Overlord: start 40S pulling CD, ran down the location, the general situation, expert playing Overlord are resolved within 1 minute of the opening. Note: The Overlord can not hand out (slow attack), move slowly, do not get much better than professional distance and speed of the King, are by others,
"guerrilla warfare" soon resolved. Little chance of winning the general PK Overlord in Archlord.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: عشق   »   44 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 27/03/2010 02:40   »   توسط: aahh

arrow right Level 10-15 for Class in Flyff

Level 10-15 were the hardest levels(Flyff gold) in vagrant class for us to get through many think alike too. What you should begin leveling on is Lawolfs, Grownup Lawolfs, and Feferns. These get a little bit harder since you are higher levels and you do not hit a lot. We  would like to talk about jobs, money, and upgrades before we go ahead into the job change part of this guide, . In flyff, there are 4 basic jobs. The 4 basic jobs are Acrobat, Assist, Mage, and Mercenary.

Acrobat – Uses YoYo, and can use bow and arrows. Yoyo can knock back enemies. Assist – Uses stick or knuckle, With stick you can heal/buff people and knuckle you attack with. Mage – A basic magician, can cast various spells and do a lot of damage.  Weapons say slow, but that is listed for melee attack speed. By now you should have decided to what you want to become inFlyff. If you have not, look above.

Mages – The mage trainer is in Saint Morning and you need to go to the magic shop to buy a blinkwing to go to there. Assists–The assist trainer is in Flaris and should be easy to find. Mercenary – The Mercenary trainer is right by the Assist trainer. Acrobat – The acrobat trainer is in Darkon right next to where you teleport to after using a blinkwing.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: عشق   »   41 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 15/03/2010 04:28   »   توسط: aajj

arrow right Re-emphasizing necessity on Metin2 objectives

Here are some points on teach you re-emphasizing necessity on game objectives. In this thread, you can make it clear that the administrative setup and policy for Metin2 S.E.A. is to suit the adaptability of gamers in our region. You have not done any marketing about the  eventual launch of game S.E.A. in all existing Metin2 versions. In fact, you could have repeatedly advised players on 3 occasions in US official forum to stop spreading rumors and avoid such discussion. Therefore, the feasibility studies offered you a platform to negotiate with the developer to publish game in the region.

Besides MMORPG guides, our website offer the cheapest Metin2 yang service. Our company is not keen to publish any development plan or launch schedule for Metin2 S.E.A. as we consider ourselves to be in the preliminary stage. You are are only comfortable to make an official announcement, when the game is ready for Close Beta. You do not want to commit a date, knowing that there may be unforeseen circumstances arising from hiccups during implementation. Reasons why you can see information through the heretics forum, as you felt that the community here offer you the security and trust. Rather then to elaborate everything, sometimes it is better to keep your words simple. More words can create more confusion which will not help the Company to offer an awesome gaming experience.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: عشق   »   39 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 15/03/2010 05:04   »   توسط: aaff

arrow right Something About TCOS Tiles

The size of the tiles is specified when the texture is loaded. Then tilenodes are created that store the coordinates of the tile's location on the map, the tileset id and the tile id specifies which piece of that tileset determine what the graphic for that particular node  would be. So it's essentially like pasting a bunch of squares around the screen to make you level(TCOS Gold).

It allows for tiles of different sizes that are not required to be snapped to a grid of any kind. Transparency; and per-tile options, such as visibility, solid/not-solid, and so on. Also, a background for something like a classic space-shooter could be a single tilenode that takes up the whole map. It's pretty nifty because we could write a piece of code to read and write to a file the data that represents a map in TCOS, and when it comes time for drawing and such, the tilemanager helps automate everything.

We hope that better explains the purpose of the tilemanager. We hope for it to be quite useful for what we currently intend to do. We have decided to cut back on our original goal and first make a very simple 2D RPG and see how that goes. That should give us some more focus.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: عشق   »   39 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 20/03/2010 07:08   »   توسط: tgvff