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Arrow right Senegal - General Information

Mouhamadou-bamba : Senegal - General Information barrysennade : amytattoumanou : cutehassan-123raja : hassanarak : joyeux anniversairezlmine_bandu2_com : toi t moielisabeth52 : imagekandaya-kandaya : rienelisabeth52 : se cache derriere les fleuressisou-sarah : trooop mimibomma : Tarun Tahiliani collectionsara-oujda : mon cousin vec son fisTERRAS84 : jean-luc lahaye l'idole de mes reveselhoussine : fenouilsoufiane-elbie : MALAGUIhassan-123raja : tachkilahassan-123raja : raja

日付: 26/01/2010 19:52   -   によって: Mouhamadou-bamba   -   ビュー: 3190   -   カテゴリ: 女性たち

Official Name

République du Sénégal


Dakar (including Pikine) - population: 2,0m (1998)

Head of State

President  Abdoulaye Wade ( Elected March 2000)

National Currencies and current exchange rates

CFA franc (CFAfr) Average exchange rate in 1999 - CFAfr615.7: US$1; Exchange rate on 22 February 2002: FCFA 748.88 to US$ 1

National Day and other important days

1 January, 1 February (Confederation Day), 4 April (National Day), 1 May, 15 August (Assumption), 1 November (All Saints'), 25 December. Variable dates: Good Friday, Easter Monday, Ascension, Whit Monday, Eid Al-Fitr (Korite), Eid Al-Adha (Tabaski), Prophet's Birthday (Maouloud).

System Of Government

Unitary republic
Ethnic groups

 Wolof 43%, Pular 24%, Serer 15%, Diola 4%, Mandink 3%, Soninke 1%, European and Lebanese 1%, other 9%


French (official), Wolof, Pulaar, Diola, Mandingo


Muslim 92%, indigenous beliefs 6%, Christian 2%

キーワード: Senegal, information

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