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Vox Silentii

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Angeli, Archangeli, antiphon (1st Vespers, Feast of All Saints, 1 Novem

By: Vox Silentii
Album: Nox Lucis: Night of Light
Patriae: *****
Musicam: *****
Nulla: 2647623

Vox Silentii » Angeli, Archangeli, antiphon (1st Vespers, Feast of All Saints, 1 Novem

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Vox Silentii » In in album

Angeli, Archangeli, antiphon (1st Vespers, Feast of All Saints, 1 Novem
Christe Redemptor omnium, hymn in mode 1
Joseph fili David, mode VII (from First Vespers)
Alleluia, Post partum, in mode 4
Ad te levavi, introit in mode 8 for the 1st Sunday in Advent
Hodie Christus natus Est, antiphon, mode 1
Ave Maria, initatory in mode 7
O florens rosa, antiphon
Benedicamus devotis mentibus, versicle
Trina celi, hymn
Ex ore infantium, introit
Ave clara stella, sequence
Beata es Virgo Maria, offertory
Puer natus est nobis, introit
Quando natus est, antiphon
